Hassian's Pin

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Hassian's Pin is a Quest Item given by Hassian upon the completion of his Level 3 Romance quest: Written in the Stars.


Hassian's Romance Pin

–In-Game Item Description

Upon trying to remove the pin from the Pin slot, Player will get the following message: "Hassian might not be happy if you remove this."

However, removing the pin will have no effect on the Player's relationship with Hassian.


Players receive the pin from Hassian either from him directly at the end of the quest Written in the Stars or through mail. It depends on the Player's chosen Personality path when speaking to Hassian in Hassian's Grove.

  • Fire and Air Personality paths will both receive the pin upon completing the quest.
  • Earth Personality path will receive it in the mail, along with a letter.

Letter from Hassian

Dear (Player),

I suppose you must wonder why I dragged you out in the middle of the night to look at the stars and listen to an old myth. Truth be told I had bigger plans for the evening, but your response to my story gave me pause. Ever since you arrived in the village, I've been fascinated by you. I tried to deny it...because I thought pursuing a relationship with someone so different would lead to my destruction. But now...I see if Dunn and Nyota were willing to risk death together, why should I be willing to risk making a fool of myself? I made you this pin. Do not feel obligated to wear it... but if you do, know that I'll cherish you forever.

Hassian Profile.png Hassian



Quest Icon.png Written in the Stars


Update History

Build 0.165:

  • Introduced.