Industrial Wall Shelf

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{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|category = Decor |rarity = Common |desc = A shelf made with the most durable steel in Kilima. So strong, you can even use it as pull-up bar! |set = Industrial |modcost = 2 |event = |placement = wall |catalog = shelf |obtain = {{Expansion depth limit exceeded|Furniture Store={{Expansion depth limit exceeded|490}}|Skill=Furniture Making}} |recipeobtain = {{Expansion depth limit exceeded|Inspiration=Industrial}} |ingredients = {{Expansion depth limit exceeded|Heartwood Plank=8|Iron Bar=1}} }}

Industrial Wall Shelf is a {{Expansion depth limit exceeded|{{Expansion depth limit exceeded}} }} Decor item from the {{Expansion depth limit exceeded|{{Expansion depth limit exceeded}}}} decor set that can be used to decorate the Player's Housing Plot.

{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|Description}}

{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|{{Expansion depth limit exceeded}}|In-Game Item Description|{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|



{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|How to Obtain}}

Industrial Wall Shelf is a part of the rotating stock at the Furniture Store. When seen, you may purchase it one time for the cost of: {{Expansion depth limit exceeded}}

Industrial Wall Shelf is craftable at the Worktable after the Player obtains the recipe.

{{Expansion depth limit exceeded}}

{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|Obtain the Recipe}}

The recipe for Industrial Wall Shelf is obtained via Inspiration from crafting other {{Expansion depth limit exceeded|{{Expansion depth limit exceeded}}}} items for the first time.

{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|Modification}}

{{Expansion depth limit exceeded}}

{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|Uses}}

{{Expansion depth limit exceeded}}

{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|Gallery}}

{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|File: | }}

{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|Update History}}

{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|0.180 =

  • Recipe change:
    • Heartwood Plank: 6 --> 8
  • Cost increased:
    • 330 --> 490 Gold


{{Expansion depth limit exceeded}}