Nai'o - Dialogue

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Vue d'ensemble


Première interaction

Oh, bonjour ! Tu viens d'arriver au village, non ? Moi c'est Nai'o
Ma famille tient la ferme des Daiya, à l'ouest de Kilima.
Si tu veux visiter la grange ou apprendre à monter un riffroc, pense à moi !
Je peux aussi soulever de lourdes charges, alors n'hésite pas si tu as besoin d'ayde !
Oh, et voilà une carotte pour Sabotine. Donnes-en-lui une et je peux t'assurer qu'elle ne te lâchera plus d'un sabot !

+1 Carrot Carrot

Parler de nouveau à Nai'o

Tu as perdu ton chemin ? T'en fais pas. Même moi, ça m'arrive de me perdre.
Mais si c'est Ashura que tu cherches, il est derrière moi. Enfin, pas littéralement, mais... il est dans l'auberge, qui est... derrière moi. Bref, tu m'as compris.


  • Stop by the farm sometime.
  • How can I help you?
  • I wonder what ma’s cooking for dinner tonight.
  • It’s nice to see you.
  • Hey, how’s it going?
  • What’s up?
  • Oh... sorry I didn’t see you there. I was just a bit distracted. Seems to happen to me a lot...
  • Always good to see you. We don’t get many guests out on the farm.
  • (Player), nice to see you! Kenyatta and I were just chatting about Riffrocs!
  • Is it just me or are we seeing a lot of each other?
  • I’ve missed you, (Player). Things just aren’t the same around here without you.
  • Hard work is its own reward. But so is seeing you!

Dialogue quotidien


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I’ve been trying to improve my workout ever since Kenyatta mentioned I looked slimmer. Not that it was true.
I took my shirt off and flexed just to prove her wrong.
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Working out really helps distract me from stress. If I just keep moving, bad thoughts can’t catch me!
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I like to get a couple of lunges in on the way to work. Stable work is all upper body after all.
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An important part of caring for your animals is giving them daily doses of affection.
They tend to produce better for folks they know care about them.
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Looks like Auni already left for his paper route.
Mom had something she wanted to tell him, but I guess it’ll have to wait until he gets back.
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Auni's always talking about going on these great big adventures, but I'm fine here on the farms, with the ormuus and the pekis.
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Evenings are my favorite time of day.
They're when I get to spend time with my family.
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My mom keeps bragging about me, because I tracked down Eshe's riffroc after it escaped last month.
I wish she would knock it off, it's super embarrassing.
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My mom's been trying to keep it a secret, but I know she's having trouble making enough money off the farm to pay or[sic] taxes.
That's why I have to work as hard as I can to help.
Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante.
Oh man, I can't wait for the Roundball championship! It's going to be such a great showdown.
Auni and I will be rooting for the Bahari Bay Phoenixes. What team are you rooting for?

The Bahari Bay Phoenixes, duh.
I knew it! Three... Two... One... PHOENIXES! PHOENIXES! PHOENIXES!

What's Roundball?

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Sugarfoot told me she's starting to like you. Next time you see her, sneak her an extra carrot just for me.
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Shoveling fertilizer can be an unglamorous part of the job, but somebody's gotta do it!
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 «  After answering favorite crop  » 
Good thing I caught up with you. I saved some potatoes just for you! I remembered they were your favorite!

+2 Potato.png Potato


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You’re here! Great! I’ve got something for you.
I was trying out some new recipes. I know it’s nothing special, but…
I thought you should be the first to try it.

+1 Apple Pie.png Tarte aux pommes

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Oh, hey! I was gonna come see you later. I saw this and thought of you-
Wait, no, sorry, that’s the new fertilizer I was trying out. Crap, where’d I put it—

+1 SpeedyGro Fertilizer.png SpeedyGro Fertilizer

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Wanna see me do a backflip? I’ve been practicing... just for you.
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You know if you need anything, you just have to ask, right?
Though, maybe if I was psychic, you wouldn’t even have to ask...
...Have you seen Elouisa around anywhere?
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You know, I think you’re BERRY cute.
...My dad said he used that line on mom when they met.
Did it work?

I’d say we make a pretty cute PEAR.
Oh! Like the fruit! You just came up with that?
Wow. You’re cute AND smart.

I’m not really into puns.
Maybe next time I should try coming up with my own material.

Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante.
Hey, sorry I’m kinda sweaty right now.

I don’t mind.

I hadn’t noticed...

Really? Auni always complains about how much I stink after work. Even though I bathe like twice a day.

Great, so I can give you a hug, right? I hate going without my daily hug.

Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante.
Ma was asking when you were gonna stop by again.
I think she really likes having you around.
What about you?

I mean, I think she likes having me around too. I always try to help out around the farm.

I don’t know what I’d do without you around, (Player). Probably be sad a lot.

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I was wondering if you wanted to come with me and Auni next time we go to the city?
I’d love to.


You know, Auni really loves it when you hang out with him... and I love when you hang out with me too.

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Are you here to see the ormuu, or... me?



...Good. I mean, Butterball IS really cute, but...
Here, I’ll just stand next to him and then you can hang out with both of us!

The ormuus.


It’s sweet how much you care about them.
I really like that about you, (Player). Here, do you wanna help me brush Butterball’s tail out?

Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante.
You’re back! Me and Sugarfoot missed you.

Who missed me most?
It’s hard to say. I always miss you, but Sugarfoot DOES really love carrots and attention...

I missed you too.


Yeah? Guess you better stick around for a while, then. If you want to, I mean. I’d like it if you wanted to.

Dialogue sur les cadeaux


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 «  Nai'o : Stone Brick Stone Brick  » 
I was tilling the fields yesterday, and my hoe broke right in half!
I could make another one if I had a stone brick.
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 «  Nai'o : Potato Potato  » 
Helping my dad turn our old produce into pickles is important.
We're running kinda low on potatoes for pickling this week though.


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Oh hey! This'll come in handy when I'm patching things up around the farm. Thanks!
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I was just working up a sweat. This'll definitely help me refuel.


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 «  Given Citrine 1 Citrine  » 
Whoa, Player, I think you accidentally handed me your starstone
Wait. You're... giving this to me? Really?
This is the best gift I've gotten since Butterball was born. Thanks, Player!


En donnant une Box of Chocolates Box of Chocolates ou Heartdrop Lily Heartdrop Lily:

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 «  Friendship Level Below 3  » 
Nai'o, this is kind of awkward to admit. But my heart belongs to someone else. Sorry!
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 «  Friendship Level 3+  » 
I... wow! I didn't know you felt the same way about me.
I mean, uh... I've been thinking you're pretty cute, and you're nice, and you help me out...
I was actually gonna give YOU something. But you beat me to it!
Here, you should take these anyways, okay? If I keep them, Auni will sneak into my room and eat them all.

Nai'o then gifts you a Box of Chocolates.

Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante.
 «  Friendship Level 3+, if Kenyatta's Level 2 Romance Quest resulted in her staying with Nai'o  » 
This is for me?
But I thought you and Kenyatta were... I mean, I was expecting her to come break up with me...
I'm confused.
We talked it out.
You did? And...?

Why not both?

We both want to date you.

Wait, so. Kenyatta wants to keep dating me...?
And you... want to... too?
I... I mean, I've been thinking you're pretty cute, and you're nice, and you help me out, but...
You're sure? You, me, and Kenyatta?

I'm sure

Why not?

Only if you want to.
I want to!

I really like Kenyatta. But I really like you too. I guess I just never realized it was an option. But if you're both okay with it...
This is so exciting! Just you wait, I won't make you regret this!
Okay, uh... what's your favorite food? Your favorite color? Do you like carrots-
Wait, don't answer that. It's better if I find out naturally, right?
Kenyatta always tells me I need to pay better attention. Well, I promise I'll pay enough attention for both of you!

Événements spéciaux

Maji Market

Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante.
  • Hey! Got invited to the Maji Market too, huh?
Auni asked me if I could take him with me to the Maji Market later tonight.
I felt bad saying no to him, but he’s got a curfew and I really don’t want him to get in trouble with ma.

How did he react?

You did what you had to do.
Yeah… I wish he understood that, though.

I’m going to bring him back some food from the market later. That’ll cheer him up!
I thought I’d come out here to support my ma. She’s running her own sweets cart.
It’d mean a lot to her if you bought one of her treats. Check them out when you get the chance!
I passed by Sifuu on the way to the market. She said she was going to stop by with Hassian once she’s convinced him to come.
She still hasn’t shown up, so I guess that didn’t go very well...
If you’re wondering where Auni and my dad are, they’re at home keeping an eye on the animals.
The Ormuus are fine by themselves, but the pekis can’t be left alone for too long, especially old Feathers. He gets weird when ma’s not around.
My pa says he’s got attachment issues or something like that. I feel bad for the poor little fella, even if he almost pecked my eye a couple of times.
Have you checked out Hodari and Najuma’s cart? They have tons of awesome fireworks for sale!
I was planning on bringing some back home for Auni... but then I heard my ma’s voice in my head, asking me why I thought it was a good idea to give explosives to my little brother.

They’re just fireworks.
I know, but still... I don’t want to get Auni or myself into any trouble.

You only live once.
True. Auni would never forgive me if I didn’t bring him back something cool, anyway.
I’m going to buy him a couple of them and show him how to set them off properly. There’s no way we’ll get in trouble now!

I don’t want any part of this.

Sounds like a recipe for disaster.
Yeah, you’re probably right. The last time I ignored that voice in my head, I got me, Auni, AND my pa in trouble with her.
I can’t blame her for getting mad. I mean, we accidentally dyed her hair red!
All because of my stupid idea to include coral in the homemade shampoo we made her...

Is it just me, or did the Maji Market suddenly get brighter?

I think it’s just you.

Oh, really? I thought it was because I finally got Kenyatta to look this way.
Her smile could light up an entire roundball stadium...
...Please don’t tell her I said that.

Oh... I was trying to say you were lighting up the place.
I’m no good at this flirting thing.

I tend to have that effect wherever I go.

Parole du doubleur

Les paroles ci-dessous sont en anglais dans le jeu.


Début de Conversation

Niveau 1-2
  • Hey, I’m working up a sweat.
  • What’s better than farm life?
  • Oh? Can I you?
  • Are you lost?
  • Oh, hey. Just a sec. What’s up?
  • How are you settling in to valley life?
  • Ah, great day for a run.
  • Need some heavy lifting?
Niveau 3-4
  • Ah, my muscles are so sore.
  • Looks like a great harvest this year.
  • Ah. Come for some harvesting tips?
  • I’m always happy to help a friend.
  • Nothing is more important than family.
  • *Yawn* Huh? I’m up, I’m up, I’m up, I’m up!
  • Auni’s saying great things about you.
  • You’re welcome at the farmhouse.
  • It’s a great day for farmin’.

Fin de Conversation

Niveau 1-2
  • Come back anytime.
  • See ya around.
  • Can’t beat the produce at Daiya family farm.
  • Can’t talk! Gotta work.
  • You see Auni, tell him to come home.
  • If you want to learn about farming, ask my dad.
  • I’m always here to help.
Niveau 3-4
  • Let me know if you need anything.
  • Gotta go. The ormuus need me.
  • Talking to you always helps.
  • Hey, mind catching up on the roundball scores for me?
  • Back to helpin’ out.
  • So much work to do.
  • Happy harvesting.
  • Man, time really flew by.


Début de Conversation

Niveau 1-2
  • My parents like when you stop by.
  • We make a great pair.
  • I am so hot. Maybe I should take my shirt off?
  • You here to see the Ormuu, Or me?
  • Auni likes it when you hang around.
  • My mom was talking about you.
  • Do you like... Farming?
  • If you need anything, I'm here for you.
  • Oh.. Hey.
  • I stayed up late last night thinking about you.
Niveau 3-4
  • I’d take a day off for you, babe.
  • Need help with any chores, babe?
  • Busy tonight?
  • You’re everything I want.
  • You’re prettier than the shiniest tomato.
  • Hey, babe.
  • I was hoping you’d stop by.
  • Oh hey, I was just about to come see ya.
  • Wanna watch me work out?

Fin de Conversation

Niveau 1-2
  • I'd let you read me some poems.
  • Mm, Write me?
  • Stop by for family dinner sometime.
  • You're prettier than our blue ribbon Ormuus.
  • Stop by again later?
  • Can't lie.. Miss you already.
  • I'll talk you up to my parents while you're gone.
  • I'm actually disappointed you're leaving.
  • The Ormuus will miss ya... And me too.
Niveau 3-4
  • Ah, I’d skip chores for you. …Does that make me a bad boy?
  • See ya later, babe.
  • You look cute today, babe.
  • Shucks, ya got me all flustered.
  • I’ll tell the family you said hi.
  • You smell way nicer than the farm.
  • You make my heart beat faster than watching roundball.
  • I’ll see you around... Right?
  • Tell me if you need anything, babe.