Reth - Dialogue

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Première interaction (avant de parler à Ashura)

Tu cherche Ashura? T'as de la chance, il est littéralement de l'autre côté de la pièce.
Si tu cherche plutôt des soupes et ragoûts délicieux, tu es au bon endroit.
Je m'appelle Reth. Les embrouilles ne sont jamais bien loin de moi.
Repasse me voir, d'accord ? Ça fait toujours plaisir de discuter avec de nouveaux clients à l'air sympathique.

Parler à nouveau à Reth (avant de parler à Ashura)

Je te manquais déjà ? Je comprends, mais tu devrais quand même commencer par aller voir Ashura. Il est à la reception. T'en fais pas, je serai encore là quand tu reviendras.

Première interaction (après avoir parler à Ashura)

Tu ferais bien d'aller installer ta tente. La seule chose plus importante qu'avoir de la soupe, c'est avoir un toit au-dessus de la tête pour la savourer en paix.
Hmm, et un bol, j'imagine. Les cuillères sont utiles, mais pas nécessaires.


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  • "Soooo... How's life?"
  • "Oh! You scared me. I thought you might be the magistrate."
  • "Hey, you!"
  • "What can I do you for?"
  • "What brings you over to this neck of the village?"
  • "Good to see you again."
  • "I see that look on your face. Up to no good, aren't ya?"
  • "Got anything interesting to tell me?"
  • "Funny seeing you here.. or not funny at all, since you live here too."
  • "Had a feeling you'd stop by."
  • "What's up?"
  • "Let me guess. You were just dying to see me."
  • "Nothin' better than a meal made by Chef Reth himself! Am I right, or am I right?"
  • "If you want more soup, I can make that happen. I carry a soup flask on my person at all times."
  • "You do know talking to me this much is going to give you a bad reputation right?"
  • "Whatcha up to?"

Dialogue quotidien


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Tish has been doing really great lately.
Not sure what I would do if she got sick again.
You know, I just realized I never asked you if you have any siblings.

I have siblings.
So then you know what it's like. They can be frustrating.
But at the end of the day, your siblings are the only people you got to share your childhood with.
They're the only ones who knew part of your parents who were "parents." Who knew the pure "kid" part of you that your parents never got.
... Look at me, ramblin' on about myself again when I asked YOU a question.

I'm an only child.
You're lucky. I sometimes think things would be much easier if I only had to take care of myself.

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Tish has been whittling scrapwood into little chapaa figurines and leaving them all over the house.
I stepped on one, and I was limping the whole day. It’s not easy to cook on a busted foot, you know?
But hey, seems like Kilima is doing her good. I’m glad to see she has her energy back.
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When a tree grows near a source of Flow, it absorbs the magic and starts to release magical purple smoke.
The wood gets super strong, so people have to work together to cut it down.
It’s pretty rare, so if I hear about one, I always try to get some for Tish. Totally worth it to see her smile.
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Did you know I’ve kinda been a cook since I was a kid?
My parents were always busy running my family’s furniture line.
And Tish was too little to reach a stove.
So it kind of always fell on me to take care of the whole “food” deal.
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I never thought I’d end up leaving the big city.
But, uh, Tish, she started get[sic] really sick back in Bahari.
Her healer said some fresh air would be good for her.
So, we moved out here where the air is... extra fresh.
Luckily, Valley life seems to be enough for her to have made a full recovery, believe it or not.
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Me and my sister live in the little house with the green roof across the river.
Not that I’m ever home anymore.
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I’m not exactly the creative type. Visually, I mean. Nowadays, Tish has got Jel if she needs inspiration.
But there was one time when she was still an apprentice, I found a Jewelwing Dragonfly.
I know, I know, bug catching isn’t an excuse to skip woodworking practice. But hear me out…
I brought it home to Tish, and overnight, she churned out like twenty sketches for a new living room set!
I felt like a pretty awesome big brother then.
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I usually bring dinner over for Tish and Jel after work.
It’s basically the only time I get to see them.
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I miss my parents every day, but I’m especially feeling it today.
Five years ago, they built an armoire for an Inyrevn chief and wanted to deliver it themselves.
They left on a ship to sail out to the island and it never came back.
I have to admit, I sorta lost any desire I had to sail after that.
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So, the reason people don’t like me around here is 'cause I strayed from my Path.
Uh... how do I explain this. Palian Majiri value honor, and above all the ability to honor our commitments.
So if someone commits to a career... a, uh, Path...
...and then they abandon it, most people assume they’re so shameful that they can’t possibly be trusted to commit to anything else.

Why did you abandon yours then?
I committed to my parent’s career in furniture making, 'cause I thought that’s what they would want.
And then I realized I just wasn’t very good at it.
Not very good is an understatement.
I was TERRIBLE. I mean, my chairs could be used as torture devices.
I know, I know. "It’s better to walk your own Path poorly than another man’s well."
But I just couldn’t bring myself to keep on doin’ it.

I’m sure you’re not like that.

That seems harsh.

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Some days I think about trying carpentry again.
But ever since my parents passed through the veil....
...I feel like I’d just be dishonoring their memory with my shoddy work.
Tish is, and will always be, the only one in our family who can carry on their legacy.
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To tell you the truth, I got really into cooking after my parents passed away.
It was just me and Tish then, and I felt I had to do my best to take care of her.
You shoulda seen the way she smiled when I made her a bowl of my trademark soup!
Honestly, working at the inn is pretty fun since everyone loves food, right?
But don’t tell Ashura, okay? The old man will take any excuse to give me more chores.
Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante.
Do you like my tattoos?
A lot of people ask me if they “mean something,” which they totally don’t.
Funny story. I discovered after I got them that they bear a striking similarity to cartel tracking runes.
Which is just, like, a freakish coincidence. I’m totally NOT being tracked by the cartels.
I’m just a regular guy with no weird affiliations with anything… except soup.
You know, my next tattoo should totally be soup related.
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Of course we can chat!
It’s nice to talk to someone who doesn’t know enough about Palian society to treat me like a pariah.
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Ashura said I need to change up the menu. He accused me of cooking soup because it’s ‘easy.’
I mean, he’s right, but he’s not supposed to say it out loud!
Besides, there’s nothing wrong with easy. Lots of good things are easy!
Walks on the beach, cheese sandwiches, me.
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You can find cookbooks kind of all over. Some are in the library.
But most are just lying around for reasons I frankly can’t even start to comprehend.
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I love a cookbook as much as the next chef, but recipes are more suggestions than rules. Some ingredients you just measure by heart.
Like garlic. Two cloves? Pfft. Six, minimum.
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So I had to swing by the library to grab this cookbook I put on hold, and I swear...
I think Caleri might be a statue! I’ve never seen her leave the front desk.
Or is she a super, super realistic looking Galdur?
The world may never know...
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Hmm? You wanna know what I’m drinking?
Fish soup is full of nutrients and tastes great any time of the day!
What? It’s important to stay hydrated!
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While you can never go wrong with my vegetable soup, I might also suggest the fish stew.
It could give you the extra boost you need to reel in the perfect catch.
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I’m really looking forward to the end of the shift, I have a recipe I want to try out but I left the ingredients at home.
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I just got a shipment of dari cloves! Have you ever tried them? They really round out the meaty flavor of chapaa stews.
But they’re so rare, buying a bundle costs more than the whole rest of the stew! Alas... I still haven’t found a great substitute.
Let me know if you get any ideas. I’ll reward you... handsomely.
Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante.
The menu’s right behind you, if you want to give it a read.
Unless you like the sound of my voice, in which case, I don’t mind reading it for you.
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Sernuk is a red meat, so you want to make sure to sear it on high heat to get a really good char.
Chapaa is way lighter, so dredge it in flour to keep it moist.
Both are really gamey though, so if you meet another cook who isn’t as talented as I am... stick to the ormuu steaks.
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I know you technically appeared out of thin air, but I hope one day you’ll remember what Human society was like.
I’ve[sic] love to sit down and talk to you about Human food. What did it taste like? What spices did you have? Did you eat soup?
Plus, I’ll make you whatever you want in exchange, my treat.
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Man, I’m really hankering for some food made by someone not me, at a place not here.
I get tired of smelling the same thing day in, day out.
My nose is always, like, "Come on, Reth. Give it a break from the soup already."
Wait, what am I saying?!
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Jina gave me an ancient recipe she found. It called for an egg to be buried in the sand for a few days…
But it made no mention of jotting down where said egg was buried. So yes, I lost a few eggs somewhere by the lake.
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Whenever I see Auni out catching bugs, I can’t help but think what they would taste like.
I bet Firebreathing Dragonfly soup would be spicy, and Bahari Bee cake might be sweet. Mmm... maybe a stinkbug soup?
What? Insects are a great source of protein.
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I learned cooking from my dad. He didn’t cook often on account of work, but when he came home with a basket full of groceries, we knew we were in for a treat.
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I’ve been trying out knapweed recipes lately. Chayne insists it’s got medicinal properties when consumed.
The problem is, it’s super bitter. Even ormuu try to avoid it.
Sounds like a fun culinary challenge to me!
So what do you say? Wanna be my official knapweed soup taste tester?
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A chat! How exciting! What shall we talk about in this little convo, this tete-a-tete, this meeting of minds…
If you’re low on topics, might I suggest soup?
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You know what I’m looking for in a relationship...
...someone who looks past my sparkling personality and sees what’s really important. outward appearance.
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Today for breakfast I'm serving a little delicacy I like to call "egg surprise."
The surprise is..'s just eggs!

Available at Friendship 3

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I’m feeling super groggy today. Even the bags on my eyes are tired.
But you know what they say, the illicit Flow trade never sleeps.
And apparently neither do I.
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Oh, so now that you know my whole deal, I guess I can let you know what was in that "cake."
That was a Flow-powered device that turns whatever you put into it into carrots.
It’s called a Carrotizer.
Now, of course, I’m a no-good untrustworthy scoundrel.
So, it’s quite possible I’m lying.
Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante.
Working at the Inn is tough, given that I also have a night job. But it’s not like I can quit.
First off, the cartel holds Tish’s life in their little criminal paws.
Secondly, I think it would look suspicious if everyone thought I did nothing all day.
And finally, I kind of like going to work at the Inn.
Talking to Ashura and the regulars kind of makes me feel like... I don’t know... a normal person.
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I know Ashura gave me this job because he’s trying to look out for me, but when he gets overprotective, it’s so annoying.
Where have you been, Reth? What’ve you been doing, Reth? Why do you spend so much time in the basement, Reth?
I’m not a child!
But sometimes... I’m just grateful he cares and doesn’t think I’m a lost cause like everyone else does.
I really do like cooking, you know? Way better than nailing wood blocks together. Can’t eat wood!
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Midnight Paddlefish only come out after the sun goes down. I don’t see them often because I’m not usually in the kitchen at that hour.
I’ve got... you know, other stuff to do.
But once, Auni caught me in the middle of a delivery. He’d snuck out and actually managed to fish one up! I couldn’t blow my cover, so I had to grill it right there.
Wow, was it delicious! Once I work off my debt, I’ll have time to catch my own. I’ll make a whole set menu: appetizer, entrée, and dessert!
What? You don’t think fish can make a good desert(sic)? Just wait until you taste my salmon ice cream!
Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante.
So, you see these tattoos on my arms? These are cartel tracking runes.
Wherever I go, they know. Which isn’t usually a problem, because I don’t go anywhere.
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I don’t want you to do anything stupid, like trying to get me out of debt, okay?
The cartel may not seem like such a big deal, but they are bad news.
I couldn’t live with myself if anything happened to you because of me.
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You know you might be the first person in the village I've actually considered a friend.
I mean, Ashura's my boss.
Tish is my sister.
So, that brings my previous friends total to let's see...carry the one...multiply by X.
Just what I thought...a whopping zero.
I guess...I've always had a hard time opening up to people.
I mean, trusting people with what I've trusted you with, it's kind of a big burden to put on anybody.
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At least there’s one benefit to being a cartel errand-boy. I met a group of Ingreyvn, and told me about their local street food: ‘fish cake.’
I wonder if I could re-create it at the inn. I could put so many kinds of fish in it...
...salmon and bass, layered with sturgeon icing. Three tiers minimum...
... topped with oyster rosettes...
...Yes! And decorated with their own pearls! Delicious, right?
Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante.
Working for Zeki means I’ve met a bunch of Grimalkin, probably the most out of anyone in the village.
The cartel members aren’t exactly nice people, but everyone else has been really great.
After a hard delivery, they never send me away without a good meal. I even got a magical music box once.
It played the best dance beats. Grimalkin sure know how to party!
It makes me wonder if Palian life would be more fun if we took things a little less seriously.
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Just finished my last delivery for the night. It’s safer if you don’t know what it was.
It wasn’t that interesting, anyway. Not as cool as the Fotomotomaton I delivered once.
It was this wild, Flow-powered device that let you take pictures… that moved! And had sound!
I think it would’ve been nice to have one growing up. Tish was so young and missed our parents so much after they passed.
Having some of those moving pictures might’ve helped her, like she could’ve remembered their voices.
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You know, I’m going to assume you’re spending all this time with me just because you like my company.
Not because you’re angling for anything else.
Making the other assumption has gotten me in trouble in the past...
...but, you know, if you wanted to flirt with me or bring me some heartdrop lillies, I’d be open to it. Just sayin’.

Available at Friendship 4

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You’re my closest friend. I think you might be the only person I can tell this to. Don’t... don’t judge me too hard, okay.
Sometimes, I wonder if I’m subconsciously letting Tish run my life.
She was the successful one, and I’ve never had much direction. So it seemed obvious that I should do whatever I could to help her.
When she got sick, I felt my life losing its purpose. I’d do anything to save her.
And I did! I don’t regret it!
But what if I was a little smarter, a little more talented? Could both our lives be better?


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Did it just get hotter in here, or is my soup burning?
Is that smoke?
Because I'm smokin ho- crap, no, that is my soup!
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Oh, hey! Totally wasn’t waiting for you to stop by or anything.
Unrelated, but here's a present I just happened to get for you. For some reason I can't quite place, it reminded me of you. (Receive: Reth's Bouillabaisse or Sweet Berry Pie)
Extra unrelated, you look nice today.
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I knew you'd be back. I'm irresistible, I know.
And if I'm wrong, just let me have this one, okay? We all have our coping strategies.
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Man, I really slept like crap last night. Hey, mind lending me a shoulder?
Not, like, literally though. Or would it be literal? I meant like, I rest my head on your shoulder, not you cut a shoulder off and surgically attach it to me-
Okaaaaay, gonna stop talking now.
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Hey good lookin', what’s cookin'?
Actually, wait, you should ask ME that. Go on, I'm waiting

...what are you cooking?
No, no, you forgot the good lookin'. Ouch, fancy pants/sweet tooth, that STINGS!

Hey good lookin', what’s cookin'?
Soup, obviously.

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Hey. You, me, backroom, five minutes?

Why wait?

Great, I've got some new crimes I wanted to go over with you-
What's that look for? (Player), why I never! I'm a good Majiri boy, I can't be caught smooching! At work!
Not unless Eshe is watching to really cause a scandal.

Oh, I wasn't actually expecting you to- uhhhh. What do I say in this situation?
You got me all worked up, now how am I gonna focus on the soup?

That's a little forward.

No I meant, I wanted to talk about crime things! What did you think I meant?
(Player), why I never! I'm a good Majiri boy, I can't be caught smooching! At work!
Not unless Eshe is watching to really cause a scandal.

What can I say, I'm a bad boy. Forward is my middle name and I don't have time for reverse.
If you want someone who takes it slow, maybe try flirting with Einar.

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Oh, I recognize that look. That’s your flirting look. Okay, okay, I’m ready. Hit me with it.

If you were a peki, you'd be impeccable.
Are you a chapaa? Because you've run off with my heart.
And thrown it in a trash pile somewhere, presumably. Those little rascals.

Did you just come out of the oven? Because you're hot.
Were your parents bakers? Because you're a cutie-pie.
Okay, yeah, that one actually physically hurt me to say out loud.

Oh, I didn't actually have a good line...
That's okay, I've got like five saved up. Let's see...
Oh! Are you a debilitating cartel debt? Because you've got my interest.

You're cute.

I know. It's one of my many hardships. Like, do people really care about me for my soup, or my FACE?

You’re supposed to say something cheesy, not something all sweet and sincere. Now look at my cheeks! They're burning!

Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante.
Hey. Here to see me, or the soup?


You sure? It's good soup.

Huh. Weird, I actually believe you. Which is wild because today's soup is, like, REALLY good.

The soup.

This is why you and me get along, (Player).

Lucky for you, it's a buy-one get-one situation.
Unless you just want the soup, in which case I'll just be in the corner, crying.

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Ready to cause a scandal?


Perfect. Take my hand, that'll REALLY make them gasp.

That's why I like you, (Player). Well, one of many, many reasons. If you've got a few hours I can start listing them-

Your reputation's not THAT bad.

You'd be surprised
Wanna hold my hand and find out?

I think you're the only person who really doesn't mind it. Which is weird, by the way. You should get that checked out.

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Can't sleep, or did you just miss me?
Both is good.
Wait, no! Neither is good!

I've been told that sleep is important.
But you can keep missing me if you want.

Next time you can't sleep, just stop by the storeroom. Misery loves company, right?

Dialogue sur les cadeaux


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 «  Reth: Sernuk Noodle Stew Sernuk Noodle Stew, Creamy Carrot Soup Creamy Carrot Soup, Cream of Tomato Soup Cream of Tomato Soup  » 
Days like this... when there's a slight chill in the air...
I always get a hankering for a good old fashioned.


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 «  Reth: Sernuk Noodle Stew Sernuk Noodle Stew, Creamy Carrot Soup Creamy Carrot Soup, Cream of Tomato Soup Cream of Tomato Soup  » 
Wow! Soup!
Is it a food? Is it a drink? No one knows!
But either way, I’m a big fan.
Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante.
 «  Reth: Dari Cloves Dari Cloves  » 
Hey, this is just what I needed to finish that recipe.
Thanks. I mean it. I don’t actually have anything witty to say, shockingly enough.
But between you and me, can we just pretend I did?


Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante.
 «  Given Citrine Citrine  » 
Is that a Citrine? And you're giving it to... me?
I mean, hey, I won't look a gift starstone in the, uh... mouth...
What I'm saying is thanks. A lot!


En donnant une Box of Chocolates Box of Chocolates ou Heartdrop Lily Heartdrop Lily:

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 «  Friendship Level Below 3  » 
Sorry [Player Name], you're way out of my league.
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 «  Friendship Level 3+  » 
...You sure about this one, sweet tooth? Like, I know you're in general really smart, and talented, and cool-
That's kind of why I'm confused. You're WAY out of my league.

What can I say? I love trash.
Ouch! But hey, can't say I don't appreciate the honesty. Kind of makes me feel like maybe you WON'T run off at the first sign of trouble.
Though, I guess by this point it's more like the fifth sign? Twentieth sign?

Of course I'm sure.
See, that's the other thing! You're confident, too! You're a go-getter! And you want... me?
I mean, hey, it's your bad judgement call.

You're definitely in my league!
I mean, one of us is bringing a whole cartload of talent, passion, and beauty to the relationship, and the other person is me.
Not exactly equal, here.

I kind of thought I was out of yours.
What? You? No way. Player, you're easily one of the best people I've ever met!
And you're saying you like ME. That's baffling.

That being said, I'm taking these before you can take it back.
...Thanks for giving me a chance.

Différents villageois réagiront si vous portez la Broche de Reth

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 «  Caleri  » 
That pin… You and the cook are seeing one another?
That explains the books he’s been checking out lately.
What books?
“Romance for Dummies”, “Homemade Meals to Sweep Them Off Their Feet”, titles like that.
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 «  Eshe  » 
If I’m not mistaken, that pin belongs to the cook.
I would question your choice in partner, but it really isn’t my business.
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 «  Hodari  » 
You and the soup guy, huh?
Good for you. Never get involved with a man who can’t cook for himself.
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 «  Kenli  » 
That pin! That’s Reth’s, isn’t it?
Excellent! Many judge him for his choice of Path, but I always thought he was brave for that.
You two make a wonderful pair.
Ah, young love... It warms my heart!

Si vous avez une romance avec Tish

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 «  Tish  » 
Wait, I recognize that pin! That belongs to my brother... are you and Reth... oh, I see.
Well... uh... I don’t want to get in the way of you two doing whatever it is you’re doing.
But I don’t know if we should see each other anymore.
Going out with somebody who is also seeing my brother is just a little weird.
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 «  Zeki  » 
You’ve got Reth’s pin on I see. You know... he shouldn’t really be offerin’ a life with anybody.
His life don’t belong to him no more.
Ah... don’t look at me like that. I don’t make the rules. I just follow ‘em.


Demander à être un Shepp :

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Player: Will you be my Shepp?
Reth [Less than lvl 4 friendship]: I know I'm a pretty chill guy, but there's some things even I gotta take seriously.
Reth [Less than lvl 4 friendship]: Being a Shepp's one of them, and I just don't know you well enough for that yet.

Événements spéciaux

Maji Market

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 «  Daytime  » 
Guess what, (Player)? The Maji Market’s on again tonight, which means Reth’s Street Specialties is open for business!
Catch you there later? I’ve got some sweet deals you don’t want to miss out on.

See you there!
I’ll be expecting you!

Not interested.
Fine, but don’t blame me if I’m sold out by the time you change your mind.

 «  After Kenyatta's Cravings  » 
I saw you lighting up those fireworks for Kenyatta. And I thought I was the only troublemaker in town.
 «  After Kenyatta's Cravings  » 
Man, those chapaas are fast little guys. They move even faster when they have those hats on.
You don’t think they’re hiding something in them, do you?

There’s definitely a mini chapaa pilot in there.
That’s what I’ve been saying!
There’s a tiny dude in there, telling them where to go and how fast to run.
I bet you if I get myself one of those hats, I’ll be able to make ten times the lettuce soup in HALF the time!

Of course not.

 «  After Maji Market Mayhem  » 
You’d be surprised how hard it is to get your hands on an ice cream machine in Kilima. Back in Bahari City, you could buy one at any furniture store!
Maybe I should tell Tish to sell some of her own...
 «  After Maji Market Mayhem  » 
Thanks again for saving my neck back there, (Player).
If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t have a fryer right now. Which means I never would’ve been able to sell corn dogs OR fried peki, and those are some of my most popular items.
Those babies are flying hot off the fryer real quick, so you’d better get yourself some before they’re all gone!
 «  Possibly minimum friendship 3  » 
At this time of night, I’d usually be out on a walk or busy running errands.

For Zeki?

What kinds of errands?

Or having dinner with me.
Dinner followed by dessert... Or sometimes we skip right to dessert.
I’d take you to dinner now, but I’ve got a cart to run. I’ll make it up to you when I’m a little less busy, I promise.

Night walks are the best.
They really are, especially after a long day at the Inn.
Don’t get me wrong. I like working for Ashura and getting to talk to everyone, but I need alone time too, sometimes.
It’d be a lot easier to relax if I didn’t feel like I’m always being watched. Y’know, by Eshe.

Parole du doubleur

Les paroles ci-dessous sont en anglais dans le jeu.


Début de Conversation

Niveau 1-2
  • So much to do, so little time.
  • I-I totally wasn't sleeping!
  • You can never go wrong with soup!
  • Nice of you to visit.
  • Good to see you again.
  • What’s up?
  • Care to try my world famous soup?
  • What can I do you for?
  • Oh! Mm, hey.
  • So much to do, so little time
  • Hey, you!
Niveau 3-4
  • Did you come for me or my soup...?
  • Oh, come to hear me talk?
  • I guess I can take a little break!
  • Talking to me will give you a bad rep.
  • Couldn't get enough of my charm, huh?
  • Man, am I glad to see you.
  • Oh. Funny seeing you here.
  • Wanna cook together?
  • I knew you'd be back.
  • So, uh, want some... soup...?

Fin de Conversation

Niveau 1-2
  • Stop by again soon!
  • Gotta go! A… cooking! Emergency.
  • Uh oh! My soup’s burning!
  • Well, you know where to find me.
  • Alright. Break’s over.
  • I got my hands full right now.
  • I’ll see ya around.
  • Good talk.
Niveau 3-4
  • Time to spiral into self-doubt...!
  • Oh crap. I-I think I hear Ashura.
  • Gotta go! Tish needs me!
  • Gotta run! Soup's on.
  • Man... I need to catch a quick nap *yawn*.
  • Need a break from my charming smile?
  • Can't talk more right now. For. Reasons.
  • Ahh... now, back to slacking off."
  • Try not to miss me.
  • Illicit magic doesn't smuggle itself... yet.


Début de Conversation

Niveau 1-2
  • Who talks first? Me? Uh, you?
  • Man, are you a sight for sore eyes.
  • There’s the face I keep seeing in my dreams.
  • You’ve been in my thoughts a lot lately.
  • You busy later?
  • You, me, together? Phew, scandalous!
  • *yawns* You mind lending me a shoulder?
  • Prepare to be dazzled.
  • Oh, you’re into bad boys aren’t you?
  • I was just thinking about you... But not in a creepy way!
Niveau 3-4
  • You missed me? I missed you.
  • I-I-I... still don't think I'm good for you.
  • You came to see me?
  • Your eyes are like, um, lettuce soup!
  • I'd write you a poem... But I like you too much.
  • Can we just... pretend I said something poetic?
  • I...still don't think I'm good for you.
  • Wait, you don't mind people seeing us together?
  • I like you more than soup.
  • S'up, uh, babe.
  • You almost make me want to stop my life of crime.

Fin de Conversation

Niveau 1-2
  • I'll be thinking about you. *gasps* Oh or soup!
  • Good idea, leave before the rumours start.
  • Leaving so soon?
  • You’ll be back... right?
  • Prepare to be the talk of the town.
  • Try not to cry too much without me.
  • You know I’m still here, right?
  • You are gonna miss me so much.
  • I’ll just... stand here until you come back.
  • *gasp* Shh, our scandalous liaison must come to an end.
Niveau 3-4
  • Thanks for puttin' up with me.
  • Bye! Babe.
  • I, uh, hope you don't realize I'm a mistake once you leave!
  • I'm glad you gave me a chance.
  • You make me glad I moved here.
  • I wish I could fit you in my soup flask. Ah, wait. That's, that's creepy.
  • Hope you don't realize I'm a mistake once you leave.
  • Next time I'll come up with something poetic.
  • I will think about you more than soup.
  • You always make me feel less... terrible.
  • Don't wanna make things weird, but, uh, I'll miss you.