The Gardener's New Oneness

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The Gardener's New Oneness is a Discovery Quest given by Einar upon completion of the Vault of the Roots.


Einar and Hekla think that the Gardener is sad because he can no longer perform his Oneness of manufacturing Galdur. They suggest you show the Gardener some new activities, like raising a pet fish and cooking a warm meal.


Part 1

↷ Return to The Gardener.

Part 2

The Gardener didn't like fishing or cooking, but he came to the realization that he likes creative activities. Ask around for examples of creative things he could try.

  • Ask around for more Oneness ideas.
↷ Talk to The Gardener.

Part 3

The Gardener thinks he would like gardening. Show him how to plant and nuture[sic] his own tree seed.

↷ Return to The Gardener.


At Quest Completion


  1. After finishing the Bundles in the Vault of the Roots, Einar will visit you at your plot and explain that The Gardener is unhappy. To remedy this, Einar suggests introducing The Gardener to new hobbies, such as cooking or taking care of fish.
  2. The Gardener is displeased with your suggestions, but he is interested in creating. Ask around for ideas on how to fulfill a creative Oneness.
    • There will be map markers for Ashura, Auni, Badruu, Hassian, and Tish.
  3. Return to The Gardener with your new suggestions. Gardening seems to pique his interest, so he would like to observe you growing an Oak Tree.
    • You will have to plant an acorn and then grow an oak tree to maturity. These do not need to be the same tree.
  4. Go back to The Gardener and learn how he feels about seeds.

Dialogue and Mail


Upon speaking to Einar at your plot

Salutations, (Player). Thank you for your aid at the Temple of the Roots, but there is a new matter now.
Hekla and I have received messages from the Gardener that suggest he has been unhappy since our last visit. Unfortunately, he seems reluctant to take any advice we provide.
I assume his discontent is because he cannot engage in his Oneness without a fully-functional factory.
Given he can no longer look after other Galdur, perhaps you can convince him to find a new Oneness looking after something else?
After all, scanning my fish with my ocular units fulfills my Oneness. And Hekla feels no greater satisfaction than cooking for her Jina.
Perhaps you could inspire a new Oneness within the Gardener by bringing him a meal and a piscine companion?


Upon speaking with The Gardener

The Gardener
Human, you are here...
However, I have no desire to interact with you at this time.

I thought you needed a friend right now!
The Gardener
I am perfectly fine in my current state.

The Player
I only want to help.
The Gardener
I see. Very well, then.

The Player
That's what someone who isn't fine would say.
The Gardener
Your logic is... circular but sound. Very well, then.

I've been worried about you.
The Gardener
That is... unexpected. I suppose I will entertain your presence a little longer.

I thought living alone underground might suck.
The Gardener
Are you here to mock me, then?

No! It's an honest observation.

Just calling it like I see it.

The Gardener
I cannot verify the accuracy of that claim. But since you are already here, I suppose I could converse with you a bit.

Fine, then I'm leaving.
The Gardener
Are you here to mock me, then?

No! It's an honest observation.

Just calling it like I see it.

The Gardener
I cannot verify the accuracy of that claim. But since you are already here, I suppose I could converse with you a bit.

As it so happens, you may actually have some use to my current state. My Galdur-making facilities have been... incapacitated.
I find myself experiencing a novel phenomenon that is rather difficult to define. I am lethargic yet restless, frustrated yet unmotivated. Is this what you Humans call 'boredom'?
Lucky for you, I've got something for that!
The Gardener
Hmm... do you expect me to express joy?

The Gardener
I expected as much. I shall now engage my standard emotional interface for Human interaction.

It would be nice.
The Gardener
I expected as much. I shall now engage my standard emotional interface for Human interaction.

I thought you didn't like feelings.
The Gardener
I dislike having feelings. However, I am programmed with the capability to express feelings for the amusement of other creatures.

Honestly, I'm surprised you have emotions.
The Gardener
Such ignorance! All Galdur possess at least one basic empathy module. Much to my displeasure, this includes myself. Allow me to demonstrate.

This is so great.
I am so joyful. Can you tell how joyful I am? I am very much joyful.
Now, bring your items to me so I may have a better look.
This is... soup. Am I supposed to eat this to feel better? Because I am sure you have noticed, I do not have a mouth.
I wanted to show you how to cook for people.
The Gardener
This 'cooking' does not suit me. All items I create must go through quality assurance, and I am not equipped with facilities to validate taste.
So we begin the cycle of trial, error, and iteration. Show me the other item you have brought.
A... fish? Do you expect me to eat this, too?
I thought you might want a pet.
The Gardener
My purpose was to create Galdur and imbue them with their initial programming. I lack both the guidelines and the interest to care for a creature long-term.
There is no logical reason for me to participate in either of these activities.
But your actions have made me put my reasoning to words, and I see now... my Oneness must have been the act of creation.
Yes, I think I would like to create something again.
That is what I shall task you with, Human. Find me a more suitable form of stimulus.

Upon speaking to various villagers

Can you think of a new Oneness for a Galdur?

I don't purport knowing much about this Oneness thing, but I've always found wood-cutting pretty meditative. I even like whittlin' on nights I can't sleep.

Oh man, oh man. I have a totally great idea! Why don't you ask him to join Bug Scouts?
Nothing gets me going like seeing a really, really, really cool bug. Like a Fairy Mantis! Now, that's a cool bug.

A Oneness? That's kind of a big dill, isn't it? I guess if I had one, it'd be gardening!
Hey, that's a thought! Why don't you show him how to garden?
There's nothing like raisin' up a crop with your bare hands! Or mechanical ones for that matter.

As someone who does not require food, there's no reason a Galdur should pursue hunting as a Oneness.

Oh no, they don't have a Oneness? Are they feeling sad?
Because I've got just the thing! I never feel sad when there's all kinds of new furniture to make!

Upon returning to The Gardener

The Gardener
Show me the results of the task I gave you, Human.

Bug Catching could be your new Oneness.
The Gardener
I am a Galdur. Under no circumstance would I consider a bug in my system to be a positive occurence[sic].

Wood Cutting could be your new Oneness.
The Gardener
I am permanently physically stationed at the Temple of the Roots. What about me implies that I could go to a forest and cut trees?

Furniture Making could be your new Oneness.
The Gardener
Hmm... perhaps this 'carpentry' could be of interest. It seems to utilize similar theories as the manufacturing of Galdur.
But it also comes with similar problems. Neither Galdur nor furniture can be created without the proper materials. And I am sure you have noticed I do not have any.

Gardening could be your new Oneness.
The Gardener
You must be joking to suggest such a literal interpretation of my name.

No! I honestly think it's a good idea!

I never joke.

The Gardener
So you were not being facetious? You are strange indeed.
I wonder if one day your thought patterns will finally make sense to me.

We all have things we want to learn more about.

Doubt it. I'm a mystery wrapped in an enigma.

The Gardener
...In the future, perhaps we could even learn together.
But enough talk. I have the networked ability to observe your actions from afar. Show me this 'gardening' and grow an Oak Tree to its full height. That should be easy enough for you, right?


Upon returning to The Gardener

The Gardener
That was...
... actually actively fascinating.
Yes. Yes, I think I would like to try gardening.
I admit, Human. I had my doubts, but I can already feel the gears turning.
Making seeds, watching them grow... I feel a joy akin to seeing a newly-minted Galdur take their first step.
Perhaps you are right. That the Oneness is not an innate, immutable trait.

Sometimes change can be good.
The Gardener
Good or bad, I suppose it is inevitable, and I must adapt.

You just needed to reinterpret it.
The Gardener
I suppose all I needed was to reframe my perspective.

Told you so.
The Gardener
Even I make miscalculations, I suppose.

Wait. You're admitting I'm right?
The Gardener
Player (Air)
I will *never* let you forget you said that.

The Gardener
I have learned much from you, Human, and I presume there will be more to learn in the future
But for now, I have ideas. Ideas for seeds. Some you may have seen before, and some you may have never even imagined.
I will now end this transmission and start up my research facility. But there is one last thing I must tell you...
Thank you.


Upon speaking with interested villagers

The Gardener's new Oneness is gardening!

Well, I'll be! That's one corny one-liner, kid.
But it's a wonderful thing the big fella's got something that makes him happy now. Great job, spring bean!

Indeed! His transmissions between myself and Hekla have taken on a markedly positive, even excited, tone. Evidently, we have you to thank.
Did you know he hopes to invent entire new species of flora?

That is good news. Because I extended my Oneness to my Jina, I knew the Gardener could reimagine his Oneness. As long as he believed in himself.
Perhaps we are more similar than he realizes. After all, farming is its own form of caring and maintenance.


Update History

Build 0.178:

  • Introduced.