The King's Voice

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The King's Voice is a Friendship quest given by Einar upon reaching Friendship Level 5: "One in Oneness".


Einar asked if you could find a recording of his creator's voice. Maybe you could start by asking around?


Part 1

Part 2

The Gardener told you that Einar's creator had a Flow console hidden in the pipes of the garden that might contain his voice files. Find the console, hack into it and send the voice files to Einar.

  • Send Einar Mudan's voice files.
↷ Return to Einar

Part 3

Meet Einar in his cave to see what he has to show you.


At Quest Completion


Triggering this quest requires having completed the Temple of the Roots quest, Quest Icon.png Secret Depths.
  1. Einar is troubled by his recent experience with The Gardener, and wishes your help to regain some of his lost runeworkings regarding his Creator, the Ancient Human King Mudan.
  2. Ask around if anyone knows more about "Mudan".
    • You can speak with a number of villagers: Hekla, Jina, Caleri, Nai'o, Reth, Elouisa, Kenyatta, Tamala.
  3. Talk to the Gardener about Einar's situation.
  4. Find and access the control panel, either on your own or with the Gardener's help.
    • Spoiler for accessing the device: Code to access the panel is: GIL1
    • Optional: read An Unsent Letter
  5. Forward the messages to Einar.
  6. Return to Einar, then meet him at his cave.

Dialogue and Mail


Upon speaking to Einar at your plot

Transcript is missing Earth path.
Greetings, (Player).
Since our recent venture to the garden, I have been beset upon by a most disturbing malfunction.
I find that information previously stored within my runeworkings has been...removed.

You mean you forgot something?
Is that what forgetting is? Oh no! I now mourn for humans as they must frequently find themselves in a distressing state of losing precious previously held information.

That sounds awful....
Yes, I find my emotional state quite disturbed by the absence of this previously held information.

It must be quite disturbing for humans who experience this phenomenon frequently.

Eh, you get used to it.

What can I do to help?

The information I find myself now without auditory frequency.
I find I no longer retain the auditory frequency of my creator's voice.
Do you think you might be able to help me recover my lost functions? I find that engaging in my Oneness brings me less...satisfaction than before.

Sure, I'll beat up the Gardener for you.
Oh no! Violence will not be necessary. I only ask you to perhaps find some old runeworkings that store traces of his auditory frequencies.

I'm on the case!

What was his name?

I'll see what I can do, but no promises.

My creator's name was Mudan. His job was to talk a lot and tell other Humans how to be better at Humaning.
Surely, someone must have stored his auditory frequency somewhere.


Upon talking to the villagers

Do you know who Mudan is?
Yes, he was a Human King and his reputation was somewhat controversial. Some people revered him fervently, viewed him as an almost godlike figure.
Others...not so much.
I do have some writings on him downstairs if you'd like to check them out.
Just do me a favor and ignore my sister's fictional account on the subject.

Do you know who Mudan is?
You mean the Phoenix's divine son? Of course I know who he is!
I eagerly await his return!
It is only logical to assume that when the rest of the humans emerged from the Underground he would too.
Those in the know believe that when he emerges he'll reshape the world in his image and save us all form our follies. know. Destroy the world as we know it. Depending on his mood.

Do you know who Mudan is?
If my records serve me, he was the Head Human back in Human times.
He was also Einar's Creator.
I did not have personal experience with him, so I cannot aid you further.
Perhaps the Gardener could be of more assistance?
He encountered more Humans than me, given that he was not locked up in a Vault with nothing other than dolls to keep him company.

Do you know who Mudan is?
Yes, he was the King around the time of the collapse.
A lot of the writings in the university library mentions a rebellion against him, and a civil war.
Perhaps the civil war was what eventually lead to the collapse or perhaps they were both in response to an external cause? It's hard to pin anything down for sure.

Have you heard of Mudan?
Who hasn't heard of Mudan? He's mentioned in tons of books Caleri makes me read in the library.
He was such a badass. He built half the ruins you see around here and like made himself King. And people just did what he said!

He sounds like your mom.
I'm gonna pretend you didn't just say that about my #1 history crush.

He sounds pretty rad.
Hecks yeah he was rad. You should totally grow up to be just like him one day.

Do you know who Mudan is?
You mean the ancient human king? Not only have I heard of him, but I played him in last year's Midsummer Eclipse pageant! He was this super awesome, super handsome, super smart guy that everyone loved.
I don't get why they cast me, to be honest. I'm nothing like that...
But, anyway, Kenyatta and Reth decided it needed some drama, so they made it all about the fact his wife supposedly hooked up with his best friend.
They....kissed...on stage. To the scandal of the whole town! Eshe freaked out so much she shut the whole thing down.

In hindsight, I probably should have taken that as a sign. She'd do anything to make Eshe mad. Kiss the cook. Date the farmboy...
At least I figured it out, right? I'm in a much better spot now anyway.

Poor Kenyatta. I know she never would have done something to make her mom so mad if Reth hadn't talked her into it.

Do you know who Mudan is?
You mean that character Nai'o played in the Eclipse pageant?
Honestly, all I remember about that play is it getting shut down on opening night 'cause Kenyatta talked me into kissing her so we could piss off her mom.
I went along with it, 'cause...of course I did.
But truth be told, she's not as good of a kisser as she thinks she is.

Have you heard of Mudan?

Yes...I know more than perhaps anyone on the subject.
You know, since my dear "grandmother" was a member of the Order.

Yes...I know more than perhaps anyone on the subject.

Most people know him as a King, but uniting the rabble wasn't his only or even his greatest accomplishment.
He was also a great practitioner of magic. The best who ever lived.
He harnessed Flow in ways the Majiri can only dream of. In ways that makes the poor Order shake in their boots.
I would really like to...shake his hand. If you know what I mean.

Upon speaking to The Gardener

Have you heard of Mudan?
The Gardener
I'm sorry, but that information is available only for those with administrative access.

The Gardener

The Gardener
I am sorry to hear that my attempt to fix your constructor's malfunction created a greater malfunction. The human named Mudan had a flow console on premises, but I do not have access.
Those files are restricted to human personnel with level 0 clearance. Perhaps if you search the garden, you'll be able to obtain such clearance?
Regardless, please send my condolences to your constructor. I did not intend to cause him harm.
Hm, it seems I mayy be able to transport you closer to the console if you wish.

The Gardener
Hooking up matter movement network for transport...
You may experience a slight itching sensation.

The Gardener
Suit yourself. I have unlocked the required grate.
You may attempt to locate it within the network of pipes.

Upon speaking to The Gardener again if you selected "No"

Could you take me to the console room?
The Gardener
Oh, you wish me to take you there now?
(Sigh). Ready yourself for transport.

Interaction with the "Mysterious Device".

Mysterious Device
Day 1- I have made an interesting discovery today.
I have taken a constructor Galdur and given him an additional Oneness. The desire to fish.
I feared an additional Oneness would cause confusion in a Galdur or even a total breakdown of functions.
On the contrary, having more than one purpose has seemed to make this particular Galdur more complex...more human.
I will continue this experiment and record my findings here. I think I will name him Einar.
[As you click through the logs, you notice many of them are corrupted and no longer play.]
Mysterious Device
Day 83 - Today Einar gave me a hug. When I asked why, he said it related to the Oneness I gave him to connect with others.
I don't know if the hug was based on emotional connection, or he just interpreted the Oneness to "connect" too literally.
Mysterious Device
Day 309- Einar seems to have created his own Oneness. He has started to collect shiny pebbles. When I asked him why, he said they were aesthetically pleasing.
I will have to look back and reference his other Oneness to see how he developed this trait.
Mysterious Device
Day 944 - Today Einar asked if he could go through the looking glass with me. I told him it wasn't safe for a Galdur to go where I'm going.
He told me it was even less safe for me. I suppose he's right, but I've lived longer than I should have anyway.
How many people have died just so I could outlive any reason for living?
Maybe Sadeel was right. Maybe all things must come to an end after all.
Mysterious Device
[You see the option to forward the logs.]

Mysterious Device
[Message Forwarded]

Mysterious Device
Message Forwarded

Optional: Upon returning to The Gardener

What did you think of the logs?
The Gardener
I think this Mudan was not as bright as Mother. He clearly made many mistakes. Mother was flawless. I feel badly for Einar that he has a flawed being as his crator.

Didn't you create Einar?
The Gardener
When I created him, he had only one Oneness. It was this "Mudan" person who gave him more than one and made him the being he is today.
For better or worse.

Einar's flaws make him who he is.
The Gardener
I suppose sometimes even flawed creatures can stumple [sic] into success.

Upon returning to Einar

I received your correspondences from my Creator. Thank you.
Hearing his voice again gave context to many of my runeworkings and caused me to re-experience old pathways that I did not know I longed to re-experience.

I hope you feel better now.
"Better" is not a completely accurate descriptor for how I feel. I would say I feel...more complete.

I'm here if you need anything.
I appreciate your presence, but will you disappear if I am not in need of anything?
Do not answer. That response was what you humans would refer to as "Delightful humor."

I want to hear more about Mudan.
Of course, what would you like to know? I could tell you about his favorite food...or maybe his favorite color for socks....

I'm sorry but I find my runeworkings regarding that phrase cannot be accessed. Perhaps it has something to do with my experience in the garden? I do not know.

So you'll hug Mudan and not me?
My apologies! I did not know you wished for an increased level of physical contact. We shall have to remedy this soon.

I do not wish to cut your face flapping short, but I would like you to meet me by the boat in my cave since I find face flapping with you enjoyable. I have something to show you.


Upon speaking to Einar in his cave

As you can see, I have displayed the music box you unexpired in my collection. I was hoping that you would sit down and enjoy it's melodious audio frequencies with me.

Anytime's a good time for music!
Agreed, but now is an especially good time since I am thinking of my creator and this box belonged to him.

This was Mudan's music box, right?
Yes, it was. I feel like listening to it will help me re-experience the runeworkings we created together.

You brought me all the way here for this?
Yes, I did. I wanted to share my remembrances of my creator with you.

Does it play Bahari Boyz?
No, but it does play a soothing melody that reminds me of my creator.

Chayne told me that when someone you love expires, it sometimes helps to remember the pleasant experiences you shared with them.
Also, that it helps to spend time with friends. I thought this could be a opportunity to do both.
My creator and I used to listen to harmonious melodies while fishing together in a water faring vessel much like this one. Would you like to engage in this activity with me?

I'd love to!

That sounds nice.

I will go get the music box. Meet me in the boat so we can begin remembering.


  • If you refuse the Gardener's offer to warp you to the console room, talk to him again and the offer will stand.
    • To reach the console room without the Gardener's help, take the Flowstone Gate to the factory floor and use the nearby moving platform to reach the grate. Once in, navigate through the tunnels to reach the console room.


Update History

Build 0.180:

  • Introduced.