Written in the Stars

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Written in the Stars is a Romance Quest given by Sifuu on behalf of Hassian upon reaching his Romance Level 3: Star Crossed Lovers.


Sifuu wants to meet with you to discuss your relationship with her son.


Part 1

Part 2

Sifuu mentioned that she and Hassian were unpacking Taylin's old things. Maybe you can check around their house for clues on what's bothering Hassian?

Show Sifuu the star charts you found.

↷ Return to Sifuu

Part 3

Make Hassian a new telescope in order to cheer him up.

↷ Return to Sifuu

Part 4

You made Hassian in [sic] a new telescope just like the one he used to watch stars with Taylin! Hopefully this will make him feel better about missing his momma.

Part 5

It seems like Hassian still has more to say. Give him some time, and check back later.

  • 0/1 To be continued...

Part 6

Hassian's asked you to meet him tonight in his grove. Talk to him there during the hours of 10pm-3am.

  • Talk to Hassian in his secret grove at night.


At Quest Completion

Either at Quest Completion or Post-Quest depending on Player's Personality selection

Post-Quest (if chosen Earth Personality)

  • Hassian Profile.png Relationship improved with Hassian


  1. Read Sifuu's letter and then go talk to her. Something concerns her and she requests your help.
  2. Then head to her house to find some clues to what's been bothering her son, Hassian.
  • In the room to the right, you will find the Old Star Charts resting on the table.
  • (Optional) On a dresser next to the wardrobe, you can also read a letter addressed to Hassian from his momma Taylin.
  1. Find Sifuu to update her on your findings. You bring up that it may be a good idea to make Hassian a New Telescope.
  2. Sifuu asks you to bring her the materials.
  1. She will work her magic and create a brand New Telescope. She asks you to deliver it to Hassian.
  2. With the New Telescope at hand, go find Hassian.
  3. He will be at a loss for words, so be patient with him.
  • Check your mail!
  1. Read his letter and go talk to him.

Dialogue and Mail

Letter from Sifuu

Dear (Player),

Can you stop by the forge some time? I could use your help.

And don't bring Hassian!

Sifuu Profile.png Sifuu

Talking to Sifuu

There you are. Good, I was starting to think I'd have to do this myself.
What's wrong?
Hassian's wrong. Well, okay, he's not wrong, but there's something wrong with him.
And he won't tell me what it is! He's just been sighing and moping around for days.
Ever since we started going through some of Taylin's old things...
And you didn't make the connection?

Oh no...

That must have been hard for him.

What do you mean?
Ahhh, this stuff just goes over my head. I try my best, but that boy still doesn't want to talk to me.
That's why I figured I'd call you over. Maybe you can rummage through that old junk and find what set him off.
If I do it, he's just going to get mad. And we just managed to come to an understanding.

Letter to Hassian from momma


How's the weather in the plains? Your mom told me there's a storm rolling in from the desert. I know how much you hate it when you get cooped up inside, but I promise when I get back I'll take you camping for a whole week! We'll roast dinner on an open fire and stare up at the stars, all three of us together.

The woods are dark, and dank, and full of bugs. Blech! Some day I want to show it to you. Once it's safe.

I miss you so much, my smart little baby, and I hope you aren't giving mom too much trouble while I'm gone. This hunt won't last much longer, I promise.

Remember what I taught you, okay? When you get lonely, just look up at the night sky and remember that the stars are watching over you- and those same ones are watching over me too!

I can't wait to see you again.

Love, Momma

Showing Sifuu the star charts

I found this.
An old star chart?
Oh, I remember this! Taylin and Hassian used to go stargazing all the time.
I never had much patience for it. But she used to pore over this book with him, teaching him all the stars. How to spot them.
I asked him once, after evrything happened, if he wanted to watch the stars with me instead.
He said no.
What if we made him a new telescope?
Huh. Coming from you, he might actually accept it. Of course, you'd need to bring me the right materials.
I'll need some copper, a glass lens, and a bit of silver ore.
Bring that and we'll be in business!

Bringing Sifuu the materials

I brought the materials.
Great! Let me just take these... shape the scope... fix the glass...
Aaand done! If Hassian hates this then my name ain't Sifuu.
Go get 'em, tiger!

Receive: New Telescope 1 New Telescope

Surprising Hassian with the telescrope

I got you something.
A telescope?
...Did my mother talk to you?
No, I'm just psychic.
If that were true, our courtship might have gone a lot smoother.

She did.
I see.

We were worried about you.
I told you both I was fine. But you didn't listen...

I suppose I owe you an explanation.
If you're up for it.
I think I am.

You don't have to.
No... but I owe you that much.

After you helped my mother with her book, we spoke more in depth.
About Taylin... and about our family. She thought it was time to go through some of my mother's old things.
Keep what we wanted, and get rid of the rest.
And I... couldn't.
It's been over a decade. I don't fault my mother for wanting to move on. Not really.
I simply... don't have that in me.
You don't have to say more.
Thank you, (Player). You've given me a piece of my mom back.

I'm so sorry.
...Thank you for your kindness, (Player). And for giving me a piece of my mom back.

Is there anything I can do for you?
You've already done more than enough. You've given me a piece of my mom back.

I think I'll put this telescope in my grove. Perhaps you could stop by some time and look at the stars with me.

Letter from Hassian

Dear (Player),

There is a matter of importance that's been weighing on me. Come to watch the stars with me tonight and I'll tell you all about it.

Hassian Profile.png Hassian

Meeting Hassian in his grove

You made it! I was afraid you might not show up.
I wanted to talk to you about the stars.
The stars?
Yes, many of Palia's greatest stories are written in the stars.
The Lovers are particularly bright tonight. Do you know the story of Nyota and Dunn?
Legend has it in the days of the first Majiri, there were many intelligent creatures who lived in these woods.
One such creature was the wood nymph. Each nymph was said to have a unique magical power.
One day, a nymph called Nyota, who had the power to see the future, met a young hunter named Dunn.
Nyota helped Dunn find all the best prey in exchange for stories of the world outside the woods.
Eventually, Nyota and Dunn spent so much time together they fell in love.
But the first time they kissed, Nyota saw that Dunn's people would betray hers by flooding her home to create a great lake.
What do you think Nyota should have done when she learned this?
Kill Dunn.
Maybe you're right. Lovers from such different worlds could never be.
Unfortunately for her, she didn't learn that lesson.
She tried to persuade Dunn to help save her people. And he tried, but all they ended up accomplishing was ensuring that he drowned with her.
Love can make people do foolish things. Luckily, I am not plagued with such a curse...

Convince Dunn to help.
That's what she did.
And Dunn fought tirelessly against the dam, but unfortunately, he failed and they both drowned.
I always took that story to mean that people from two different worlds couldn't be together.
...but maybe I got it all wrong.
When you first started... flirting with me, I wasn't sure what to do. I thought it would be better for us both if I shut things down.
And then I found myself thinking of you, all the time. Whether you'd like a flower I spotted in the meadow, or how your smile looks in the sun.
I lost many sleepless nights when I realized what you meant to me.
I thought, like Nyota and Dunn, we were never meant to be. Yet you surprised me at every step. Returning my affections. Following Majiri tradition.
And I realized that, whatever our differences, there was nothing I wasn't willing to overcome.
I made this pin for you the night you gave me that lily. I wanted to hold onto it until I was sure...
I should have known from the beginning that it was always meant to be yours.

Run away with Dunn.
Maybe that would have worked...if she could have crossed the water. Nyota was tied to her home.
And no matter how much she loved Dunn she couldn't leave it.
Eventually when the Humans flooded the valley, they died together.
Like Nyota, I too am tied to this land. If only by customs and not magic.
When you first started... flirting with me, I wasn't sure what to do. I thought it would be better for us both if I shut things down.
And then I found myself thinking of you, all the time. Whether you'd like a flower I spotted in the meadow, or how your smile looks in the sun.
I lost many sleepless nights when I realized what you meant to me.
I thought, like Nyota and Dunn, we were never meant to be. Yet you surprised me at every step. Returning my affections. Following Majiri tradition.
And I realized that, whatever our differences, there was nothing I wasn't willing to overcome.
I made this pin for you the night you gave me that lily. I wanted to hold onto it until I was sure...
I should have known from the beginning that it was always meant to be yours.


Only Players who choose Earth Personality Path when meeting Hassian in his grove receive this letter along with the villager's pin.

Letter from Hassian

Dear (Player),

I suppose you must wonder why I dragged you out in the middle of the night to look at the stars and listen to an old myth. Truth be told I had bigger plans for the evening, but your response to my story gave me pause. Ever since you arrived in the village, I've been fascinated by you. I tried to deny it...because I thought pursuing a relationship with someone so different would lead to my destruction. But now...I see if Dunn and Nyota were willing to risk death together, why should I be willing to risk making a fool of myself? I made you this pin. Do not feel obligated to wear it... but if you do, know that I'll cherish you forever.

Hassian Profile.png Hassian


  • Players who pick Fire or Air Personality paths will receive Hassian's pin during quest completion.


Update History

Build 0.165:

  • Introduced.