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Esta página es una versión traducida de la página Hunting. La traducción está completa al 32 %.
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Hunting is a Skill in Palia which allows The Player to hunt Creatures with a bow and arrow.

The Hunting Guild representative in Kilima Valley is Hassian Profile.png Hassian.

Almanac of Palia


The Player receives their first bow: Makeshift Bow Makeshift Bow from Hassian during the quest Hunting 101.

While progressing the Hunting Skill, the Player will be able to purchase equipment recipes from Hassian to make better bows and arrows.

Para más información, véase Bows.

The Player can also use the skills used in Hunting to launch Fireworks and Flares.

Para más información, véase Projectiles.


Caza requiere usar un arco y flechas.

Players can swap which type of arrow they are using by holding the bow and right-clicking ( on Switch).

Arrows do different amounts of damage, depending on the type of materials used.


Hunting Multiplayer.png

Múltiples jugadores pueden trabajar juntos para cazar Sernuk, Chapaa y Muujin.

All players who hit the target creature will be awarded loot, so be sure to pick up your share before leaving the area because loot will despawn after a while.

Bonus: Players who are near their party members will receive loot for actions that their party members do - meaning that if a party member one shots a Sernuk, you will also get the loot. In addition, the loot dropped in this way will be the same for each player. There is also a chance at earning double the loot!


Hay 3 tipos de criaturas:

  • Sernuk
  • Chapaa
  • Muujin

Within each species there are also three variations. Each variation of each species has a different amount of Health, and will award a different amount of experience. It is recommended that the Player switch arrows while hunting to ensure maximum profits.


Sernuk are deer-like creatures that are plentiful in both Kilima and Bahari Bay. When startled, sernuk will flee some distance (faster than sprinting speed) and frequently switch directions, but they will eventually stop and graze.

  • Regular Sernuk can be felled using a single shot with a Standard Arrow Standard Arrow.
  • Elder Sernuk require three hits with a Fine Arrow Fine Arrow.
  • Proudhorned Sernuk - the magical variant - will teleport a short distance when startled before running. Using a Dispel Arrow Dispel Arrow will prevent them from teleporting.


Chapaa are small, furry creatures that are also plentiful in both Kilima and Bahari Bay. When startled, chapaa will flee a short distance before burrowing into the ground and disappearing.

  • Spotted Chapaa can be felled in a single shot with a Standard Arrow Standard Arrow.
  • Striped Chapaa require two hits with a Fine Arrow Fine Arrow.
  • Azure Chapaa - the magical variant - will copy itself 3 times, with each fleeing in a different direction. Using a Dispel Arrow Dispel Arrow on any of them will stun the real one, allowing the Player a chance to strike it again. Using a Slowdown Arrow Slowdown Arrow will slow the real Azure Chapaa the most, allowing the Player to identify the appropriate target.


Muujin are wolf-like creatures that roam Bahari Bay. When startled, Muujin will run towards the nearest (choppable) tree and climb inside to hide. Chopping down the tree will release any hidden Muujin back onto the ground, and they will immediately start to run for another tree.

  • Regular Muujin can be felled with a single Fine Arrow Fine Arrow.
  • Banded Muujin can be felled with two Fine Arrow Fine Arrow.
  • Bluebristle Muujin - the magical variant - goes invisible when startled and quickly runs to the nearest tree. Using a Dispel Arrow Dispel Arrow will keep it visible until it gets into a tree. Using Slowdown Arrow Slowdown Arrow will slow down it's running speed and using multiple shots of Fine Arrow Fine Arrow to defeat it.

Trucos y Consejos

Right-clicking while aiming will stop aiming without losing the arrow.

When carrying multiple arrows, the ammo shown when swapping arrows is based on the order in your inventory, starting from the lower left bar and moving right, then up.

When zoning, your ammo will automatically switch to the first available arrow type, based on the order in your inventory.

Weekly Challenges

Weekly Challenges are skill-related Accomplishments that a player can complete once weekly upon reaching Caza Level 10. A player can complete up to 3 Weekly Challenges for Caza each week, awarding a total of Currency Hunting.png 100 Medallas de Caza.

Weekly Challenges are currently the same every week, and reset every Monday at 4:00 AM UTC. Progress from uncompleted Challenges will carry over and count towards the following week.

Title Requirement Recompensa
Hungry Archer Caza 30 Criaturas Currency Hunting.png 40 Medallas de Caza
Big Game Hunter Caza 5 Criaturas Mágicas Currency Hunting.png 30 Medallas de Caza
Travelling in Packs Caza 10 Criaturas Con Otros Jugadores Currency Hunting.png 30 Medallas de Caza


Title Requerimientos Recompensas
Advanced Hunter Alcanza el nivel 10 de caza Renown.png 15 Renown, Bronze Hunting Trophy Bronze Hunting Trophy
Expert Hunter Alcanza el nivel 25 de caza Renown.png 30 Renown, Silver Hunting Trophy Silver Hunting Trophy
Master Hunter Alcanza el nivel 50 de caza Renown.png 60 Renown, Gold Hunting Trophy Gold Hunting Trophy
Chapaa Hunter Caza todos los 3 tipos de Chapaa Renown.png 15 Renown, Kilima Hunter's Mounted Chapaa Kilima Hunter's Mounted Chapaa
Sernuk Hunter Caza todos los 3 tipos de Sernuk Renown.png 15 Renown, Kilima Hunter's Mounted Sernuk Kilima Hunter's Mounted Sernuk
Muujin Hunter Caza todos los 3 tipos de Muujin Renown.png 15 Renown, Bahari Hunter's Mounted Muujin Bahari Hunter's Mounted Muujin
A Tail of Luck Recoge un Azure Chapaa TailSQ.png Azure Chapaa Tail calidad estelar Renown.png 15 Renown
Antlers In A Haystack Recoge Proudhorned Sernuk AntlersSQ.png Proudhorned Sernuk Antlers calidad estelar Renown.png 15 Renown
Mane of the Hour Recoge Melena de Muujin de Cerda AzulSQ.png Melena de Muujin de Cerda Azul calidad estelar Renown.png 15 Renown
Game Hunter Caza criaturas. Renown.png 210 Renown

Associated Equipment


Makeshift Bow
Makeshift Bow
Standard Bow
Standard Bow
Fine Bow
Fine Bow
Exquisite Bow
Exquisite Bow


Makeshift Arrow
Makeshift Arrow
Standard Arrow
Standard Arrow
Slowdown Arrow
Slowdown Arrow
Fine Arrow
Fine Arrow
Dispel Arrow
Dispel Arrow
Para más información, véase Projectiles.

Historial de Actualizaciones

Build 0.180:

  • Party members will now share loot for most gathering activities.

Build 0.173:

  • There is now a sensitivity slider for Hunting that controls the speed of the camera movements when aiming.

Build 0.166:

  • Kilima Adjustments: Decreased the spawn density of hunting creatures a bit to reduce the sense of the gameplay experience being more akin to a shooting gallery than hunting