Casual Dialogue with Hekla

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This page consists of written daily dialogue lines for Hekla.


ChapaaChuckle.png This article or following section is likely to contain spoilers! Please proceed with caution.
There is a presence on the smaller moon that I did not register until the Humans reemerged.
I sense the presence is powerful... almost powerful enough to rival that of the dragon on the moon.

I am equipped with many cooking routines from the Human era.
Unfortunately, nearly all of the species involved in said nutrient preparation are extinct...

The Sun is quite aesthetically pleasing.
I never saw it until Jina freed me from excess item storage.
I only had the knowledge of it from the teaching module built into my runeworkings. And from the whisperings passed on from the other Galdurs in my mind...

There is a slight chillness in the air today
If Jina catches a cold, I will make sure to have a cup of hot peki soaked water on hand.
My research suggests that hot peki soaked water does much to alleviate sniffles.

To better understand Jina, I have programmed my limbs so that they grew weary when I performed work over time.
I now wish to turn this subroutine off.

I have not yet beaten Einar at cards, but I can be patient.
He has had hundreds of thousands of years to practice and I have only been awake for two years.

I finally beat Einar at cards! I do believe he let me win, but a victory is a victory, is it not?

For Humans and Majiri, the night is dimmer than today. But for Galdurs, it is brighter.
The Flow emitted by the twin wells of the moon are much brighter than the light provided by the sun.

Be careful when travelling to the Elderwoods.
There is a creature made of a substance that is like Flow, but is not Flow in these woods.
I do not yet know what to make of it.

Jina seems very absorbed in her work at the moment.
I must admit I hope you will provide a pleasing distraction.
Being too obsessed with work is not good for mental health…

Do not distract me. I am monitoring Jina’s breathing patterns.

I sense we find a common Oneness is[sic] caring for people we love.
That is all I can really look for in a companion.

Just because Jina and I argue sometimes that doesn't mean I don't still Long to protect her.

After a certain dialogue with Jina

I heard Jina tell you about how I was found. Please do not spread word of it to the other Humans.
I shudder to think what will happen to me if it is discovered I outlived my Oneness.

Based on answering a Oneness question previously

I found a new book in the library on the mating habits of Leafhoppers.
I thought you might find the topic interesting since you said science is your Oneness.

Hekla asks The Player Questions

Tell me, do you know of your Oneness?

You are lucky. Most Humans do not know of their Oneness.
Be sure to engage with your Oneness for as long as you can...if you lose it you shall become lost.

That is unfortunate. Although...maybe that opinion is just my own personal bias.
Many Majiri seem fine without a Oneness.

I’m not sure.
Then you have not found it.
Once you find your Oneness, you will know.

Missing path for Air dialogue.
The book Jina is currently reading is about the ancient Human language.
I have told her I can always translate, but she wishes to take the difficult road and do things on her own.
Do you think she is trying to rid herself of the need of me?

Of course not!
You are right. Simply learning to read ancient Human will not rid Jina of her need of me.
She would also need to learn to interpret flow patterns. Thank you. I am greatly relieved.

I don’t know... maybe.
Information Needed

Unlike other Galdurs, I have no memories of what this place was like before due to the thousands of years I spent in excess item storage.
I suppose I will have to use my imagination.
Perhaps this area was once a great factory devoted to the production of shiny pebbles.
What do you think?

A School
Silly! Why would Humans need schools when they made Galdurs to teach them everything they need to know?

A Great Palace
A palace for who. Why would Humans need a ruler when they had Galdurs to make decisions for them?

A Bustling City
If that was once a great city, where did all the Galdurs go who ran it?

Missing path for Fire and Earth dialogue.
Lately, I have become morbidly preoccupied with thoughts of expiration. Tell me, do you fear expiration?

That makes sense. If were organic I too would shiver at the thought of expiring.

I fear nothing!
Information Needed

Death is a part of life.
Information Needed

I try not to think about it...
A wise approach.I[sic] sometimes wish I had control over my own thought processes.
But I sadly cannot switch a process off once it's introduced...even if it disturbs me.

Missing path for Air dialogue.
From my time in the vault, I have developed a fear of tight spaces and the dark.
I was wondering if you might have any suggestions on overcoming these fears.

Talk about your feelings.
Good suggestion. I am conferring with Einar about my fears now. It turns out he has a fear of large empty spaces... and the color charteuse.

Lock yourself in dark, tight spaces.
That sounds challenging, but I suppose it's good to face my fears head on. I shall travel back to my vault and see if spending time there makes me less afraid of it.

Ignore your fears. Be brave!
I do not know if I would consider ignoring my fears to be bravery. But, I shall take your advice and try to work through them.

Picture the dark in it's underwear.
Information Needed

Specific Time

In the morning

I prepared Jina a nutritionally balanced breakfast of proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates.
But then she told me she was too busy to eat. *sigh*

Jina's sleep has been restless lately.
I suspect it has something to do with her fears she will never become a full scholar.
I have tried to reassure her, but I think I may have to wait for time to heal this wound.

At Night

Jina and I must return home to make sure she gets her requisite rest.

The darkness reminds me of my time in excess item storage.
Please, do not tell Jina I told you this.
I do not want her to despair over my despairing.

Specific Location

At the Library

The librarian keeps giving me furtive glances.
I cannot tell if she is suspicious of my presence or if she is simply curmudgeonly.

I wonder if there is a book on juggling in this library.
I have always wanted to learn to juggle, as I hear it brings much enjoyment.

It will soon be time for Jina and I to head back to camp, but not yet.
For now, I enjoy basking in the presence of others.

Inside/Outside of Hekla's Tent when Jina is sleeping

Shhhh! Do not disturb Jina.
If she does not rest her requisite number of hours, her mood is quite impaired by morning.

Friendship Level 3-5

Friendship Level 3 or Higher

Have you yet found the vault where I was first awakened?
It is just over the hill over there. My master's things are no longer in the area...well, besides me.
I suppose I am still one of her things, even though she is no longer living..

Friendship Level 4

Missing dialogue.
I was created with the desire that I form an attachment to only one being.
But I have now formed an attachment to you as well. It is confusing.
But it is nice.

Higher Friendship With Other Villagers

With Jina Profile.png Jina

(Player), I have intercepted a message originally intended for Jina.
It is an invitation to the marriage ceremony between someone she used to have romantic feelings for and someone whose company she finds irksome.
The irksome person used to tease Jina mercilessly at the academy. I know Jina would not be happy to learn this person is engaged to her old prospective flame.
I do not know if I should show her the invitation or hide it.
On one hand, I do not want to hurt her. On the other hand, I don't want to hide anything from her.


Jina should not have to experience pain. I shall hide the letter.


Follow up to Options 2/3

I believe your advice led me to an error.
Jina found found the letter I hid under Now she is angry with me. [sic]

Sorry I gave bad advice.

You should have hidden the letter better.
It doesn't matter who is at fault here. Even though it is obviously you...
I need to help Jina get ready for the wedding.

It doesn't matter who is at fault here. Even though it is obviously you...
I need to help Jina get ready for the wedding.

I hope she isn't mad at me too.

Follow up

Jina and I recently returned from the wedding of her two acquaintances. It was not as depressing as I feared.
She told me that after talking to you she decided to speak with her friend.
She discovered that her friend's spouse has grown since they were younger, and only bullied Jina because of their own insecurities.
They talked of old times, and mingled, and ate cake.
It was a nice evening. Though I could have made better cake.

Quest Related

After Hekla's Friendship Level 2 Quest: Quest Icon.png Item Procurement

Thank you for bringing me the items I requested. I hope you enjoyed your shiny pebble.

The buttons you brought were acceptable.
I would have preferred two that were the same size, but I suppose I didn't really specify.

If you are curious about what I did with the basket and potato you brought... please don't ask me.
The matter is... what would you call it... private.

After Hekla's Friendship Level 3 Quest: Quest Icon.png Potato Shrine / During Hekla's Friendship Level 4 Quest: For the Record

Please don't ask me why I have blocked out communications with Jina.
The topic is too painful to discuss at the moment.

After Hekla's Friendship Level 4 Quest: Quest Icon.png For the Record

Can I ask if Sona's toy is making a suitable companion?

She is.
That is good. Tell her that I miss her...but that I am glad she is in good hands.

...I tossed her.
Oh dear. I am not prepared to handle this.
You have shielded me from this information with a comforting falsehood.

Don't tell Jina, but I hide [sic] the Sona tablets while she slept.
I don't want her to send them back to the Institute.

After Hekla's Friendship Level 5 Quest: Quest Icon.png Funeral Potatoes

What do you think Jina would like for her Expiration Rememberance [sic] Ceremony?
I thought she might like to be sent to the Veil with her favorite books.

Jina isn't going to die soon!

Why are you thinking about this now?
Well, after Sona's expiration, I thought it best to be prepared. After all, what good friend wouldn't plan another friend's funeral? I have yours already sorted out!

This seems premature.
What you call premature, I call being prepared! After all, what good friend wouldn't plan another friend's funeral? I have yours already sorted out!

She might also like mushrooms.
Good idea. I will add Brightshrooms to the list of objects to prepare.

After Quest: Quest Icon.png Secret Depths

I am glad the Gardener eventually saw reason.
I would not have liked to engage my security protocols.

Missing Fire, Earth, Water dialogue.
You are probably wondering what I said to the Gardener to get back Einar's functions.

Such knowledge is useful.
Information Needed

That whole thing was pretty wild!
Information Needed

I'm glad you saved our friend.

Not really...
I will assume you are joking and continue.
I did not actually have to force the Gardener to comply, I only had to show him of my experiences with Jina.
As a caretaker, I am meant only to care for children until they come of age.
Jina has already become old, and yet, we still remain vital to each other.

This made him see his concept of Oneness can be limiting, and that perhaps accepting a more flexible Oneness could be of use.

After Quest: Quest Icon.png The Gardener's New Oneness

It is pleasing to see the Gardener embrace his new Oneness... as a gardener.
I wonder if he also has a Oneness for wordplay.

After Found Item quest Quest Icon.png Best Foot Forward

Thank you for returning my friend's old foot.
He has recently come back online and I have discussed the possibility of returning it to him.
Sadly, he is currently unreachable as he is buried deeply underground. It would take many months to excavate him.
But maybe someday that will change and we can deliver the foot together.
Though I don't know if that will do much good as he is currently without legs.

After Einar's Friendship Level 5 Quest: Quest Icon.png The King's Voice

Missing Air and Fire dialogue.
Einar shared with me the journey you went on to find out more about his Creator.
I never met Einar's Creator, but I know he meant a lot to him.

Yeah, he's really going through it.
Information needed

His Creator sounds awesome.
Information needed

I think there's more to uncover.
Yes, Einar told me about this "mirror protocol". I have not heard of it. But I will be on the lookout for additional information.

I mostly did it for the rewards.
I believe helping friends to be its own reward! Perhaps in time you will come to understand this view. You are still young after all.

After Quest Icon.png The Green-Eyed Galdur

Missing Fire, and Water dialogue.
Hello, have you and Jina been doing archaeology without me?

So what if I have?
Information needed

No, you're always right behind her.
Well, if you want me to leave so that you can adventure alone with my Jina that is okay.

Would that upset you?
Information needed

Yes, we discovered a lost city.
Oh, that sounds exciting. It is also something that I am totally okay with an [sic] not upset about at all.

I thought about it and I realized that sometimes you and Jina can go on adventures along just like we went to save Einar from the Gardener alone. That is how having multiple friends works.
Or at least, that's what my reading on the subject says...
I do ask if you go on adventures with my Jina alone that you remind her to bring a jacket. It can get chilly in old ruins.

Pin Reactions

Missing dialogue.

(Villager)'s Pin
