Dialogue with Hekla about Gifts

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This page consists of written gift dialogue lines for Hekla.

After First Gift

  • Hekla is a Galdur and does not have a Luna Sign. She will not give a wallpaper.


  • Hekla is not interested in Starstones and will not accept them.


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Requesting Celebration Cake Celebration Cake

I often tell Jina not to indulge her desire to consume sweets.
But spoiling her a little can't hurt can it?
I would very much like to make her a cake. Alas, if I only had the time!

Requesting Cream of Mushroom Soup Cream of Mushroom Soup

Jina is quite a fan of consuming fungi.
Let me know if you make a soup using such ingredients.

Requesting certain Fish from Kilima Lake, Bahari Coast and Bahari Rivers

I wish I had time to engage in the act of luring fish from the water with a fishing stick.
I would love to make Jina an(sic) (Beluga Sturgeon / Chub / Black Sea Bass / Enchanted Pupfish / Painted Perch) for dinner.
But alas, going fishing would mean leaving her side...

Requesting Fried Catfish Dinner Fried Catfish Dinner

I wish I had time to engage in the act of luring fish from the water with a fishing stick.
If you happen to make Fried Catfish for dinner, I would love to share some with my Jina.
But alas, going fishing would mean leaving her side...

Requesting Grilled Meat Grilled Meat

I wish I had time to engage in the act of act of shooting projectiles at Sernuks!
I would love to make Jina some Grilled Meat for dinner.

Requesting Grilled Mushroom Grilled Mushroom

Jina is quite a fan of consuming fungi.
Let me know if you spot some, so I can prepare her dinner.

Requests For Other Villagers

Requesting Blueberry Pie Blueberry Pie, Celebration Cake Celebration Cake

Much to my surprise I found Jina often eats food, not for nutritional content, but for taste.
In fact, she's quite fond of (cake, pie), despite the fact it provides little value in the way of health.

Requesting Brighteye Butterfly Brighteye Butterfly

Jina pretends she doesn't care for beauty, only efficiency.
But I've seen her admiring a butterfly on more than one occasion...

Requesting Congee Congee

My Jina often forgets to consume sustenance.
Could you deliver a bowl of congee to her? It is imperative to her development that she stay energized.

Requesting Coral Coral

Jina is always digging at the beach.
Perhaps she is looking for coral?

Requesting Cotton Cotton or Cotton Seed Cotton Seed

I reminded Jina to pack more clothing for her journey to Kilima...
But she only brought one pair of leg coverings!
Perhaps if we had cotton, I could make her some backup leg coverings?

Requesting Dari Cloves Dari Cloves, Wild Garlic Wild Garlic

Jina often complains that her food lacks the requisite amount of taste.
Perhaps some (dari cloves, garlic) would help clear up the situation?

Requesting Dragon's Beard Peat Dragon's Beard Peat

Jina often complains that her food lacks the requisite amount of taste.
Perhaps some Dragon's Beard Peat would help clear up the situation?
Why do you look at me like that? "Earthy" is a desirable flavour, is it not?

Requesting Voidray Voidray

Jina was talking about a fish she would like to study called a Voidray.
Between you and me, they're nothing special.
But I think it's best to let Jina learn that for herself.


Missing dialogue for Specific Rejection and Specific Responses.

General Acceptance

It gives me positive feelings that you thought to bring me a gift.
Thank you. I shall add it to my collection of trinkets.


General Rejection

I have little use for such trinkets.
Perhaps Jina will enjoy it?

Duplicate Weekly Gift

Jina and I have no use for any more of these items.
I appreciate your efforts though.

Specific Rejection

Given ?


Specific Responses

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Given Black Sea Bass Black Sea Bass, Celebration Cake Celebration Cake, Largemouth Bass Largemouth Bass

This shall make a delicious treat for my Jina.
Many thanks!

Given Briar Daisy Briar Daisy, Sundrop Lily Sundrop Lily

These will really help brighten up the tent!
Between you and me, Jina could really use help when it comes to her interior decorating.

Given any Tree Seed

I sense so much potential life in this tiny package.
I shall make sure I nurture it to adulthood!