Chapaa Chase Ticket

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Chapaa Chase Tickets are a limited-time Currency in Palia, earned by playing Chapaa Chase at the Maji Market.

How to Obtain

Each Chapaa returned during the Chapaa Chase game awards 10 tickets.

Tickets are also awarded for completing the Stamp Cards:

  • Chapaa Chaser
  • Chapaa Champion
  • Chapaa Chasers Party
  • Chapaa Champions Party

Spending Chapaa Chase Tickets

Tickets can be spent at the Plushie Bin next to Kenyatta at the Chapaa Hut.


  • This item was a Login Reward to celebrate Maji Market 2023. Players could retrieve it via the NEWS tab from the Player's inventory in-game on September 10th, 2023.

Update History

Build 0.169:

  • Login Reward for September 10th, 2023