Eshe - Dialogue

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Vue d'ensemble


  • I do what I can to keep the village safe and happy, but sadly I am only one woman.
  • Don’t just stand there. Make yourself useful or go loiter somewhere else.
  • I pray you have something worthwhile to contribute to my day?
  • Unlike most people, I can’t afford to dawdle for too long.
  • Aren’t we feeling bold today?
  • What is it?
  • Time is of the essence, especially for a busy woman like me.
  • A magistrate’s work is never done.
  • This had better be important...
  • Make it quick.
  • I suppose I could spare you a few seconds of my time.
  • I have things to tend to, best you make your case quickly.
  • It’s nice of you to stop by.
  • Oh good. Someone to talk to who DOESN’T give me a splitting headache.
  • Oh good, you’re here. I’ve been in dire need of some intellectually stimulating conversation.

Dialogue quotidien

Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante
Lady Kenyara Bahari, Kenli's foul sister, is the Duchess of the Bahari province..
Kenli was the rightful Duke of Bahari, but somehow Kenyara managed to snatch the title out from under him.
...and out from under me as well.
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I've been in a constant state of war with the Duchess for as long as I can remember.
One that started well before I married her idiot of a brother...
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Kilima may be a small village, but it comes with no shortage of responsibilities.
Every day, I thank the Dragon that I am the magistrate.
Let's just say the village would look very, very different if my husband were the one in charge.
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Kenyatta always complains that it’s too chilly for evening walks.
I keep telling her she needs to bring a sweater.
But she never listens.
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I feel quite ready to proceed with checking off all the boxes on my to-do list.
I got my required four hours of rest, as I do every night.
That’s the first check right there!
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There’s so much to take care of today, and so little time to take care of it.
Delaila’s late on her tax payments for the farm again.
Hassian wants the sernuk hunting season extended.
And I’m neck deep in paperwork.
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I’ve received numerous complaints about my daughter’s attitude.
Could you go to the front desk and remind her our family reputation is on the line?
Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante
I have to get through this paperwork in time to give my daughter her afternoon etiquette lessons.
Feel free to join in if you like, it seems like you could use all the help you could get in that area…
Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante
I stopped by your house on my rounds and I must say it is coming together nicely.
You must have me over for tea sometime.
Then I’ll get a chance to see if the interior is as well-appointed as the exterior.
Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante
It feels like just yesterday, the first Humans arrived in our village.
Now, they’re quite literally everywhere, from the farmost corners of our valley to the most improper of places.
Why, the other morning, I woke up to the sound of thundering footsteps on my roof!
How your kind manages to reach the most impossible places both alludes and infuriates me!
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I have to admit…interacting with you Humans has been quite the challenge.
But, it turns out, I liked being challenged. So it’s all worked out.
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Word has it that you’ve become quite the cook.
It just so happens that my household is in need of a chef. Just something to think about.
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I’ve seen how masterfully you wield your bow. Whatever Hassian has been teaching you is starting to pay off.
Perhaps the two of you together can do something about the chapaa infestation my husband caused.
Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante
I tripped on several bug-catching smoke bombs on my way up to the estate last night.
Tell your fellow Humans to exercise more care when throwing those things around.
Yes, they are biodegradable, and yes, the chapaas pick them up for us, but they're a safety hazard for anyone with high-heeled shoes!
Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante
I hear you’re making quite the earnings off your farm. Keep it up, and you might just put the Daiyas out of business.
...Don’t give me that look. I’m merely pulling your leg.
I have nothing but respect for the Daiyas. They’ve been members of our community for a long time.
Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante
As a magistrate, it's my job to oversee all permits, legislation, laws, bylaws, and ordinances...
I also maintain order by making sure those laws are properly enforced.
Better to ask what I DON'T do if you want a brief answer.
Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante
My husband asked me why I spend so much time patrolling the village.
If I don't keep trouble out of our community, who will? Surely not him!

Cut him some slack.
If I were to cut him any more slack, he would simply fall and bring me down with him!
What would become of our village then? Without a capable leader at its helm, it’ll surely fade into obscurity!

You're doing great.
Hmph! Of course I am. What do you take me for?
My parents were two of the greatest lawyers Bahari has ever seen. If there's anyone more suited for governing this village, it is I!

Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante

Are you okay?

Yoohoo, Palia to Eshe?



I'll give you a moment.

Okay, you're scaring me now...
Oh. It's you.
Don't you know when to leave a woman alone with her thoughts?
Go on. Shoo. Run off and continue doing whatever it is you Humans do.
Not leaving, are you? If I weren't so generous, I would have fined you for disturbing my peace.
I was... ruminating over the decisions I made in my youth.
Had I made different choices, my life might have turned out very differently.
I would be doing something else, someplace else, with someone else... and that is what plagues me late in the night.

Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante
My husband is supposed to help me manage the village as Mayor.
But unfortunately he’s too busy kissing babies and complimenting the neighbor’s shrubbery to do any real governance.
Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante
If you look into the distance, you can see the glow of Bahari City to the northeast and Harvest Meadows to the south.
Straight north is one of the most ancient sites in the region... the Elderwoods.
The Elderwoods?
You may have heard a few things about it by now. Namely, rumors of a creature that stalks the woods.
Poppycock, if you ask me!
Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante
You have an Air Type personality, don't you? You're the most mischievous of the personalities.
Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed today.
There you go, proving my point! Everything is a joke to you!
I could never keep up with your like, and I don't think I ever will...
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Look, you know I’ve started to grow fond of you. So, I’m saying this for your own good.
You need to learn to take yourself more seriously. If you don’t, nobody will.
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You have a Water type personality, don't you? Yours is the most virtuous of the four personalities.
You are guided by principle and empathy, and you wear your heart on your sleeve.
A few words of warning: not everybody has your best interests in mind, even those you consider "friends".


I'd like to believe otherwise.
It's only in your nature to. Just be careful who you trust with your deepest, darkest secrets. You wouldn't want them to hurt you with them later.

Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante
Most of my knowledge about governance came from my parents. The rest I gleaned through experience.
I want to pass that wisdom onto my daughter, who has been less than receptive to my tutelage.
It's for that reason I've entrusted the librarian with teaching her.
I've realized that even if she won't listen to me, she will listen to someone else.

Dialogue sur les cadeaux


Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante
 «  Requests Fur Fur  » 
Some of my furs could use some freshening up... ...and I do so dread dealing with Hassian. Could you perhaps fetch a few furs for me?
Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante
 «  Requests Bouillabaisse Bouillabaisse  » 
That Reth certainly has some nerve. I asked him to make a Bouillabaisse, which happens to be an autumnal favorite of mine. And he refused! Said there weren't enough people in the village with my refined tastes to make it worthwhile.


Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante
 «  Given Juniper Seed Juniper Seed  » 
Finally! We can plant some classy trees in this village. Pine trees are so gauche, don't you think?

Événements spéciaux

Maji Market

Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante

Hors du marché

I may be going about my duties as usual now, but tonight I'll be at the Maji Market.
Do not be mistaken. I won't be there for the leisure like most will be. My hands will be full ensuring the event runs as smoothly as possible.
I wish to report nothing but positive results to the Duchess at our next sub-council meeting!

Dans le marché

The Maji Market won’t be here for long. Enjoy it while it lasts.
My daughter continuously goes out of her way to make sure I know how unhappy she is running that cart.
When I passed by her earlier, she sighed so loudly that everyone turned to look at her – then at me, like I was responsible for her self-imposed misery.
I wasn’t even the one who asked her to manage that booth. If there’s anyone she should blame, it’s her father!
I imagine you received an invitation to the market from my husband?
I made sure he sent one to everyone in the area, but there’s a good chance that buffoon missed a few homes.
I once left him in charge of our wedding invitations and he forgot to include my parents, of all people!
I’m not surprised Hassian isn’t here, considering what an adversary he is of chapaas.
It’s a shame his mother hasn’t been able to make it, either. I imagine she must be busy with her work.
This is the first Maji Market that Kilima has seen in quite some time.
I thought I would revive the tradition just to see how well it does. Think of it as an experimental project, if you will.
If the experiment succeeds, perhaps it’ll return again, maybe even with something a little different.
And if it fails, I doubt we will see another one for a long time… possibly never again.
I was surprised at how many vendor applications I received for the Maji Market.
Most of them I approved. A few of them I did not, for various reasons, bribery being one of them.

You’d be surprised what lengths people will go to get their way.
Unfortunately for them, I’ve never been the type to bend to anyone’s will.

What did you do with the money?
I returned it, of course. I have no use for the shillings of hooligans.

Pendant le chaos du marché

You haven’t found anything worthwhile to show me from the market, have you?
All this tells me is that the Maji Market is doomed to fail. I should have known investing so much into it was a mistake…

Après le chaos du marché

I still find it hard to believe that boy is capable of making such a refined dessert, but I must give credit where it’s due.
It’s a shame that it’ll only be sold for a limited amount of time.

Parole du doubleur

Les paroles ci-dessous sont en anglais dans le jeu.

Début de Conversation

Niveau 1-2

  • Make your case quickly!
  • A magistrate’s work is never done.
  • Loitering is not allowed.
  • You humans are ever so needy.
  • Are you expecting me to amuse you?
  • You Humans and your culture of familiarity.
  • Make yourself useful.
  • This better be important.
  • Wasting a magistrate’s time is a serious offense.

Niveau 3-4

  • The burden of rule weighs heavy today.
  • A magistrate is always at the service of her people.
  • I do what I can, but I am only one woman.
  • Kilima’s wellbeing rides on my shoulders.
  • You seem to be settling in to village life.
  • Ah, I’ve been in dire need of stimulating conversation.
  • I’m quite glad to see you.
  • Ahh, someone who doesn’t give me a splitting headache.
  • Uh, I have a moment. Just a moment.

Fin de Conversation

Niveau 1-2

  • Hmph. I need to focus on more important things.
  • This chat was as important as I thought it would be.
  • Come speak to me again. After you’ve done… something.
  • City Hall is always there to help.
  • Try not to be so bold next time.
  • I’m busy! Figure it out on your own.
  • Mind your manners.
  • Ah, leave me to my duties.

Niveau 3-4

  • Now I must go back to cleaning up after Kenli.
  • Tell Kenyatta to stay away from that farm boy!
  • Ooh! How thrilling it is to converse with a non moron.
  • You’re very kind and compassionate. Like me.
  • I’m very busy, but time with you is never wasted.
  • For a public servant, work is never truly done.
  • If you need aid, my door is always open.
  • Well, I don’t entirely dislike these chats of ours.
  • That was not as boring as I thought it would be.
  • We must do this again.