Mossy Emerald Stucco Wall

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Mossy Emerald Stucco Wall is a Common Wallpaper that can be used to customize the Player's Housing Plot.


Love the color of moss, but caring for the real thing makes you anxious like Jina? This green, stucco wall is for you!

–In-Game Item Description

How to Obtain

Mossy Emerald Stucco Wall is gifted to the Player by Jina Profile.png Jina, at the Player's housing plot, after receiving a gift from the Player for the very first time.


Mossy Emerald Stucco Wall is not modifiable.

Bestowal Dialogue

 «  Jina  » 
So I don't know if you believe in the whole Luna Signs and Starstones thing...
I mean, I don't really know if I do! After all... astrology is really unscientific... but it can still be fun sometimes.
My Starstone is the emerald, and I have to say the color green does make me feel at ease. Like, someday, maybe I'll find all the answers I'm searching for?
I don't know, it's probably silly. Anyway...
Whether or not you're into Starstones, maybe you'll still like the color? If not, it's seriously no big deal.


Update History

Build 0.173:

  • Introduced.