Dialogue with Badruu about Gifts

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This page consists of written gift dialogue lines for Badruu.

After First Gift

At the Player's Housing Plot

Hey, spring bean! I just wanted to say thanks for cheering me up when I was feeling blue.
So I got you this sapphire blue wallpaper. Sapphire also happens to be my Starstone.
You know in case you want to get me something for a special occasion. Hint...hint...

+ Steel Sapphire Stucco Wall Steel Sapphire Stucco Wall



Given Sapphire Sapphire

Is that what I think it is?
And you're giving it to ME?
I almost can't believe my eyes. This gift is saph-FIRE!
I picked that one up from the kids. It means I think this gift can't be beet!


ChapaaChuckle.png This article or following section is likely to contain spoilers! Please proceed with caution.

Requesting Apple Tree Seed Apple Tree Seed

I can’t believe Zeki raised prices on apple seeds again!
At this rate, we're just going to have to take apples out of crop rotation.
Bye, bye Apple Pie!

Requesting Azure Stonehopper Azure Stonehopper

Most bugs are just a nuisance out in the fields.
But the azure stonehopper is a pretty, blue nuisance!

Requesting Carrot Carrot

I wanted to surprise Delaila by making a carrot cake for dessert.
Unfortunately, my last batch of carrots got eaten by a rogue chapaa.
I guess the surprise will just have to wait until the chapaas around here lose their appetite.

Requesting HydratePro Fertilizer HydratePro Fertilizer

My plants have been so thirsty lately, I've felt more like a bartender than a farmer.
I guess I could get some water retention fertilizer.
But that stuff's too rich for my blood.

Requesting Loaded Potato Soup Loaded Potato Soup

I've been having a real hankering for a potato soup lately.
Unfortunately, I had to sell most of my potatos[sic] this week.
Also...I dropped some while practicing my juggling.

Requesting Meaty Stir Fry Meaty Stir Fry

Back when I was a bachelor, stir fry was my go to meal.
I'd just take whatever meat and vegetables I had laying around, put 'em in a pan, and BOOM instant dinner.

Requesting Onion Seed Onion Seed, Potato Seed Potato Seed, Tomato Plant Seed Tomato Plant Seed, Rice Seed Rice Seed

I can't believe Zeki raised prices on (crop) seeds again!
At this rate, we're just going to have to take (crops) out of crop rotation.

Requesting Rice Rice

I wanted to surprise Delaila by making mochi for dessert.
Unfortunately, my last batch of rice got eaten by a rogue chapaa.
I guess the surprise will just have to wait until the chapaas around here lose their appetite.

Requesting Soup

There’s been such a chill in the air, I've been tempted to get a soup flask like Reth.
I could sure use a swig of (Soup) right about now.

Requesting SpeedyGro Fertilizer SpeedyGro Fertilizer

These plants sure take a long time to grow.
I guess I could get some hyper-growth fertilizer.
But that stuff's too rich for my blood.

Requesting Tomato Tomato

I wanted to surprise Delaila by making her favorite tomato salad for dinner.
Unfortunately, my last batch of tomatoes got eaten by a rogue Chapaa.
I guess the surprise will just have to wait until the chapaas around here lose their appetite.

Requesting WeedBlock Fertilizer WeedBlock Fertilizer

I feel like I spend more time pulling weeds than planting Crops.
I guess I could get some weed blocking fertilizer.
But that stuff's too rich for my blood.

Requests For Other Villagers

Requesting Blueberry Blueberry

My wife is known far and wide for her jammin' jams.
She wants to experiment with a new Blueberry Jam.
But unfortunately, we don’t have the blueberries to spare.

Requesting Fish

What does my wife like...hmmm?[sic]
Well, I know she likes making other people happy.
And what would make me happy right now is some (fish).

Requesting QualityUp Fertilizer QualityUp Fertilizer

I wouldn’t go spreading this around, but Delaila’s been worried lately about being able to afford fertilizer. If we can’t save up enough soon, our Crops are gonna be underwhelming this year.
Personally, I prefer they at least be whelming.


Missing dialogue for Specific Rejection.

General Acceptance

Wow! A gift! This is so sweet...
I wish I could come up with a pun, but I'm too overwhelmed with hapPEAness to think of anything.


General Rejection

No hard feelings, but also no thanks!

Duplicate Weekly Gift

I'd love to take another, but my wife'd have my beard.
Thanks to you, our stock's full already!

Specific Rejection

Given ??


Specific Responses

ChapaaChuckle.png This article or following section is likely to contain spoilers! Please proceed with caution.
Missing dialogues.

Given Azure Stonehopper Azure Stonehopper

Lookit this little guy, hopping wherever he pleases.
Wish we could all be so free, huh?

Given Loaded Potato Soup Loaded Potato Soup

Loaded potato soup, my favorite!
What’s not to love about a vegetable soup that’s made of nothing but cheese and carbs?

Given QualityUp Fertilizer QualityUp Fertilizer

Ah! The sweet smell of fertilizer.
Thank you. This is the best piece of crap you could have given me.

Given Any Seed

Seeds! Sweet!
...or savory.
Depends on whether these seeds are for fruits, vegetables, or something else entirely!

Given Any Vegetable

Thanks! I should be able to whip up a real feast with this.
Or if I fail, I can always blame it on you for delivering low quality produce.
Oh, you know I'm just kidding around, I'm sure you're[sic] gardening skills beat my Cooking skills any day.