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For related skills, see Gardening and Cooking.

This Vegetables details all vegetables in Palia. More details about each vegetable can be found on its respective page.

Different Vegetables

Image Name Description Rarity Value SQ.png Value
Bok Choy.png Bok Choy Not only is this veggie thick and juicy, but healthy too. Get your daily dose of vitamins with each crunch! Common Gold.png 30 Gold Gold.png 45 Gold
Carrot.png Carrot This sweet, orange, carrot will improve your eyesight, raw or cooked. It's full of vitamin see! Common Gold.png 23 Gold Gold.png 34 Gold
Corn.png Corn A lot of corny puns could describe this corn, which can be eaten raw or cooked. Common Gold.png 40 Gold Gold.png 60 Gold
Lettuce.png Lettuce Gain 135 Focus when consumed. Common Gold.png 82 Gold Gold.png 82 Gold
Napa Cabbage.png Napa Cabbage Leafy, green, and the freshest on the scene, napa cabbage is just what you need. It's delicious and nutritious no matter how you cook it! Common Gold.png 40 Gold Gold.png 60 Gold
Onion.png Onion Cooked onions lend fragrant base to any dish. But some folks prefer them raw. Like Nai'o. Common Gold.png 30 Gold Gold.png 45 Gold
Potato.png Potato Boil 'em, mash 'em, stick 'em in a stew! Versatile potatoes add heartiness to any cooked meal. Common Gold.png 45 Gold Gold.png 67 Gold
Spicy Pepper.png Spicy Pepper These spicy peppers got a sick burn. Most people cook them. The truly brave eat them raw. Uncommon Gold.png 32 Gold Gold.png 48 Gold
Tomato.png Tomato This juicy, red tomato may have a saucy attitude, but it tastes great either raw or cooked. Common Gold.png 23 Gold Gold.png 34 Gold