Casual Dialogue with Hassian

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This page consists of written daily dialogue lines for Hassian.


ChapaaChuckle.png This article or following section is likely to contain spoilers! Please proceed with caution.
Have you seen my Plumehound, Tau?
He's much more than a pet to me.
He's my dear friend and companion.
Please alert me if you see him the forest.
I wouldn't want any harm to come to him.

Today has been an adequate day.
I was able to hunt enough food to provide dinner for myself and my mother.
And the pelts should fetch a fair price in Bahari.

What do I like to do for fun?
...I like to be left alone with my thoughts.
I find myself to be all the company I need.
Perhaps you should learn to become more comfortable with solitude yourself.

If you are seeking sernuk, I would look for them in the meadow.
They enjoy grazing on the tall grass.

I saw you strike a sernuk the other day. Congratulations!
Just be sure to find a good use for the horns.
It takes over fifty years for a sernuk to grow horns like that.
You wouldn’t want them to go to waste.

Today is a good day to be outdoors.
The sounds of Palia are very much alive.

As a child living on the plains, I actually thought the world ended at the Kilima mountains.
And here I am on the other side of them… it’s funny how much bigger the world seems after you grow up.

You know I never wanted much out of life.
Just a purpose, a hearth to call my own, and… someone to share those things with.
I sometimes wonder why that is so hard to find.

You know, growing up I never really belonged to a village.
My people went wherever the hunt was best.
So, there’s not really a “place” for me to miss. But I do sort of miss the lack of a place… if that makes sense.
Sometimes I resent being tied down.

Care to join me for a game of cards?
I find games of strategy help keep my mind sharp.

I like spending time at the lake...’s very quiet here.

At a Low(er) Hunting Level

I could teach you to make a better bow...
...but you'll need to get a handle on that one first.

If you're looking for a chapaa, I would try searching in the forest.
Chapaa are burrowing creatures that make their homes in the base of trees.

If I wanted you to know my thoughts, wouldn't I have already told them to you?

If you ever see a kitsuu, do not make the mistake of trying to hunt it.
Kitsuu are sacred animals in Palia.
They are meant only to interact with us as companions and friends, not food!

They say there is a creature that stalks the Elderwood beyond Bahari.
I actually had it in my sights once...
...but there was something about it that made me unable to loosen my arrow.
Its eyes seemed familiar somehow.

Admiring my bow, are you?
My mother makes the finest blades and bows this side of the Kilima mountains.
I'm lucky that what she lacks in maternal instinct, she makes up for in professional talent.

I wish to talk to you about...serious matters, but I fear you will turn our conversation into another one of your jokes.

Excuse me if I appear surly.
I didn't get much sleep last night as I slept indoors.
I greatly prefer to sleep under the stars when possible.

Would you like some leftover chapaa stew?
It is disrespectful to let any part of an animal go to waste.

As much as I will miss the forest, I will have to accept my duty as a blacksmith after my mother passes.
For the time being though, I do prefer to use weapons rather than make them.

I have to do most of my hunting in the mornings since my evenings are spent apprenticing with my mother.
As a proper Majiri, I must do my duty as a son.

Is it cold outside?
I hadn't noticed.
I've trained myself so I no longer feel the cold.

Hassian asks The Player Questions

Missing path for Fire dialogue.
I find myself lost in thought this evening.
Do you ever find yourself in a place you fear you don't belong?

Can't say I have.
You're lucky then.
To tell you the truth, part of the reason I've been so hard on you is that I've never felt truly at home in this valley.

Yes, here.
I apologize if I exacerbated those feelings.
I know what it can be like to feel you're on the outside.

Specific Time

In the Evening

Evening is beautiful, but it's also a primary time for predators.
I would be careful if I were you.

It's tough to pick just one favorite constellation.
But if I had to it would probably be the Smiling Kitsuu.
See, you can see her horns right there above her big floppy ears.

Late evening

If you'll excuse me, I was actually about to retire for the night.
I have a busy day planned tomorrow.

If I were a less disciplined man, I'd be happy to stay up all night stargazing with you.
But alas, I have to get some rest. It's the early ogopuu that catches the oyster.

As a hunter, I must rise with the sun.
All the most desirable prey awaken at dawn.

Please leave me be.
No respectable Palian should be awake at this hour.

Specific Location

At Hassian's Grove

Apologies if my home is a bit spartan for your taste.
My mother and I both know a house is nothing more than shelter.
So there's no need to make a big fuss over it.

Being awakened at this hour will make it difficult for me to rise with the dawn.
Please leave.

At the Tavern

Auni's got the upper hand for now, but I still may have some tricks up my sleeve.

Friendship Level 3-4

Friendship Level 3 or Higher

At Friendship Level 3

I enjoy spending time in the tavern, but I make a point not to lose myself in drink.
Indulging in vices weakens even the sharpest mind.

I didn't have a brother growing up, so I've been trying to be that for Auni. I know he has Nai'o... but who says Auni can only have one?
Auni is a good kid. He just needs a little validation and some companionship to grow into the Majiri he is meant to be.

Friendship Level 4

My momma and I used to stargaze every night. She would often tell me that if I ever lost my way, all I needed to do was look to them.
I miss her.

You know, I actually found myself thinking of you fondly in your absence.
It was an...odd...sensation.

Higher Friendship With Other Villagers

With Auni

I see you have befriended Auni.
Keep an eye on the little guy, will you?
I caught him trying to run away last summer.
I get the feeling he doesn't feel altogether welcome here.

Quest Related

After Quest Icon.png Prove Your Purpose

I'm glad you passed your virtues test.
It's nice to see at least one Human in this village who wants to earn their keep.

After Found Item Quest Quest Icon.png The Secret Poet

I'm working on a new poem. It's called "Two Worlds Collide". The subject, I hope, is obvious.

Pin Reactions

Hassian's Pin Hassian's Pin

You’re... wearing my pin. I’m truly honored to see you share my feelings.
I was nervous the whole thing would turn out to be one sided.

Any other pin

I see your heart belongs to another.
I suppose I was foolish to think you'd reserve it exclusively for me.