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Cette page est une version traduite de la page Quartz et la traduction est terminée à 10 %.

The Quartz is an Inhabituel starstone in Palia.


Is it a rock? A gem? A crystal? Who knows, but it sure is pretty. An uncommon starstone beloved by those born under the sign of the Builder. Sells for a high price.

–Description de l'objet dans le jeu

Comment obtenir

Quartz can be randomly obtained when Mining nodes of Clay Clay and Copper Ore Copper Ore of any size in Vallée de Kilima.


Starred versions of this starstone can be placed as a decor.


Current weekly wants of Quartz for 1 juillet 2024 - 7 juillet 2024
  • Nobody

Villageois qui aiment : Quartz

  • This gift can only be given to the villager once per week. La réinitialisation hebdomadaire de Palia se fait Dimanche à 04h00 UTC.

The following require Quartz:

  • All the Stars in the Ground


Quartz is not required for any Quests.


Quartz ne fait partie d'aucun Paquet.


Historique des mises à jour

Build 0.180:

Values changed:

    • Basic: Gold.png 200Gold.png 150
    • SQ.png Quality: Gold.png 300Gold.png 225

Build 0.176:

  • Star Quality now available.

Build 0.175:

Build 0.172:

  • Introduced.