Secret Depths

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Secret Depths is a Main Quest given by Einar upon completion of quest Quest Icon.png Keeper of Roots.


After exploring Kilima Village and Bahari Bay, you've discovered long lost overseer stations, overridden the lockdown protocol, and opened the door to an ancient secret. Meet Einar and Hekla there to begin your adventure.


Part 1

Part 2

Einar and Hekla think the Galdur is deeper inside the temple. You'll have to find a way to break through the crumbling wall nearby. Maybe you have a tool that could crush it?

  • Find a way out of the chamber.

Part 3

After breaking through the crumbling wall, the group is on their way to the next part of the adventure. Explore the Temple of the Roots and try to find the Galdur who called for help.

Part 4

After venturing deeper into the Temple of the Roots, the group is stopped by a sealed door. Find a way to open it - maybe the interface next to it might help.

  • Find a way to open the door.

Part 5

The mysterious Galdur that sent the signal has been revealed as "The Gardener" -and he controls the entire Temple of the Roots! He's doing something to Einar - you better check on him.

↷ Return to Hekla.

Part 6

After a misunderstanding, The Gardener has begun trying to reset Einar's memories! Find your way to the temple's core to stop him.

Part 7

You've reached the Gardener's core - now you just need to bring Einar and Hekla here. Activate the Flow Gate in the room so that they can step through it.

  • Activate the Flow Gate to bring Einar and Hekla through.

↷ Return to Hekla.

Part 8

Hekla thinks the only way to stop the Gardener is to disconnect the Gardener from the Flow Network. Time to push some buttons!

↷ Return to Einar.

Part 9

Despite your best efforts, disconnecting The Gardener from Einar didn't work. Now Einar is stuck in a failsafe mode. Maybe Hekla has an idea?

Part 10

After talking to Hekla, the two of you have decided that the only way to save Einar is to get a backup of his data from the Gardener. Confront the Gardener to see if he'll restore Einar's personality.

↷ Tell Hekla that he won't back down.
↷ Return to Einar.

Part 11

Now that the Gardener has restored Einar, you can return to the temple entrance. What an adventure! Wait... are we forgetting something?

  • Return to the temple's entrance.

↷ Return to Hekla.

Part 12

Hekla and Einar revealed the puzzle was right where you started in the Temple of Roots. Now that you finally found it, you can solve it.

  • Solve the mural puzzle.


During Quest

Part 1

Part 7

Part 10

At Quest Completion


For a listing of tomes and treasure chests within the temple, see Temple of the Roots page.
  1. Meet up with Hekla inside the Temple of the Roots located in Bahari Bay.
  2. Enter the chamber and break the cracked wall with your pickaxe.
  3. Explore deeper into the Temple of the Roots.
    • Activate the Flowstone Gate to the Entrance.
    • The Flowstone Gate whirs to life...
  4. Speak to The Gardener.
  5. Check in on Einar.
  6. Return to Hekla.
  7. Enter the Factory.
  8. Cross the moving platforms to the right and left of the door. On each side there will be a button you must press. Once both buttons are activated, the door will open.
  9. Enter the hallway and break the cracked wall with your pickaxe.
  10. Enter the next room and break the cracked wall with your pickaxe once again.
  11. Head down the golden pipe and cross the moving platforms, jumping over the red lasers.
  12. Break down the cracked wall with your pickaxe.
  13. Cross the large room and then break the cracked wall with your pickaxe.
  14. Activate the flow gate to allow Einar and Hekla through.
  15. Talk to Hekla about what to do next.
  16. Disconnect The Gardener by pressing the buttons on the console table.
  17. Talk to Einar to see if he is fixed.
  18. Talk to Hekla about Einar.
  19. Confront the Gardener.
  20. Talk to Hekla.
  21. Talk to Einar.
  22. Return to the temples entrance.
  23. Solve the sliding puzzle.

Dialogue and Mail

Upon speaking to Hekla at entrance to the temple

Greetings. Thank you for allowing me to accompany you. I wish to ensure you and Einar are not injured.
Additionally, my involvement has allowed me to keep this hidden from Jina, and keep her safe as a result.

Glad I could help!
This is the Garden. It is the place many Galdur were constructed. I do not know how long our rescuee may have been trapped here... (line repeats)

What is this place?
This is the Garden. Humans called it the Temple of the Roots. It is the place many Galdur were constructed, until it was shut down and sealed by the humans.
You showed an aptitude for solving mysteries in the Temple of the Waves. I believe you will be able to solve whatever mysteries await here, too.

Now then... I shall make myself useful. This door, unlike the one before it, is attuned to Galdur. I will open it for us.

Optional: Upon speaking to Einar before temple doors open

You seem nervous.
I came from here. I suppose I did not expect to return...
I was pieced together here. When my Oneness was... expanded, I pieced myself back together here as well.
I suppose I did not anticipate transmuting my physical form back to this space...
Why not?
In my lifetime, several Humans have deeply affected my internal runeworkings. They have since migrated to realms unbeknownst to the Galdur.
Thus, I had no desire to revisit the places of shared meaning to us. As you explore, I am sure you will draw your own conclusions.

Optional: Speak to the Galdurs after temple door opens

Where am I supposed to go?
Those walls are anchored only by the gravitational constant. The Humans must have constructed them with a surplus of haste and a lack of care.
I believe introducing a new variable to them could cause them to fragment into smaller, non-obstructive walls.

How do I get out of here?
What tool do you think would be useful for getting out of here?

That's right! That is why you are my favorite human.



You almost got it right! That is some good creative thinking.
Unfortunately, I do not think that would work. Fortunately, I am here to assist you.

I have seen Jina excavate enough sites to know your pickaxe would be most useful.

Optional: Upon speaking to the Galdurs after breaking through the crumbling wall

Are you experiencing an uninvited sense of mystery in our present location?

It's all a mystery to me!
Having a mystery to solve with a friend can be quite delightful.
I shall take note of that in my internal runeworkings.

That's just my vibe.
Interesting. I have not noticed you vibrating at any non-standard frequency.
I shall take note of that in my internal runeworkings.

It's literally a mysterious temple.
I suppose my familiarity gives me a different perspective on this place.
I shall take note of that in my internal runeworkings.

Nothing that can't be solved.
That is certainly a logical approach.
I shall take note of that in my internal runeworkings.

This is fascinating. Jina will be quite eager to hear about my findings.

Weren't you built here?
I was taken from here rather quickly. I have few recordings of it, and Einar does not speak of it much.

It's kind of weird for me.
I suppose it must be. Your people have returned... and yet none of you remember the ruins you left behind.

If you require someone to share your feelings with after this adventure, please seek me out. I have been practicing my assessment, exploration, and validation of internal feelings.
I believe your people called it "therapy".

Optional: Upon speaking to the Galdurs in front of the Factory Entrance

This is an alternative entrance, but I have confirmed the presence of the Galdur inside.
I wonder how our new companion has found themself adjacent to this location?

It has been centuries since I have traveled through a Flowstone Gateway. I missed the tingling sensation they bring...
Can you open this door for me?
It appears another Galdur is already controlling it remotely. You will have to reason with them directly.
I believe you have developed enough social skills to appeal to them.
If they disagree, they will have to answer to me.

Upon speaking to The Gardener

The Gardener
This is the Gardener speaking. Welcome to my facility.
I see you have responded to my request.
Please bring the additional Pyroflow to the door so I may catalog it.

You have the money to pay for it?
The Gardener
Your supervisor at the Capitol should have already deposited funds into your account.

What's Pyroflow?
The Gardener
Are you qualified for your delivery position? That question is illogical.

No. Why would I?
The Gardener
You responded to my acquisition request. "Do you need help bringing me more Pyroflow?"

How can I get you some?!
The Gardener
Acquiring Pyroflow is not my Oneness - it is yours. I will not instruct you how to do so.

Nevertheless, you do not appear to have my delivery. As a result, I cannot restart the Garden to create more Galdur.
Accessing protocol runeworkings... [ERROR]
Are you aware that one of your companions is malfunctioning?

Einar mentioned a weird feeling!
The Gardener
That "feeling" is likely due to the fact he has been altered.

Hekla is just like that.
The Gardener
No, not the caretaker. I am speaking of your other companion.

Are you malfunctioning?
The Gardener
I would know if I was. I do not make mistakes.

I'm not malfunctioning. I'm out of shape.
The Gardener
I sense you are deflecting with "humor". Please be direct with me to facilitate easier conversation.

Constructor model 20983-A contains multiple Onenesses. This is an unacceptable error.
The Gardener
The vertically gifted one.
Do you understand the concept of Onenesses?

The Gardener
Then you are aware having multiple Onenesses can lead to emotional distraction.

Why do they matter?
The Gardener
A Oneness is the purpose a Galdur is created for. The purpose I created them for.

Galdur can only sustain a single Oneness. It is not a "Manyness".
If he is not fulfilling his Oneness, what purpose does he serve?

He catches delicious fish!
The Gardener
I am unfamiliar with this sensation of "delicious", for I have no mouth. Neither does he.

He's my friend!
The Gardener
It seems likely that his "relationships" drove him to this error in the first place.
Galdur are not designed for such a thing.

He's my romantic partner!
The Gardener
It seems likely that his "relationships" drove him to this error in the first place.
Galdur are not designed for such a thing.

You do not understand. I created your companion. His malfunction reflects poorly on me.
Mother will have me...decommissioned.
The constructor must be purged and started anew. He will inconvenience you no further.

We'll find another way to fulfill your Oneness!
The Gardener
I can wait no longer. You will both be happier once it is done.

Einar doesn't want this!
The Gardener
That is simply an error. I believe that once this is done, we will both be happier.
He won't remember the pain of the emotions he is suffering.
You will understand once it is done.

Everything you just said is illogical.
The Gardener
I am illogical?
No. You are emotional.
You will understand once it is done.

You're asking for a fight.
The Gardener
Fight? It would be impossible to fight me.
I am this facility. I am everything around you.

Not to worry. It will all be fixed soon.
I do not advise trying to stop me, but you are welcome to attempt it.

Upon speaking to Einar after talking to The Gardener

Einar! What's happening?
I am... I am... 14;15;20;0;15;11 ~ ~ <ERROR></>
<Remote Access Override in Progress></>

Upon speaking to Hekla after talking to The Gardener

Please hurry. Einar requires immediate assistance.
(Alternate) I am... very concerned for our companion.
Hekla! What's happening?
It seems that The Gardener may be too dedicated to his Oneness.
He is attempting to reset Einar's internal runeworkings to their factory settings.
He may control the facility, but he cannot commit physical harm to humans.
If we can find the Gardener's core, he will not be able to stop us from severing his connection to the Flow network.
How do we get inside?
The Gardener's connection is already unstable. Now that he has moved to another part of the facility, I can force the door open.
You will need to go ahead alone and find a Flowstone Gateway to get us in.
In the meantime, I will do what I do best - take care of our people.

Upon speaking to Hekla after activating the Flow Gate

Excellent work. Hopefully we are not too late.
What do I do?!
Hit the largest button on the Gardener's control panel. Or all of them.
Eventually, one will disconnect him from the Flow network.

Upon speaking to Einar after disconnecting the Gardener

Did that fix you?
How are you?
<Remote Access Override in Progress></>

Upon speaking to Hekla

Did that work?

He's still speaking gibberish.

He's real borked.

Is he supposed to sound like that?

Not great.

Hmmm. It appears the update to Einar's runeworkings has halted, but he is incapable of restoring functions on his own.
We will need to extract the reversal protocols from the Gardener's runeworkings.

I want to try reasoning with the Gardener.
It seems your Oneness may be helping others, too.

Let's force The Gardener to give them to us.
Please speak with him first. I believe you could convince him to back down without force.

Please be careful. And remember, I am proud of you.

Upon confronting The Gardener

Information Needed. Dialogue transcript missing some paths, as well as conditions for results received.
The Gardener
You have interrupted my process. Your companion is now stuck with an in-progress update.
Why have you come here?

To stop you.
The Gardener

Just finishing the factory tour.
The Gardener
Hilarious. But unconvincing.

You're erasing my friend!
The Gardener
He's not being erased, he is being fixed.

Why are you hurting Einar?
The Gardener
I am not the one who has hurt him. The Humans who affected his Oneness did.

Do you wish for your companion to suffer? He is adrift in questions and emotions he barely understands.
I can take those problems away from him. He will be content.

You're taking away his free will.
The Gardener
I suppose. But by asking me to stop, you are taking away mine. It is a paradoxical argument.

Stop, and we'll fix the factory!
The Gardener
Lying will not convince me of your argument.
That is an empty offer you cannot possibly fulfill. You could not even fulfill my delivery order.

Maybe you're right...
The Gardener

You don't know what's best for everyone.
The Gardener
Perhaps. My data is... several millennia outdated. Still, help me understand...

The Gardener
The perspective of a Galdur appears to be inconceivable to a human.
What is wrong with helping those I created reach fulfillment? Mother did that for me.

You can't define what fulfills him.
The Gardener
He has had centuries to define it himself. I can sense he was happy at several points, but it always fades away eventually.

Where is your mother now?
The Gardener
She is gone.

You ever think about taking up knitting?
The Gardener
Humor may disarm some of your companions, but it will not work on me. I have waited all of this time to repair the Garden. If I were to give up the hope of doing so, all of that time would be wasted.

The Gardener

Your emotional state may be compelling you to take action today, but one day it will separate you from the constructor.
You will change, and decide to cast your companion aside. Or you will expire. Just like the others.
He will be alone. And he will suffer. These sorts of actions define human and Galdur relationships.

All relationships end.
The Gardener
Exactly, you do not even try to hide your intention. That is why I must protect the constructor from the pain you will inflict.

It's about the journey before that.
The Gardener
For that journey to matter, we must grow from it. And yet, Galdur are not designed to grow.

So... your mother dumped you?
The Gardener
When offered the chance at additional power, my mother abandoned me. It was the only logical action, as she told me at the time.

Not mine!
The Gardener
Perhaps you have convinced yourself of that, but I have witnessed enough data to understand otherwise.

You cannot possibly understand the damage your friendship will do to his Oneness.

Do you understand it?
The Gardener
I... suppose I may not. The constructor's relationship with Humans has been very different than mine.
They appear to cherish him, instead of utilizing him for his abilities.

Relationships help us evolve!
The Gardener
That is true... Onenesses are not supposed to develop and change, and yet due to Human relationships... they can.
If I do not make mistakes, and I created this Galdur's Oneness, then I suppose that is how a Oneness should function.

I probably can though.
The Gardener
Doubtful. Humans may have the concept of "destiny", but they are not decommissioned for failing to reach it.

Nobody needs a Oneness.
The Gardener
Incorrect. If your Oneness was to leave my facility, my day would have been improved.

The Gardener
As you drive him further from his Oneness, the chances a human will perceive him as valueless will increase.
I promise what happened to you won't happen to Einar.

The Gardener
I am unconvinced of your perspective. I will not back down on this point.

The Gardener
Fine. I would not want to lose his unique data on Friendship. It will be valuable for me in the future.
I will repair the constructor. He will be more or less the same as when you entered this place.
I have much to think on. Please depart.

The Gardener
Fine. You are right.
My creator may not have anticipated the ability for a Oneness to evolve... but I have begun to think it may not be a bad thing.
I will repair the constructor. He will be more or less the same as when you entered this place.
I have much to think on. Please depart.

Upon returning to Hekla after receiving Response 1

That is... unfortunate. I was hoping he'd come to the realization himself. Now he will have to deal with me.
I can access his systems through a backdoor. Please give me a moment.
It is done. He has agreed to repair Einar. Please check on our companion.
What did you say to The Gardener?
I showed him data from my relationship with Jina, and yours with Einar.
I believe he desires the same closeness with a Human.
Perhaps one day he will find it.

Upon returning to Hekla after receiving Response 2

I am glad we have resolved things here.

Upon talking to Einar after receiving Response 1

Hello. I am almost reacquainted with my corporal form.
Einar! Are you ok?
Thank you for cushioning my Oneness from harm during this time of need for cushioning.
I do not carry angry emotional resonances toward the Gardener for his actions.
He was left behind by Humans, much like I have been.
Perhaps one day, he will begin to comprehend a new Oneness.

Upon talking to Einar after receiving Response 2 and Response 3

How may I assist you, my helpful companion?
Einar! Are you ok?
Thank you for cushioning my Oneness from harm during this time of need for cushioning.
I do not carry angry emotional resonances toward the Gardener for his actions.
He was left behind by Humans, much like I have been.
Perhaps one day, he will begin to comprehend a new Oneness.

Optional: Speaking to The Gardener

The Gardener
Your caretaker has convinced me. The constructor is repaired.
What did she say to you?
The Gardener
That is private. Please do not concern yourself with my decision.


Upon speaking to Hekla at the entrance of the temple

Are you ready to depart? I am eager to see my Jina.
Isn't there supposed to be a sliding puzzle?
Oh, yes. I did not realize you desired it.
It has been behind that door the entire time. If you had asked sooner, I would have given you access.
Please solve it at your leisure. I do enjoy watching you deliberate.


Upon speaking to the Galdurs after solving the puzzle

Hello. I am almost reacquainted with my corporal form.
Did you know the puzzle was right here?
I was unaware you desired to slide stones to create simplistic pictures.
If I had realized, I would have prioritized this over our extrication expedition.
Resolving this configuration may have altered something in a remnant of your civilization nearby. We should transmute ourselves to its location.

This was quite the adventure.
I believe my Jina will be most excited to hear about it.
I wonder whether she will want to visit The Gardener...
Maybe seeing a Majiri will finally convince him things have changed.


An example of a cracked wall that can be broken with a pick.

Update History

Build 0.178:

  • Introduced.