Sifuu - Dialogue

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Vue d'ensemble


Première interaction

Salut ! Je m'appelle Sifuu, je suis la forgeronne du coin.
Mais peut-être que tu me connais sous le nom de Sifuu, la chasseuse de monstre, célèbre dans le monde entier !

Tu me dis quelque chose.
Je te dis quelque chose ?! Bon... Ma réputation s'estompe, de toute évidence.
Autrefois, on me connaissait dans les douze provinces !
Bon, c'est vrai que tu viens juste d'émerger d'un tourbillon mystérieux. J'imagine que je ne peux pas trop t'en vouloir.

Je viens de me matérialiser d'un tourbillon, donc...
C'est vrai... J'imagine que je ne peux pas trop t'en vouloir de ne pas reconnaître la chasseuse de monstre la plus connue des douze provinces !

Tu es la fameuse Sifuu ! Je n'en reviens pas !
En chair et en os...

Si tu dois autant te vanter, t'es pas si connue que ça.
C'est sévère... mais juste. J'imagine que je ne suis plus aussi célèbre que pendant mes jours de gloire.
Autrefois, on me connaissait dans les douze provinces.

Tu te demandes sûrement comment une chasseuse de monstre comme moi à fini dans un petit hameau aussi tranquille et pittoresque.
Eh bien... C'est une bonne question. Heureusement j'ai une réponse tout aussi pertinente.
Eh bien, je suis devenue mère et je me suis rendu compte que de provoquer de dangereuses bestioles, c'était un poil dangereux pour mon petit garçon.
Et donc, je suis devenue la forgeronne de la ville. Maintenant, je forge des lames plus souvent que j'en manie...

Parler à nouveau à Sifuu

Tu as perdu ton chemin ? Je pensais que tu avais déjà parlé à Ashura. Il se trouve dans l'auberge, en face.


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  • Howdy!
  • How’s life treatin’ ya?
  • I was wondering how you were!
  • Great to see you!
  • Even the most cunning hunter needs a helping hand once in a while. You hear me? If you ever need help, all you have to do is ask.
  • Sure is nice to see you again!
  • Here to watch me make some sparks fly?
  • Anything I can lend you a hand with?
  • You showed up just in time. I was just about to tell the tale of how I slew a Shadvaraak single handedly.
  • Can’t sleep? Me neither. There’s too much to do to spend life in a bed.
  • What can I do for ya?
  • Can I interest you in the finest blades and bows on this side of the Kilima Mountains?

Dialogue quotidien

Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante.
 «  Dans sa forge  » 
What would you think if I started selling weapons in this store?

Could be profitable.
See! I knew there was a market.
Maybe one of these days I'll get you to sign a petition.
Kenli currently won't let me sell anything that's not licensed for the Valley.
Something about it "ruining the vibe"...

Wouldn't that kinda wreck the vibe?
That’s what Kenli said when I tried to apply for a weapon’s license.
Seriously, I swear one of these days I’m gonna leave this one tavern town and go somewhere I’m appreciated.

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 «  Dans la taverne  » 
Is it just my imagination or did Ashura glance over here like he's interested in me?
Don't look! Don't look! I don't want him to know we're talking about him.
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 «  Dans la taverne  » 
Don't get me wrong, I miss my wife like I would miss my own arm if it were to get chopped it
But since she's gone, there's no harm in me lookin' at what else is out there.
Don't tell Reth but I come here more for the view than the food, if you know what I mean.
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 «  En chemin pour rentrer chez elle  » 
I'm having trouble sleeping tonight. I wonder if it's something I ate... or more likely something I drank.
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Don't tell Ashura, but this workout is a lot harder than in used to be in my younger years
I would start to slow it down, but I know the other villagers would notice if I slowed down my pace.
I can't let them see me as weak.
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Heh, I was just thinking about my first forge.
I filled up my parents oven with coal, plaster, and sand. I got the dang thing all the way to 3000 degrees!
After they saw the fire damage, they set me up with a real smithy in the shed.
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Yesterday at the Inn, Badruu asked if I wanted to start a band.
Guess he heard me smithing and thinks I have the rythm[sic]...
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Good to see you, I was just turning down for the night with my copy of “200 ways to skin a Gottcatt.”
You know, just some light bedtime reading.
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If I’ve come off overly blunt… well, I’m not sorry!
I like you and all, kid, but there ain’t nobody who can stop me from bein’ me.
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Heard people around here are excited for something called the Maji Market.
I'm wondering if there's something I could sell over there! What do you think?


Metal sculptures.
You really think I could?
I've been a blacksmith for a long time, but I'm not much of an artist.
I guess it can't hurt to try something new!

New types of tools.
Good idea! I just have to figure out what kind...
Maybe some custom runefuel lanterns, to help set the festive mood!

Ask Hassian for ideas.
Oh yeah! Maybe we could run a booth together, mother and son.
Although I'm not sure Hassian would jump at the idea.

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Auni told me he thinks it's funny to imagine an anvil falling on someone.
I've hit an anvil enough to know you don't want it hitting back.
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It's hard to focus on work today.
I heard there was some beastie running around the Elderwood.
Makes me wonder if I should come out of retirement... just in case...
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If you want tips on making your ideal bow and arrow, I would suggest talking to Hassian.
He's forgotten more about long distance weaponry than I ever knew.
But don't tell him I said that. I don't want it going to his head.
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My wife, Taylin, loved the stars. Her favorite story was about the lover's constellation.
She told the story a thousand times, but I can't really do it justice.
If you ask Hassian, he might be able to tell you. That story was always one of his favorites.
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 «  After Prove Your Purpose/Generosity/Devotion  » 
I hear you proved yourself in the virtues! Congratulations! I remember that was not an easy task.
But if anyone knew you could do it, it was me.

Événements spéciaux

Maji Market

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That Hassian... You just can’t win with that boy sometimes.
Apparently this is the first Maji Market Kilima’s had in ages, so I thought I’d invite him to go with me.
He was alright with the idea until he heard Kenli’s got a chapaa-themed booth set up there. Now he refuses to go!
I’ve been doing everything I can to convince him to change his mind, but he won’t budge.

I say go without him.
It wouldn’t feel right without him.

I get why he’s upset.
Yeah, I get it.
I’d go by myself, but it wouldn’t feel right without him.

The Maji Market’s all about enjoying the evening with your family and friends, so if my son’s not going, I won’t either.
Say hi to everyone for me!

Dialogue sur les cadeaux


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 «  Sifuu : Stone Brick Stone Brick  » 
If you've got any spare bricks lyin' around, I could always use some more. Maybe I'll show you how I punch one to dust with my bare hands.
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 «  Sifuu : Copper Ore Copper Ore, Silver Ore Silver Ore  » 
If you come across any solid-lookin' copper/silver ore, I wouldn't mind a bit of it. I'm always running out of the stuff.
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 «  Sifuu : Dispel Arrow Dispel Arrow  » 
I know they're a little rare, but I've been wanting to try out some dispel arrows. I'd love to see what they'd do on some of the nastier things lurking around.
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 «  Hassian : Mountain Morel Mountain Morel  » 
I worry about Hassian sometimes. Boy gets so busy runnin' around, he forgets to eat. Next time ya see him, would you mind bringing him some mountain morels? They were always one of his favorites!


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 «  Stone Brick Stone Brick  » 
This is perfect! I, uh, might have accidentally punched a hole in a chimney while training earlier. …I better go fix that up soon.


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 «  Given Garnet Garnet  » 
Hoo boy, that's a garnet!
Well, I won't say no! Just means I'll have to give back as good as I get!
Thanks, Player!

Parole du doubleur

Les paroles ci-dessous sont en anglais dans le jeu.

Début de Conversation

  • Just got some new blades in stock.
  • Welcome back.
  • I’ve got the best metal you’ll find.
  • Need anything?
  • Need somethin’ smashed?
  • Hey there!
  • Gettin’ ready for a big adventure?
  • I’ve got some new stuff you’ll like.
  • Have I got a story for you!
  • There you are!
  • So there I was.
  • Good to see you again.
  • You wanna hear another story?
  • Ya seen my boy anywhere?
  • Ah, I was just thinkin’ about you.
  • Always good to see a friendly face.

Fin de Conversation

  • Come back again soon.
  • Now where was I?
  • Back to work.
  • Next time you slay a monster, tell it Sifuu sent you.
  • Now go out and crush your enemies!
  • Now where’d I put my hammer?
  • Go get ‘em out there!
  • You’re a pretty good listener.
  • Let’s grab some drinks later.
  • I’ll have an even grander story for ya next time.
  • Stop by any time.
  • Come back with a story.
  • Tell Hassian I’m making chapaa stew.
  • Sure you don’t have time for one more tale?
  • Next time, stay longer.
  • You need any help, just call Sifuu.