Najuma - Dialogue

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Vue d'ensemble


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  • Hey there.
  • It’s kinda nice seeing more people around here.
  • Some people think it’s boring all the way out here... But I like it.
  • My dad’s not home right now. Whaddya need?
  • Almost didn’t see you there. I was lost in this great book.
  • Oh... hi.

Dialogue quotidien

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Auni's always going on about wanting to leave the valley
Sometimes I don't understand that kid...
His family is EAGER to teach him their trade.
So I don't get what the problem is.
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I finally caved into Auni’s Bug Scouts, and it ended up being way more fun than I thought.
He gave me some smoke bombs to tinker with, and I think I can make them twenty percent more effective at catching mantises!
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I try to avoid Auni when I’m working because he’s soooo distracting.
But there was one time he wouldn’t leave me alone. He just had to deliver a carrot to me!
Tish said he might have a crush on me. Ew!
But it turns out, he was delivering it for my dad who just trying to make sure I was eating right.[sic]
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Ugh! Dad keeps telling me it isn’t safe for me to go into the mines.
But how do I learn proper safety techniques if he doesn’t even let me try!!!!
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Do you ever fight with any of your family like I fight with my dad?

My mom.

My dad.

A sibling.

I don’t have any family.
Oh. I-I’m sorry.
As much as I get annoyed, I don’t know what I’d do without my dad.

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You know, I never went to school for making explosives.
My mom taught me the basics and the rest of the ideas just came to me, I guess.
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It is way too early... or did I stay up too late?
But you know, sometimes you get a brilliant idea and you just have to write it down.
And then it takes a couple more hours to draw it accurately...
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You might want to stand back.
I’m working on my latest invention and I’m not entirely sure this thing is stable.
What does your invention do?
Hmm... good question.
I’ll let you guess. What do you think it does?

It lets you breathe underwater.

It makes you fly.

It communicates with ghosts.
Interesting answer, but no. It’s a new kind of firework.
Maybe if I’m lucky, I’ll actually get to test it out without my dad freaking out...

Why don’t you just tell me?

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I made a timed explosives system for last year’s Midsummer pageant.
That way all the pyrotechnics are in an automated loop. This year, they won’t even need me!
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Right now I’m working on a new kind of firework.
One that sings a song when it gets detonated.
You wanna see how it works?
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I’m so tired of people being weird about my leg! It doesn’t mean I’m useless!
I get it. They’re just concerned about me. Like, sometimes the stump will hurt, or I’ll feel like I still have my old one.
Even on good days, it’s a lot of work to maintain a prosthetic, even just putting it on and taking it off.
But I want everyone to know I’m not afraid of hard work! The leg is proof, see?
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I mined and smelted every piece of ore in my leg.
It feels more like my leg than the one I was born with sometimes.
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I know me and my dad will be okay eventually.
We always are.
I just wish I could get him to trust me.
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I'd love to show you my new firework, but it's too loud. My dad'll be so mad if he catches me out this late.
But what do you think of these sketches? I'm working on a new shoe that'll let me sneak in and out of the house whenever I want!
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You know, an inventor's job is to make stuff to help people! Maybe I could help you out one day...

I want to try that glider you made earlier!

I could use some help around my house.
You bet! I just need to, well...
What do you do around your house, anyway?

I'd like to talk to animals.

Don't worry about me.

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Every day, by the time the sun goes down, I am always so, so, so hungry!
When I was little, my mom always had an apple ready for me, just in case.
My dad sometimes had nuts, but I think it was just leftover chapaa bait. He'll never admit that, though.
I can't wait for dinner! Using this much brainpower requires a lot of energy!
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My dad said you were pretty good at fishing.
It's not for me. Way too much waiting around, doing nothing!
But you're my friend, so I want to help you out as much as I can!
Have you seen the Dawnrays? I hear they're super rare fish that only come out at this hour, great for a fisher like you!
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There was this one time I was trying to work on this new explosive.
But I couldn't find my goggles anywhere!
I had to resort to asking my dad for help. Sheesh, that was embarassing.
He tracked them down though! That thieving chapaa didn't know what hit him!
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Sometimes I get tempted to make something like the stuff I see in the ruins.
The ancient Humans had so many cool inventions!
But they ALL required Flow to work. And I am not ABOUT to get my butt hunted down by the Order.
I have way too much stuff I want to accomplish before I die than to risk that.
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I don't really have a "best friend" in town. I'm not really into labels.
But I like going in town to visit Jel and Tish. They both have such cool things in their shops.
And...they talk to me like a grown up, unlike everybody else around here.
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 «  During Louder Than Words  » 
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 «  After Survivor's Guilt  » 
Can I tell you a secret?
Don’t tell my dad! But after the funeral, I snuck out to check the cave-in where my mom died.
It was mostly rubble, but I found something. It was real beat up, but I knew it was the pin my dad gave her when they first fell in love.
At first, I thought maybe I should bring it to him, but then I decided it was better to leave it there.
I hope it’s still there for him to find one day. I think it’d help.

Dialogue sur les cadeaux


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 «  Najuma : Copper Bar Copper Bar  » 
The explosive I’m working on right now could use some copper. I would go get it myself, but, you know…


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 «  Sweet Leaf Sweet Leaf  » 
Sweet Leaves? My dad didn’t tell you to give these to me, right?
…I-I mean, I’ll take them! Sometimes it’s nice to relax after a long day of work with a cup of sweet leaf tea.


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 «  Given Quartz Quartz  » 
Is that a Quartz? For me?
Th-thanks, Player! I actually, um, collect these.
This one's going right in the center!

Événements spéciaux

Maji Market

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  • Hi... If you’re looking for fireworks, we have some you might like.
Eshe keeps coming over here to check on our cart... It makes me kind of nervous.

I’ll tell her to back off.
I don’t want you getting in trouble because of me. We should get my dad to tell her off instead.
He says he doesn’t like to argue, but he’s pretty good at it when he has to. Don’t tell him I said that, though.
Y-You don’t have to do that! I don’t want you to get in trouble or anything just for me…

Sorry to hear that.

What’s up with her?

She’s just doing her job.
Maybe, but her constant patrolling makes me feel like I’m doing something bad... which I’m not!

Before news of the Maji Market came out, Auni kept sending me letters saying something really big was coming up.
He acted like it was a huge secret that only he knew about.
...But I already knew about it because the mayor accidentally told my dad about it after having too much to drink.
He's told my dad all sorts of juicy secrets... some that he really didn’t need to know.
I don’t come down to the village very often...
It’s a pretty far walk from my house, and there’s usually not much for me to do here unless there’s an event like this.
I have to say, the Maji Market turned out nicer than I thought... Too bad it’s only here for a while.
My dad was complaining all day about having to come to the Maji Market tonight. I basically had to drag him all the way here from Bahari.

What’s his problem?
You know he is. He acts like a big grouch about everything, especially when he has to go out and meet people...

But the market’s so much fun!
I bet he thinks so too, but he’ll never admit it.

He did seem more willing to go after I reminded him you would be here.
The sweets Delaila’s selling look really good... I asked my dad if I could have some, and he said they’d make my teeth rot.

Who cares what he says?
Yeah, it’s not like I eat this stuff every day.
I’m going to get myself some later. Um, thanks.

You should listen to him.
I could, but I don’t really want to... I think I’ll get one when he isn’t looking.

What are you going to do?

The cavities are worth it.

Parole du doubleur

Les paroles ci-dessous sont en anglais dans le jeu.

Début de Conversation

Niveau 1-2

  • Oh... yeah!
  • Hi, a-are you talking to me?
  • Hi, hello.
  • Y-you came all the way here.
  • Need any help?
  • Ah, hey.
  • Um, a-are you talking to me?
  • What are you doing?
  • Whaddya need?

Niveau 3-4

  • Oh! You shouldn’t sneak up on people who make explosives!
  • Can I bounce some ideas off you?
  • I have got something cool to show you.
  • Oh, h-hi.
  • Not a lot of people come out this far.
  • How’s it hanging? Ah that sounded dumb.
  • Hi!

Fin de Conversation

Niveau 1-2

  • Oh...
  • Better get back to work...
  • Guess I’ll see you around.
  • I should... get back to my... my thing.
  • Come back later... if you want.
  • Bye.
  • Ehm, okie bye.

Niveau 3-4

  • Thanks for comin’ out here.
  • Talk more later! K bye!
  • Dad says it’s dangerous at night.
  • Talking to you’s pretty... nice.
  • *Imitating Hodari* That new project’s not gonna build itself.
  • You’re one of the only people that gets me.