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  • Finally, some action!
  • Greetings, citizen.
  • How may I assist you?
  • I am happy to see you.
  • Quiet nights like these make me wonder.
  • Staying safe out there?
  • You are just in time.
  • Seen anything amiss?
  • Have you heard about today's case?
  • Someone is causing trouble this early?
  • I suspected you would show up.
  • Hopefully you have brought good news.
  • Yes?

Dialogue quotidien

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Members of the Order must give up all familial ties when they join. I have not seen my family in a very long time.
It may seem harsh... but we are the only Majiri in the Republic authorized to use Flow. It is a grave responsibility.
Limiting ties is one of the many ways we keep the public safe. Imagine your father or brother came to you, asking you to bend the rules for their sake.
All it takes is one mistake, and one power-hungry relative, for disaster to strike.
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I grew up on a farm, much like the Daiya's. I admit, every time I pass by on patrol, I wonder what my parents are doing now.
Do they struggle to make ends meet? Has the harvest gone well this year? Does my mother make jam, like Delaila does?
Do they ever think about me, and wonder the same things?
...A-ahem. I should get back to work.
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I was... six or seven when I came to the Order. The story is the same for a majority of the potential Initiates.
Every year, the Grand Luminary does a tour of the provinces and calls for new recruits.
Many are orphans, looking for a new life under the Order. But others...
Well, others are volunteered by their parents.
I know I should not, but I often wonder what mine were thinking as I rode away in an Order carriage. Knowing they would never see me again.
It is an honor, of course, to be accepted by the Order, but...
...It's no matter. Such thoughts are not productive.
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It is easy to look at the Cartel and wonder what exactly is so bad about them. After all, most of their business activities are perfectly legal.
But they are not a kind or benevolent organization. You need only look at how they treat their own members to see this.
Piling debt upon a young Grimalkin's head until they are drowning in it. Blackmailing and manipulating in order to force servitude upon lower ranks...
And that is before we get to the arms dealing, the thievery, and the ransoming.
The Cartel's face may be fluffy and cute, but their actions are anything but.
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The Cartel Trade Wars were not, in fact, a war in the traditional sense. They were a series of assassinations, court battles, and political smear campaigns.
Many members of the First Council were deposed, and many Cartel leaders arrested. It was a time of chaos.
The wars ended with the landmark case Sunsnatcher v. the First Council, where the Unification Treaty was appended and the existing Flow laws applied only to the Palian Majiri.
These days, the Order usually only intervenes when a Cartel member has been proven to engage in outside Flow trading with a Palian Majiri.
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After the Cartel Trade Wars, the Unification Treaty was amended to specify that only Majiri are outlawed from the unregulated use of Flow.
At the time, the wording was intended to allow Grimalkins and Galdur to continue engaging in their cultural practices.
Because of their legal loophole, Humanity too is free to use Flow... as long as they do not trigger the "Mass Destruction" clause worked into the Treaty.
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The Temple of the Flames. A dangerous place to wander... but I trust you are taking the right precautions.
One has to wonder what secrets it holds from your peoples' past. What lessons are there to be learned?
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Ashura was telling me about his family last night. I wasn't aware he had a granddaughter.
She sounds lovely. I hope he will be able to visit them soon.
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I noticed more pests have been gathering around the Daiya farms than usual lately.
There is nothing in the natural environment that would cause them to surge like this... which leads me to believe something unnatural is causing it instead.
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Tau came up to me today and dropped a ball at my geet. I believe he was asking me to play fetch.
...I admit, I took a moment out of my patrol to give it a few good throws.
Even I am not immune to the plumepuppy eyes.
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You have a bias towards action that is quite valuable in a partner, (Player).
Keep trusting your instincts, and know that I will have your back.
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If you see a dari clove while you are exploring northern Bahari, I suggest you collect it. They're quite rare, and useful for a variety of mundane cooking as well as alchemical needs.
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Ah, (Player). Ahem, I made too much congee earlier. I thought perhaps you would appreciate a bowl.
Eat it while it is still warm.

+1 Reth's Lettuce Soup.png Reth's Lettuce Soup

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The Order's Headquarters are located in Makuu City, though most citizens simply refer to is as "The Capital".
It is the largest populated area in the Palian Republic, and the most diverse.
Many citizens leave their provinces to try and find fortune in Makuu City.
Perhaps one day you will be able to see it for yourself.
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The last mission I was on took me to the Flamewynde Isles, a volcanic chain in the East Bahari Sea.
A self-styled Queen of Pirates, Pari Butterfiend, was attacking Palian trade vessels passing through the area.
She kidnapped the daughter of a First Council member, and I was sent to extract the hostage.
As I am sure you can imagine, my current assignment is a very different change of pace.
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Auni asked me what my favorite color was yesterday and... I did not have an answer for him.
I spent so much of my life focused on my duties that I am beginning to realize... I have not focused much on myself.
I'll need to think about this...
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 «  After Auni's Question  » 
I think that... I enjoy yellow the most.
The color of the sun, and of fresh flowers in the field. Bumblebees, pollen, new spring leaves...
Yes. I believe I enjoy yellow the most.
...A-ahem. I should get back to work.
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Ah, (Player). How is your day going?

Gasp. Are you trying to... engage in small talk?!
I'm quite capable of talking about things besides the mission.
If you are feeling well enough to tease me, your day must be going alright.

Better now you're here!

Do you reallly care?
Of course. The Order cares about every citizen of Palia.

It's alright. How's yours?

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 «  Zeki Level 3(?) Friendship  » 
You must be quite close with Zeki. I am impressed...
He seems like a hard man to get on your side.
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 «  After The Curse  » 
Auni informed me about his... curse. I took the liberty of giving him a quick check-up to ensure the effects had fully passed.
I also informed him about the laws surrounding stealing from protected historical sites.
Still, it seems he is unharmed. A lucky outcome to an often tragic tale.
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 «  After Underground Affairs  » 
I have been testing the limits of the Grimalkin nightlight you uncovered.
It is a very sophisticated piece of flowtech. When plugged in, it will dispell any illusions in place within a ten meter radius.
Of course, using illegal tech to fight illegal tech is the Order's job, not Zeki's.
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 «  After Underground Affairs  » 
It was a risk, asking you to join this investigation...
One that I would gladly take again, given the chance. You have been an invaluable asset.
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 «  After Pursuit of the Truth  » 
I would like to investigate the lighthouse myself, but I'm afraid I would... stand out.
There are places you can go that I cannot, as a member of the Order.
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 «  After Pursuit of the Truth  » 
I am beginning to wonder if Zeki is leading us to the conclusions he wishes us to reach.
I would not put it past him... but we have little choice, when there are no other leads to follow.
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 «  After Pursuit of the Truth  » 
I have attempted to stake out the lighthouse when possible, but I've seen no one go in or out. If it is being actively used, they must have other ways to access it.
Well. I have seen many humans filtering in and out, but they have been excluded from the investigation for rather obvious reasons.
Your kind hasn't existed long enough to become a suspect.
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 «  After Pursuit of the Truth  » 
I am still investigating the letters you found. I... have some theories, but I won't speak them yet.
Not until I know for sure. The implications are too much to throw around without proof.
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 «  After Pursuit of the Truth  » 
I have been looking back over every interaction I've had with fellow Order members since you discovered those letters.
Were there signs I was ignoring? Have my actions been inadvertently making life worse for people?

You don't have to deal with this all alone.

None of this is your fault!
I appreciate the thought, (Player), but if my actions directly contributed to injustice, I am responsible for that.
I cannot afford to be this blind again.

What's done is done.

I don't know, I'd blame the obvious bad guys first.

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 «  After All In Order  » 
I apologize if the story I told you about my childhood made you uncomfortable. Many tales of my past seem to bring people discomfort... so I have stopped telling them.
However, I felt that I could trust you with it. Somehow, the weight on my shoulders feels lighter than before...
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 «  After All In Order  » 
I spoke with Kenli about his dealings with the Order. It appears he was under the impression he was doing "important Mayoral business" by delivering those parcels.
From my understanding of Kenli's character... I cannot imagine he knows anything about what is truly going on.
Still, I have asked him to inform me should any more of these requests arrive at his desk.

Reaction si vous portez des Broches de villageois

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You and the miner, Hodari, are close, yes? He smiles every time you are mentioned.
I have rarely seen him engage in conversation willingly... Unless the topic is you.

Dialogue sur les cadeaux


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 «  Subira : Chili Oil Dumplings Chili Oil Dumplings  » 
Every once in a while, I have a craving for something spicy and flavorful. Chili oil dumplings would be ideal right now.


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 «  Sweet Leaf Sweet Leaf  » 
Thank you. This will brew into a nice tea... or pair perfectly with my next meal.
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 «  Poissons Poissons  » 
What a magnificent creature. Thank you, (Player). I will ensure that it is properly cared for.

Parole du doubleur

Les paroles ci-dessous sont en anglais dans le jeu.


Début de Conversation

  • Ah, hello.
  • I could use a sharp mind like yours.
  • It is certainly good to have a partner like you.
  • Let us put our heads together.
  • I have something of interest to share.
  • Are you prepared for a little legwork?
  • Ah, just the person I was looking for.
  • With you at my side, I know we can solve this.
  • We must do our best to protect everyone.
  • You are the only person I trust with this.
  • Anything in the pursuit of justice.
  • We are here to protect you.
  • At your service, civilian.
  • For the good of all Palia.
  • Illegal materials can and will be confiscated.
  • Loyalty is a virtue of the republic.
  • Anything to report?
  • Fear not, the Order has arrived.
  • The Order is here for you.

Exiting Conversation

  • Report any contraband to me.
  • At ease.
  • Very well, thank you for your time.
  • The Order is honored to serve.
  • Come to us if you ever need help.
  • A Watcher never sleeps.
  • You are free to go.
  • Hurry now, there is much to do.
  • Remember, the Order works for you.
  • This is simply our duty.