Standard Stucco Wall

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Standard Stucco Wall is a Common Wallpaper that can be used to customize the Player's Housing Plot.


White, stucco walls are the perfect canvas for Tish's creativity. The materials are found in abundance in the Kilima Valley.

–In-Game Item Description

How to Obtain

Standard Stucco Wall is gifted to the Player by Tish Profile.png Tish, at the Player's housing plot, after receiving a gift from the Player for the very first time.


Standard Stucco Wall is not modifiable.

Bestowal Dialogue

 «  Tish  » 
I just wanted to stop by and say thanks for being such a generous friend. I haven't been the best at giving gifts lately.
I know you didn't give me a gift just to get something in return...but I thought I'd reciprocate anyway.
Here's a new wallpaper for your house. It's just plain white, but don't let that fool you. White can be a perfect blank canvas for creativity!


Update History

Build 0.173:

  • Introduced.