Parcela de Vivienda

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This page is a translated version of the page Housing Plot and the translation is 40% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.

La Parcela de Vivienda es un área instanciada de Palia que puede personalizarse por El Jugador con estructuras de vivienda, instalaciones de artesanía y otros objetos de personalización.

El Jugador ganará acceso a la Parcela de Vivienda como parte de la misión Quest Icon.png Welcome to Palia introductoria.

Cómo Llegar

Se accede en $1 entrando por la puerta que se encuentra al noreste de $2, subiendo la colina por un camino que lleva a un pequeño recoveco en las montañas. También se puede acceder en $3 entrando por la puerta que se encuentra junto al tablero de $4 $5.

Como alternativa, el Jugador puede usar la función Volver a Casa, situada en la esquina superior derecha del mapa del mundo ( / ). Esta función tiene un tiempo de espera de 30 minutos.

Otra forma de volver a la Parcela de Vivienda es a través de una de las estaciones $1.

Mapa Parcela de Vivienda

Mientras está en la Parcela, el Jugador puede también utilizar la tecla / para ver el mapa general de la distribución de la parcela.

Menú Parcela de Vivienda

Interfaz de Parcela de Vivienda

El jugador puede acceder a la Interfaz de Parcela de Vivienda usando: /

La interfaz puede dividirse en los siguientes elementos:

Controles de Interfaz

Controles de Interfaz
En la parte inferior están los recordatorios de los controles de las teclas de acceso rápido mientras se utiliza la Interfaz de Parcela de Vivienda.

Se pueden usar para colocar objetos directamente en la parcela a vista de pájaro. Además, el Jugador puede también usar la rueda de desplazamiento (o y en Switch) para acercarse o alejarse.


Housing Plot Interface Inventory Ingame.png
En el lado izquierdo de la interfaz hay un inventario ordenable y consultable de objetos disponibles que se pueden colocar en la parcela.

Las pestañas del inventario se dividen en 6 categorías:

  • Housing Plot Interface Inventory Overall Tab Ingame.png En general - Esta pestaña muestra todo lo que hay actualmente tanto en el Inventario como en el Almacén General del Jugador que se puede colocar en el suelo de la parcela de la vivienda.
  • Housing Plot Interface Inventory Building Tab Ingame.png Edificios - Esta pestaña sólo muestra Complementos de Vivienda prefabricados
  • Housing Plot Interface Inventory Crafter Tab Ingame.png Artesanos - Esta pestaña sólo muestra Artesanos
  • Housing Plot Interface Inventory Fence Tab Ingame.png Vallado - Esta pestaña sólo muestra
  • Housing Plot Interface Inventory Decor Tab Ingame.png Mobiliario - Esta pestaña sólo muestra muebles que se pueden colocar directamente en el suelo.
  • Housing Plot Interface Inventory Blueprint Tab Ingame.png Planos - Esta pestaña sólo muestra planos de Complementos de Vivienda que aún no se han construido.

Selector de Ranura de Vivienda y Ajustes de Parcela

Housing Plot Interface Slot Selector And Plot Settings Ingame.png
En la parte superior central de la interfaz hay una lista desplegable con todas las Ranuras de Alojamiento disponibles.

El Jugador puede utilizarlo para desplazarse libremente entre cualquier ranura disponible. Un candado cerrado junto al nombre de la parcela significa que la parcela está cerrada a visitantes. Un candado abierto significa que la parcela está abierta a visitantes y un signo más significa que hay otra ranura disponible para comprar.

Junto al Selector de Ranuras de Alojamiento está la rueda dentada de configuración. Al hacer click se abrirá la interfaz de Configuración de Parcela. Aquí el Jugador puede renombrar su/s parcela/s, seleccionar el modo de seguridad de la/s parcela/s y editar, añadir o eliminar permisos de editor de jugador.

Ajustes de Parcela Cambio de Nombre de Parcela

Building Limit, Writs Counter and Plot Value

Housing Plot Interface Building Writs Plot Value Ingame.png

In the upper-right corner of the interface is the Building Limit, Writs Counter, and Plot Value.
The Building Limit tracks the number of Housing Add-ons the Player currently has on their plot(s), the Writs Counter indicates the number of writs the Player currently has in their possession, and the Plot Value displays a fluctuating estimate which depends on what items the Player has currently placed on the active plot.

Parcela Predeterminada

Parcela Predeterminada Tras la Misión Introductoria

This first plot of land is considered the Default Plot. There are two distinct areas of the plot: the building zone and the area outside of the building zone. The editable area designated by a grid as the building zone can be made visible by either using / to view the Housing Menu - a bird's eye view of the plot - or by using the key to enter the grid-view placement mode. The building zone is the area of the plot that the Player can personalize. Initially only a small portion of this zone is unlocked, but the Player can purchase Writs from City Hall to gradually unlock more undeveloped land.

A number of features and items come standard with the default plot. While some of these can be affected by the Player, others are permanent fixtures.

Permanent Elements

These features and interactive items are standard to every plot. They are outside of the building zone and therefore cannot be moved to another location or removed from the plot.

  • Puerta - La puerta conduce a $1 y se usa para salir de la parcela. Simplemente atraviesa la verja para dejar la propiedad.
  • Visita Otras Parcelas - Located right next to the entrance gate, this interactive board allows the Player to visit the Housing Plot of a friend or party member. The friend or party member must be on their plot in order for the Player to visit them. Likewise, in order for a friend or party member to visit the Player's plot, the Player must be present on the Player's plot.
  • Mailbox - Situated near the entrance, The Player can use this interactive item to access mail sent from NPCs.
  • Shipping Bin - Located next to the mailbox, this interactive item allows the Player to sell eligible items for in-game gold.
  • Watering Holes - There are a number of bodies of water on the plot. Once the Player unlocks Gardening, these watering holes can be used to fill Watering Cans.
  • Pond - In the southeast corner of the plot, just past the watering hole, there is a small pond. Once the Player unlocks Fishing, this pond is a convenient source of certain types of fish. Note: No fishing hot spots will spawn on the housing plot.
  • Mine - At the northern edge of the plot there is an abandoned mine. The water near the mine is another area the Player can use for fishing. There is also a gate that leads to Bahía de Bahari. Simply walk through the gate to leave the property.

Non-Permanent Elements

These features and items are standard to every Default Plot. They are mostly located inside the building zone and can be affected by the player.

  • Customization Items - The Log Cabin Fence that surrounds some of the property can be picked up and/or moved by the Player. The same is true for the Generic Lightpost Generic Lightpost.
  • Debris - Any remaining debris that is not cleared out during the housing plot tutorial can be left or removed by the Player. Mining or Foraging debris (i.e. piles of lumber, the broken house sign, etc.) permanently removes it from the plot. These elements cannot be replaced once removed.
  • Trees, Bushes and Ores - Only those trees, bushes and ores that are within the building zone can be mined or foraged. Please note that once any of these are mined or foraged, they will be permanently removed from the plot.

Housing Slots

Housing Slots represent different versions of the Player's Default Plot. After the Player has completed construction of their first Harvest House Harvest House, another Housing Slot becomes available to the Player, free of charge.

Additional Slots After Building First House

Each new housing slot is a clean slate of the Default Plot. This allows the Player to design different layouts and freely switch between them. Please note that any trees removed from the Default Plot will also be removed from subsequent versions of the plot. Similarly, any undeveloped land unlocked with writs on the Default Plot is also unlocked on subsequent versions of the plot. Additional Housing Slots can be purchased for Gold.png 50 000 Gold+ (Increasing by Gold.png 25 000 Gold each time).

Slot Costes Recompensa
Gold.png 50 000 Gold
Gold.png 75 000 Gold
Gold.png 100 000 Gold
Gold.png 125 000 Gold
Gold.png 150 000 Gold
Gold.png 175 000 Gold
Gold.png 200 000 Gold
Gold.png 225 000 Gold

Building A House

Harvest House Blueprint

After unlocking the housing plot, further questing will assist the Player in acquiring more tools and skills with which to help them enhance and develop their property into a home. It is during one of these follow-up quests, that the Player will obtain a blueprint to construct their first Harvest House.

To utilize the Harvest House blueprint, use the / key to open the Housing Plot Interface. To the left is a listing of all currently available items the Player can place upon their Housing Plot. Blueprints appear as Sketch Icons. Simply left-click on the blueprint and drag it to a location on the housing plot that is empty and within an unlocked area of the building zone. The Player may need to clear away elements on the plot in order to make room for the building they are attempting to construct. Once placed, a construction site will appear. The Player must then interact with the construction site board to contribute the full amount of required materials to begin construction.

The Harvest House requires 30 real-world seconds to complete construction, and the following materials:

  • Sapwood Plank 100 Sapwood Plank
  • Stone Brick 35 Stone Brick

Making A House A Home

Through questing, exploring, crafting, shopping, and more, the Player can acquire a plethora of items to customize and further improve the value of their home, including:

There is a cap of 3000 items that can be placed in one Housing Plot.

Para más información, véase Personalización.



  • Quest Icon.png Welcome to Palia
  • Quest Icon.png Learning the Ropes
  • Quest Icon.png Spiffy it Up
  • Quest Icon.png House, Sweet House
  • Quest Icon.png Brick by Brick
  • Quest Icon.png Plank by Plank
  • Quest Icon.png Happy Housewarming


  • HOA-mazing
  • Housing Slots
  • Housing Expansion


Historial de Actualizaciones

Build 0.177:

  • Added direct access to Bahari Bay

Build 0.172:

  • The limit for total placeable items has been raised: 2,000 → 3,000

Build 0.167:

  • The Housing Plot Map became available (M key), allowing a general view of the site.