Hotpot Minigame

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The Hotpot Minigame is playable during the Maji Market Luna New Year event and in The Underground.


On the docks of the Fairgrounds and in The Underground, you'll find large hotpot tables, offering up a delicious minigame to feed your heart and soul.[1]

Up to four players can interact with any open hotpot table between 6:00 PM - 3:00 AM Palia Time to begin a new game. Players will have up to 90 seconds to join the match once started. Empty tables will have a white arrow above them, while open games that are waiting to begin are marked with the current player count and a colored circle counting down the time left until auto-start. This colored circle can be either green, yellow or red, depending on the remaining time. You cannot join a game that is already in progress.

Hotpot in the Underground
Hotpot at the Fairgrounds

How to Play

The objective is to create three sets of three cards each. Sets can be made with either a Three-of-a-Kind Set (3 cards with the same category and same ingredient) or a Category Set (3 cards of the same color category but with different ingredients). [1]

In the center of the table, you’ll see the draw pile - the cards here are available for anyone to draw from during their turn. The first player will have 60 seconds to draw from any pile in the center of the table and will then choose a card from their hand to discard. Then the next player’s turn begins.

When a player achieves three sets, they can click the "Let's Eat!" button to end the game.

The Cards


A card has two main features: a Category, and an Ingredient. The Category is represented by an icon in the top right corner as well as by the color of the card. The Ingredient is represented by the image in the middle of the card.

Category Ingredient Diagram.png


There are 8 categories, each consisting of 3 unique cards. There are 4 copies of each card.

Category Color Set
Noodles Beige Hotpot Noodle Category.png
Fish Blue Hotpot Fish Category.png
Greens Green Hotpot Greens Category.png
Spices Orange Hotpot Spice Category.png
Veggies Yellow Hotpot Veggie Category.png
Meat Red Hotpot Meat Category.png
Mushrooms Purple Hotpot Mushroom Category.png
Carbs Gray Hotpot Carb Category.png

The Board

Hotpot Board.png

1: Round

The current round of the game.

2: Your Play Area

This is where your hand of cards is located.

3: Other Play Areas

This is where the other player's hand of cards are located.

4: Discard Pile

This is where you can draw and discard cards from your hand.

5: Other Players

This shows the other players you are playing with as well as their current turn timers.

6: Discards

Pressing / brings up the discard pile which shows all cards that have previously been discarded by each player and haven't been picked up again by other players.

Hotpot Q.png

7: Quit Game

Pressing / allows you to exit the game early.

8: Your Hand

Pressing / brings up a different view of your current hand.

Hotpot E.png

9: Tutorial

Pressing / brings up the tutorial.


  • Three-of-a-Kind Set (3 cards with the same color category and same ingredient) = 120 points
  • Category Set (3 cards of the same color category but with different ingredients) = 60 points

You will also get table points based on all matches at the end of the game.

Hotpot Results.png

All Possible Sets

Hotpot All Sets.png


In the Underground, playing a game of hotpot awards gold according to the total points of all players' hands at the table. The player is also rewarded one Prize Wheel Coin Prize Wheel Coin for participating, and an additional coin for winning the game.

At the Maji Market, playing a game of hotpot awards an amount of Lucky Envelope Lucky Envelope according to the total points of all players' hands at the table..

For a list of possible rewards in the Underground and at the Maji Market, see: Zeki's Prize Wheel

Tips and Tricks

  • If you don’t have 4 players, don’t worry! The game will begin after 90 seconds, even if the Hotpot table has less than 4 players. NPC's will take any spots not taken up by a player. [1]
  • Keep an eye on what other players’ are discarding! These cards will appear in front of their soup base and may help clue you in to what they are collecting. [1]

Update History

Build 0.182:

  • An additional Hot Pot table has appeared in the Underground.

Build 0.180:

  • You can now play the Hotpot minigame at the Underground Black Market!

Build 0.176:

  • Introduced.

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 [1]