Dialogue with Hassian about Gifts

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This page consists of written gift dialogue lines for Hassian.

After First Gift

At the Player's Housing Plot

I have come to apologize for not previously reciprocating your generosity. I've been trying to think of a gift that is worthy, and I think I have finally come up with something.
I have developed a wallpaper in emerald green, similar to a springtime forest. Any room this color makes me feel at home. I could while away hours without realizing.
Not that I am trying to make your home my home... Uh, forget I said anything.

Leafy Emerald Stucco Wall Leafy Emerald Stucco Wall


Given Emerald Emerald

That is an Emerald.
I mean. Ahem. Thank you very much for this gift, (Player).
It was very generous of you. I will not forget it.


ChapaaChuckle.png This article or following section is likely to contain spoilers! Please proceed with caution.

Requesting Azure Chapaa Tail Azure Chapaa Tail, Spotted Chapaa Tail Spotted Chapaa Tail, Striped Chapaa Tail Striped Chapaa Tail

My quiver is nearly worn through...
Do you think you could find a (Chapaa Tail) to mend it?

Requesting Cotton Cotton, Sernuk Hide Sernuk Hide

If you feel the need to get me a gift, perhaps a bit of (cotton / hide) would be suitable?
That should help me repair my armor.

Requesting Dispel Arrow Dispel Arrow

If you feel the need to get me a gift, perhaps a magic arrow would be suitable?
I only enjoy gifts if they are of practical use.

Requesting Flint Flint

If you feel the need to get me a gift, perhaps a bit of flint would be suitable?
That should help me make new arrows.

Requesting Fur Fur

Fur has become so popular amongst the Humans, I'm struggling to keep them in stock.
Perhaps you wouldn't mind helping me refill my supply?
I would be...grateful.

Requesting Giant Kilima Stingray Giant Kilima Stingray

Sometimes, I see a magnificent ray beneath the waters. Just once I'd like to see it up close.
If you catch one, be sure to let me know.

Requesting Iron Ore Iron Ore

If you feel the need to get me a gift, perhaps a bit of iron would be suitable? That should help me upgrade and repair my bow.

Requesting Shimmerfin Shimmerfin

Sometimes, I see a magnificent fish beneath the waters that disappears everytime I get a good look. Just once I'd like to see it up close. If you catch one, be sure to let me know.

Requests For Other Villagers

Requesting Chapaa Meat Chapaa Meat, Sernuk Meat Sernuk Meat

My mother values hunting skills.
If you bring her fresh (Chapaa, sernuk) meat, she will be pleased.

Requesting Oily Anchovy Oily Anchovy, Sardine Sardine

Whatever you do DON'T get my mom (anchovies, sardines).
She loves them, but I can't stand the smell.

Requesting Muujin Meat Muujin Meat

My mother says she wants to cook muujin steak tonight.
If you bring her fresh muujin meat, she will be pleased.

Requesting Pickled Carrots Pickled Carrots

My mother, as a general rule, dislikes vegetables. She will make an exception for pickled carrots.

Requesting Proudhorned Sernuk Antlers Proudhorned Sernuk Antlers

If you're looking for something to do with Proudhorned Sernuk antlers, I have it on good authority my mother is making a chair.

Requesting Swordfin Eel Swordfin Eel

If you're looking for something to do with Swordfin Eel, I have it on good authority my mother is making a swordfin sword.
Don't ask...

Requesting Calico Koi Calico Koi, Cantankerous Koi Cantankerous Koi

The other afternoon, Tau caught sight of a (calico, cantankerous) koi and could not take his eyes off of it. It would please him greatly to be able to watch it swim around all day...

Requesting Channel Catfish Channel Catfish

Tau has been fishing catfish out of the water during our hunting trips. I believe he is trying to say he wants to eat some for dinner tonight...

Requesting Common Field Cricket Common Field Cricket, Garden Leafhopper Garden Leafhopper

Tau has the tendency to chase after things that jump… especially the (Common Field Crickets / Garden Leafhoppers) we've been coming across on our walks lately. If you were to find him one, I am sure he would be quite pleased.

Requesting Flow-Infused Plank Flow-Infused Plank, Sapwood Plank Sapwood Plank

Tau has been collecting (Flow-infused / sapwood) planks for another... construction project of his. If you could find some for him, I am sure he would be grateful.

Requesting Golden Salmon Golden Salmon

A golden salmon jumped out of the water in front of Tau the other day. He was disappointed when he failed to catch it. If you could find him one, I am certain you would raise his spirits.

Requesting Oily Anchovy Oily Anchovy

Lately, Tau has made a game out of surprising my mother with things she likes in exchange for belly rubs. *sigh* If you could give him some oily anchovy, he would most certainly be pleased.

Requesting Unopened Oyster Unopened Oyster

Tau keeps collecting oysters during our hunting excursions in Bahari. I am sure he would be pleased if you helped add to his collection.


General Acceptance

It pleases me that you have come to appreciate the Majiri customs of gift giving.


General Rejection

...you would call this a gift, wouldn't you?

Duplicate Weekly Gift

I'm afraid repeating the same gesture over and over again doesn't impress me.
If you want to give me something I'll appreciate, I would suggest offering something new.

Specific Rejection



Specific Responses

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Given Azure Chapaa Tail Azure Chapaa Tail, Fur Fur, Iron Ore Iron Ore, Sernuk Hide Sernuk Hide

Surprisingly useful. I appreciate the thought.

Given Fireworks Arrow Fireworks Arrow

...I wasn't expecting this from you. But I am truly grateful.