Kenli - Dialogue

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Première interaction

Bonjour ! Je suis l'honorable Kenli Bahari.
Le fils aîné de feu Kenjun Bahari, le 118e duc de la province de Bahari...
Et le frère de Kenyara, la duchesse actuelle de la province du Bahari.
Je suis le maire de cette sympathique bourgade, et c'est avec honneur et plaisir que je t'accueille parmi nous.

Reparler à Kenli

Je passais simplement à l'auberge pour prendre un petit casse-croûte entre deux dossiers.
C'est important de soutenir les commerçants du coin !


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  • Have you seen my hat? I think I wait, here it is, on my head!
  • Nice to see you out enjoying life in Kilima.
  • Good to see you!
  • Oh good! It’s you! I was afraid you were Eshe.
  • My constituents are my number one priority!
  • Nice of you to stop by. I could use a break!
  • Always nice to see you around the village.
  • Good morning!
  • Having the Humans here is so fun. I finally have people to talk to!
  • Sit down and chat. I always have time for my constituents!
  • Stop by my office anytime!
  • Welcome to City Hall. My door is always open. As long as “always” is during my work hours.
  • Nothing like a good drink with good friends after a hard day!
  • Oh dear... Now where did my sandwich go?

Dialogue quotidien

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Every year, I eat the same thing for my birthday… a steaming plate of longevity noodles, straight off the frying pan.

Longevity noodles?

Same here!
You too? Excellent!

Longevity noodles are a must have on special occasions like your birthday.
The noodles symbolize a long life. You must never break apart the noodles before you eat them.
In accordance with tradition, I’ve eaten that every year since I was born. That’s why I’ve been able to live such a long and healthy life.
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You know I never really wanted to become mayor, but my father made it clear it was my duty.
You see my family has been honored with caring for the citizens of Bahari province for generations.
When my father decided to grant my younger the sister the title of Duchess...
Well, he had to give me something to do... and small town mayor was a job he thought I could handle.
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I’m in quite the pickle. Caleri’s been complaining that the noise at the Blacksmith goes on too late.
But Sifuu told me her business will suffer if I force her not to work during evening hours.
What should I do?

Tell Sifuu to shut down.

Tell Caleri to chill out.

Can’t they both just get along?

I’m staying out of this.
I can’t believe you’ve forced me to make the decision on my own. I HATE disappointing people.

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I'll have you know that after you told me to speak to Caleri, she banned me from the library!
Now I'm never gonna finish the Chronicles of Miradorn!!!
And I was already on Book 47!
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The day is drawing to a close, and it feels like I've accomplished nothing today.
Maybe because I could feel Eshe looking over my shoulder the entire day...
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When I was a boy, I kept a pouch of rock candy with me at all times.
I snacked on it when I was nervous or bored. Having something sweet and crunchy to chew on always made me feel better.
I still have that pouch to this day. It was stitched by the great Barinka Omiata herself, so its threads have withstood the sands of time!
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Did I ever tell you what happened to our old cook Enzo?
Oh, I didn’t... well, that may be a story for another time.
I wouldn’t want Eshe overhearing me embarrassing her like this.
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So I promised to tell you about Eshe and her chef, Enzo, later.
And now is later... soooo...
Eshe actually fired Enzo after he overheard her telling Caleri how much she depended on him!
Apparently, she couldn’t deal with having a lowly servant know how grateful she felt!
Poor Enzo... Now he’s out of a job... And we are out of a household chef.
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There was once love between me and Eshe. Perhaps it was one-sided, but it was still there.
Now, we can hardly hold a conversation, much less hold hands.
The last time we held hands was at our wedding, and that was decades ago!

Why did you get married?

I hope you can find happiness soon.
Being able to serve my constituents, albeit poorly, brings me much joy.
I may complain a lot, but I still find happiness in the simplest of things.
Like the steaming bowl of Sernuk Noodles I’m having for dinner tonight!

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Today is one of those where I find myself missing my grandmother.
Of everyone in our five-generation household, she was the one I was closest to.
She was a wonderful leader and terrific chef. Her homemade dumplings were my favorite.
I ate so many of them as a boy that everyone started calling me Little Dumpling!
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Tell me, do you ever struggle with feeling like a disappointment?

I know how you feel. My father tells me I was a very scrawny baby who used to cry all the time.
I feel like I did nothing but disappoint him since the moment I was born.
Then he passed... and now I live with Eshe.
My only hope is that I can bring some small amount of joy to the dreary, ordinary lives of the common villagers.
Like you.

Not really.

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The day is drawing to a close, and it feels like I’ve accomplished nothing today.
Maybe because I could feel Eshe looking over my shoulder the entire day...
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Eshe insists I should leave the village patrols to her, but staying cooped up my office all day long is no good for me.
I always make time to walk around town and chat with everyone.
After all, the key to a healthy village is nurturing the relationship between its governors and residents.
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Even though Eshe and I don’t see eye to eye on some things... erm, most things, there’s one we do have in common.
We both want Kenyatta to succeed in life. What that success looks like is something we’ll unfortunately never agree on.
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My father was Duke of Bahari before my sister Kenyara became the Duchess.
Despite me being the older one, he always favored her more than me.
I suppose it’s because he sees her as a successful continuance of himself, and me as the failed version better left discarded.
Oh well. You know what they say. One man’s trash is a chapaa’s treasure.

Your dad’s a jerk.

His opinion doesn’t matter.

I’m sorry that happened to you.

You’ll just need to prove him wrong then.
Well I would... except that he’s dead.
He passed through the Veil quite some time ago, and that was when Kenyara succeeded him.
Even so, if I can just get her to be proud of me, that’s more than I could ask for. Maybe one day...

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Kenyatta’s out rather late these days. It drives Eshe up the wall trying to figure out what she’s up to.
I’ve tried reminding her that Kenyatta is no longer a child and should go out and experience the world, but that didn’t go very well.
Now I’ve learned to keep my mouth shut.
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You’re an Air type, aren’t you? I could tell by the way you carry yourself.
You know how to enjoy the finer things in life and aren’t afraid to speak your mind. I wish I was more like you.
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Oh dear... you're an Earth type, aren't you? So is my wife, and she can get quite terrifying when she's upset.
You, on the other hand, do not strike me as an angry type. What a relief!
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The Inn is the one place in the village that escapes Eshe’s eye.
I have a theory that it’s because she’s afraid of lively places like these where our agreeability precedes our status.
...Don’t let her hear me say that though, or she’ll have my head on a platter for dinner!
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Hmm... When was the last time I took a vacation?
It had to have been when Kenyatta was born!
I would take them more often, but Eshe would never allow it.
If she doesn’t give herself a break, why would she give ME one?
...Honestly, I’m too afraid to ask her for one anyway.
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You know, you may be the first person in this village that has come to my home just to socialize.
For that, I cannot thank you enough. It eases the burden of governance to know I have you as a friend.
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Thank you for helping Eshe impress my sister. Their relationship has always been a bit...complicated.
They've been trying to outdo each other since they were girls.
In fact, sometimes I think Eshe may have married the wrong Bahari.
Of course, I'm only kidding! Me and Eshe's marriage is just fine...perfectly fine.
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 «  After A Big Harvest  » 
I'm a bit embarrassed to admit, but I may have made my morning juice out of one of the carrots I was supposed to send to my sister.
If your stomach is up to it, I recommend adding a bit of heat root. It gives the juice just the right bit of zing!
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 «  After A Big Harvest  » 
I'm a bit embarrassed to admit, but I sampled one of your tomatoes before I sent it to my sister.
It had the perfect mixture of tangy and umami flavors that made my tastebuds absolutely dance!
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 «  After A Big Harvest  » 
I very much appreciate your help with the taxes this month.
Hopefully, I won’t have to rely on you like that again.
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 «  After The Path Ahead  » 
I know Eshe is disappointed our daughter didn’t seek out a Path in governance, but personally I’m happy things went the way they did.
Despite her hard exterior, Kenyatta has always been at her best when she’s caring for others.
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 «  After A Big Harvest  » 
So, things with that tax deal actually ended up working out for the best. Even for Kenyara.
It turns out the peasants she was going to bring in to replace the Daiyas were actually known swindlers.
They were going to take the advance Kenyara gave them for fertilizer and seeds and make a run for it!
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 «  After A Big Harvest  » 
It felt good to finally stand up to Kenyara.
Thank you! If it wasn't for you, I don't think I would have ever even realized it was an option.

Dialogue sur les cadeaux


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 «  Kenli: Trout Dinner Trout Dinner  » 
I've been so swamped with paperwork lately, I forgot to eat!
Do you think you can bring me some trout?
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 «  Kenli: Creamy Carrot Soup Creamy Carrot Soup  » 
Sometimes when I need to get away from Eshe, I go to the inn and order dinner.
Reth's creamy carrot suop is one of my favorites!
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 «  Kenli: Akwinduu Chapaa Akwinduu Chapaa  » 
Ever since we had to fire our chef Enzo, I've been trying to make dinner on my own.
Eshe has officially banned me from our kitchen… how will I get Akwinduu Chapaa now?


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Oh, well, ahem, yes! Thank you so much for your contribution!


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 «  Given Jasper 1 Jasper  » 
Goodness! This is a Jasper, isn't it?
I lost my last starstone... but I'll be sure not to misplace this one!
Thank you very much, Player!


En voyant le joueur porter des broches

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 «  Broche d'Hassian  » 
That pin! That’s Hassian’s, isn’t it?
Excellent! He may seem distant at first, but he cares as deeply for the village as anyone else.
You two make a wonderful pair.
Ah, young love... It warms my heart!
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 «  Broche de Reth  » 
That pin! That’s Reth’s, isn’t it?
Excellent! Many judge him for his choice of Path, but I always thought he was brave for that.
You two make a wonderful pair.
Ah, young love... It warms my heart!

Événements spéciaux

Maji Market

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  • Welcome to the Maji Market!
This is the first Maji Market that Kilima Village has seen in many years.
Reviving the tradition and organizing it with such limited resources and time was a great risk... but I’m proud of how it turned out!
If things go well, and I hope they do, there is a good chance we will see another Maji Market in the near future. There’s nothing I want more than that!
I saw you bringing food to my daughter earlier. Thank you for putting a smile on her face!
I heard you were helping my wife out with something urgent. I don’t know what you did, but her mood has improved so much! Tell me, what is your secret?

I gave her mochi ice cream.
Thank you! I’ll bring her some now. I can’t wait to see the look on her face!

I brought her a surprise.
Ooh, I love surprises!
I’m going to prepare one for her, too.
Oh! What about a colorful and flashy fireworks show? She’ll have to like that!

I can’t get enough of the new items Reth added to his food cart! Same for the rolled ice cream Delaila is selling.
If you haven’t tried them already, make sure to do so before they’re gone!
How are you enjoying the Maji Market so far?

I’m having a lot of fun!

The food is great!
Everything is so delicious that I can’t even pick my favorite dish!

It’s nice seeing everyone.

I wish there were more things to do.

Parole du doubleur

Les paroles ci-dessous sont en anglais dans le jeu.

Début de Conversation

Niveau 1-2

  • As long as you do your best, that’s good enough.
  • Government work is best done between naps.
  • I always have time for my constituents.
  • Oh. Time for a break.
  • I do so enjoy our little distractions.
  • Oh, no need to keep at it. I can take a break.
  • Wonderful to see you again.
  • Let’s have a proper chat.
  • I... lost my sandwich. Again.
  • Have you seen my hat? Oh, it’s on my head!
  • I am so glad to see you.
  • It’s so nice to have a sympathetic ear.
  • Ugh my day was terribly stressful. Until you arrived!
  • Did you need anything?
  • Ahh! Oh, goodie. It’s just you.

Fin de Conversation

Niveau 1-2

  • Toodle-oo!
  • Could you come back later?
  • My door is always open. During business hours, of course.
  • Toodle-pip.
  • Alrighty. Back to reading this month’s copy of Chapaa Lover’s Digest.
  • No one ever lets me talk this long!
  • Are you sure there’s nothing else you need?
  • Enough chit chat for now.
  • These chats of ours always cheer me up.
  • You’re always welcome at City Hall.
  • Goodbye!
  • I’m neck deep in paperwork right now.
  • Could you come back later?
  • I suppose I could get back to work. In a bit.
  • Now remember, if Eshe asks, I was hard at work.
  • Oh! You’re ready to leave?
  • These chats of ours always cheer me up.