Tamala - Dialogue

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  • Hello, Darling!

Dialogue quotidien

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Did you know there are many Sernuk in the woods?
I've always been enamored by the Proudhorned Sernuk.
It has such a regal and majestic gait.
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Tonight, I'm feeling exuberant, with a bit of nostalgic ennui mixed in.
What about you?




Relaxed...I envy you. I don't think I've ever felt relaxation.

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Tonight I have to admit I'm feeling a tinge of melancholy. What are you feeling?



It is peaceful out here in the Valley isn't, it?
Sometimes if I close my eyes, I feel like I can feel Flow move throughout the woods.
I can't, of course; I'm not a Galdur.
But it feels like I can.

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I don't need your company....but it would certainly be appreciated.
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Darling, I know they say opposites attract, but I must admit sometimes I find your flippancy a bit...unnerving..
I would prefer my paramour a bit more grounded.
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 «  After The Cost of Beauty(?)  » 
You no doubt noticed the old Order robes in my boudoir.
They belonged to my grandmother. She was a potions master for them once upon a time.


En donnant une Box of Chocolates Box of Chocolates ou Heartdrop Lily Heartdrop Lily:

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 «  Friendship Level Below 3  » 
While I love your little gesture...
...I'm still not ready to accept all it implies.
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 «  Friendship Level 3+  » 

Dialogue sur les cadeaux


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 «  Tamala : Emerald Carpet Moss Emerald Carpet Moss  » 
If you see some emerald carpet moss, would you be a lamb and bring some back for me?
It's used as a binding agent in many of my concoctions.

Événements spéciaux

Maji Market

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This morning I woke up to a letter in my mailbox, inviting me to the Maji Market.
As interesting as it sounds, I won’t be attending. I only venture that far from home for very important reasons. This is not one of them.
You can go if you like. Just don’t expect to see my face there.

Parole du doubleur

Les paroles ci-dessous sont en anglais dans le jeu.


Début de Conversation

Niveau 1-2
  • Hello there, darling!
  • Watch your step, these woods are not the safest.
  • Hope you're having a better day than I.
  • It's dangerous to wander these woods alone.
  • And here I thought I was ALL alone.
  • What a pleasant surprise...
  • Venturing out here? How... adventurous.
  • Glad you stumbled into lil ole me~
  • What brings you here, darling?
  • Nice of you to drop by!
Niveau 3-4
  • What brings you to this neck of the woods?
  • Stay a while and chat!
  • Aha! Darling~
  • How enchanting to see you again...
  • Looking for a bit of chinwag?
  • Back for remedies? Or just company...
  • *gasp* Little lamb~
  • Good, I was getting bored. *chuckle*
  • Back so soon?
  • To what do I owe the pleasure, lamb?

Fin de Conversation

Niveau 1-2
  • Mm, I can't really faff around all day.
  • Run along now!
  • Don't stay out too late.
  • Get home safe, won't you?
  • Farewell.
  • Toodles, darling.
  • I'm sure our paths will cross again.
  • Be careful out there, darling.
  • I... should get back to my business.
  • Your novelty has worn off.
Niveau 3-4
  • I'm sure I'll be seeing more of you soon.
  • That chat was suitably amusing.
  • *mwah* Till next time, darling~
  • Make sure you head home early!
  • *chuckle* You're welcome.
  • Mm! Don't be a stranger~
  • Time is our greatest enemy.
  • So much to do, and so little time.
  • Back to the toil and trouble! *chuckle*