For the Record

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For the Record is a Friendship Quest given by Jina on behalf of Hekla upon reaching Friendship Level 4: Unshakeable Ally.


Jina thinks knowing what happened to the child Hekla was supposed to protect will help her. She saw some documents over by where Hekla was found. Maybe you could find the health records to uncover the mystery?


Part 1

↷ Return to Jina

Part 2

You found the ancient tablets that explain what happened to Hekla's charge, Sona, but you can't read them because they are written in Galdur. Ask Einer about translating the tablets.

↷ Return to Jina

Part 3

Einar told you what happened to Sona. Break the news to Hekla.


During Quest

At Quest Completion


  1. Since Hekla is still not talking to Jina about her problems, Jina has decided to investigate on her own. Jina has discovered that there are records available on the child Hekla was created to care for, and has asked you to find them.
    • The map marker will lead to the ruins between Hideaway Bluffs and Windy Ruins. Inside the cave on the floor you will find the Health Records.
    • These look like health records from the human era. Could these be the ones Jina is looking for?
  2. Bring the records back to Jina, who will inform you that they are written in Galduric. Since Hekla isn't in a state to be translating, go seek the other helpful Galdur in the village.
  3. Ask Einar for assistance with the translation.
  4. Bring the translation back to Jina.
  5. Talk to Hekla about the results, and her relationship with Jina.

Dialogue and Mail


A letter will arrive from Jina

Dear (Player),
So...I figured out what was going on with Hekla on my own. She misses Sona! The girl she was designed to take care of. When I figured it out, I almost fell out of my chair. It was like, Duh-doey! Obviously that's why Hekla made a fake baby! Her Oneness is to take care of a baby! And I'm not exactly a baby!

Anyway, I wrote the Bahari Institute to see if I could find out what happened to Sona. So...good news and bad news. I heard back from the Bahari Institute and apparently there were records on a "Sona Mah" in the vault where Hekla was found. Unfortunately...they were incomplete. I was hoping you could maybe search for the remaining records?

Jina Profile.png Jina


Upon returning to Jina

Great! You found the records. This will be a big help.
Or would be if they weren't in Galduric.
I can't ask Hekla to translate because she's giving me the silent treatment.
I think it's embarrassing for her that we're helping somehow? I don't know. Galdur emotions can be confusing.
Any idea who else might be able to translate this?
Yes! Of course...Einar could translate them!
Would you mind taking them over for me?
I don't think Hekla over here will actually let me go.

Upon speaking to Einar

Can you translate these old tablets?
Yes, I can...
Oh, you were asking me to translate them now?
I see...well, these tablets seem to date back to the late Human era.
I believe they are the vital statistics of a prenatal female Human who expired before birthing.
Did you wish to know more?
Yes! What happened?
Unfortunately, you will not get your wish. That's all the records say. I am sorry.

No, that's enough info...I get what happened.
Yes, I see. Sona? That was the name of the child Hekla was meant to care it not?
I see...well, tell Hekla I would cry for her loss if I had the tear ducts to do so.

Upon returning to Jina

Einar translated the records.
I can tell from your face it isn't good news.
Why don't you talk to Hekla yourself?
If I told her, she wouldn't hear me anyway...
...she's calibrated her audio settings so she can't hear the frequency of my voice.


Upon speaking to Hekla

If you have come to tell me of Sona's expiration, I already know.
Einar gave me his condolences as soon as he found out. We Galdurs can communicate over great distances.
I'm sorry...
I appreciate your condolences, but they do nothing to alleviate the situation. Sona is still expired.
There was nothing you could do.
Of course there was nothing I could do! I was not even awakened yet.
But still, Jina will expire and I will endure. And...I don't know if I can handle that.

I'm here if you need me.
Your proximity doesn't help the situation!

Why are you shutting out Jina?
I could not save Sona from expiration. What makes me think I can save Jina?
Jina will expire and I will endure. And...I don't know if I can handle that.
I was not made to outlive my charge.
You have to...for Jina.
You are right. I worry about future pain, while Jina suffers from my absence presently.

All that is in the future. Focus on the now.
You are right. I worry about future pain, while Jina suffers from my absence presently.
She believes I withdraw from her in anger, when it is really fear.
I must correct the situation.
I will allow myself to once again hear Jina's audio frequencies, so we may converse on the subject.
Thank you for letting me see the matter clearly.
Here, you may take this trinket as thanks.
I bought it for potato Sona...but I do not think she will need it anymore since she is just a potato.


  • A few lines of the last conversation have shown up in Daily Dialogues after doing the quest Quest Icon.png Potato Shrine.

Update History

Build 0.165:

  • Introduced.