Leafy Emerald Stucco Wall

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Leafy Emerald Stucco Wall is a Common Wallpaper that can be used to customize the Player's Housing Plot.


Your respect for nature has earned Hassian's respect in return. Seems like you've both finally turned over a new leaf like this green, stucco wall!

–In-Game Item Description

How to Obtain

Leafy Emerald Stucco Wall is gifted to the Player by Hassian Profile.png Hassian, at the Player's housing plot, after receiving a gift from the Player for the very first time.


Leafy Emerald Stucco Wall is not modifiable.

Bestowal Dialogue

 «  Hassian  » 
I have come to apologize for not previously reciprocating your generosity. I've been trying to think of a gift that is worthy, and I think I have finally come up with something.
I have developed a wallpaper in emerald green, similar to a springtime forest. Any room this color makes me feel at home. I could while away hours without realizing.
Not that I am trying to make your home my home... Uh, forget I said anything.


Update History

Build 0.173:

  • Introduced.