Tish - Dialogue

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Vue d'ensemble


Première interaction

Salut ! Bienvenue dans la vallée ! Je m'appelle Tish, et je suis la gérante du magasin de meubles !
Tu viens d'arriver en ville ou tu es juste de passage ?

Je viens juste d'emménager.
Trop bien ! Mais ça doit être un peu stressant.

Je viens de me matérialiser sur ce plan d'existence.
Et bien... ça n'a pas l'air simple, c'est sûr.

Quand on a quitté la ville pour emménager ici avec mon frère, on a mis un petit moment à s'habituer à notre nouvelle vie.
Enfin, je t'avoue qu'il a eu un peu plus de mal que moi...
En tout cas, si tu as besoin d'aide pour aborder les autres habitants, n'hésite pas à me demander.
Je m'entends bien avec tout le monde ici, même avec les plus grognons.


  • Welcome back!
  • Don't you just love the way the wind whistles through the valley?
  • There's something about you that just brightens up my day."
  • Life in the valley is peaceful, isn't it?
  • I'm so glad you stopped by!
  • It's so nice to see you again.
  • Sorry I didn't see you there, I was lost in thought about how to redecorate my foyer.
  • Hi! What can I do for you?
  • I have a good feeling about today.
  • I was just thinking about you.
  • Can I interest you in any new furniture?
  • *Yawn*. I don't know about you, but I'm starting to get sleepy.

Dialogue quotidien


Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante.
Well, if it isn't my favorite customer.
I got a few new things in today that I think you'll really like.
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Oh, I'm just so happy you're here. Seeing your face makes me smile harder than getting a new pair of shoes.
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I love the wistful willows that grow here.
Not only are they beautiful, but their bark is soft and pliable.
It’s super easy to make beautiful furniture if you’re working with willow bark.
Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante.
How are you doing today?

I like your optimism.
I don't know if I told you yet, but growing up I was really sick. My parents didn't think I'd make it this far.
But when you treat every day as a gift...well, I guess the world has a way of giving back.


I've been better.

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One of the things I hate the most about being an adult is having to figure out what to eat every night.
When Reth and I were kids, our parents decided that for us. But once in a while, they let him choose what was on the menu instead.
That meant soup for breakfast, soup for lunch, and soup for dinner and dessert!
And he wonders why I never ask for soup anymore...
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I wish my parents could have been around to see this shop.
I think they would have been proud of me...and Reth too, despite his non-traditional path.
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Hmm... I get the feeling you're an Air Type personality.
Why? Because my brother's an Air type, and you two are pretty similar to each other.
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Every time I see you, my worries just melt away like butter on a frying pan.

Reth, is that you?
Can you tell I've been hanging out with him lately?
If I'm not careful, his habits are going to start rubbing off on me too,
Then we'd have TWO Reths. One is more than enough!

I could say the same about you
Aww! That's so sweet of you!
Have I told you want an amazing friend you are, (Player)?
Talking to you always puts a big smile on my face!

Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante.
I said hi to Kenyatta the other night, and she looked at me like I was weird!

She probably has a crush on you.
You think so?!
But I thought she had something going on with Nai'o... Maybe I was wrong.
She isn't really my type, but I'm going to say hi to her again tomorrow and see how she reacts. If she blushes, then you're probably right!

She's just being a hater.

Maybe she didn't hear you?

Maybe she didn't hear you?

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Do you like the furniture? I made most of the pieces myself.
My family comes from a long line of carpenters, going all the way back to the time of the First Council.
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What's your favorite flower? I have a hard time deciding between Sundrop Lilies and Heartdrop Lilies.
Although...I have to admit, nobody's ever given me a Heartdrop Lily.
In Palia, if you give somebody a Heartdrop Lily, it means you have romantic feelings for them.
While giving someone a Sundrop Lilly[sic] means you want to be their friend.
I guess I'm more of a Sundrop girl, than a Heartdrop girl.
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I'm so glad you came to this village.
Who could have guessed my very best friend would be a member of a formerly extinct ancient race?
Life's funny sometimes...
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Did you know that Zeki sends flowers to his mother every week?
Being that close to your parents is a bit frowned-upon in Grimalkin culture.
If Zeki weren't blackmailing my brother, and threatening my life, I'd almost feel bad for the fuzzy little guy.


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I was just thinking about you, and here you are!
It's like you read my mind, cutie.
Quick, what am I thinking about now?
♥ I don't know, what?
How lucky I am to have met you, of course!
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Are you in a good mood today? You're practically glowing!
♥ That's just how I look when I see you.
Player! Stop, you're making me all flustered!

Dialogue sur les cadeaux


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 «  Given Quartz Quartz  » 
Is that a Quartz? For ME?
You are SO sweet! Oh my dragon, I better put this somewhere safe!


En donnant une Box of Chocolates Box of Chocolates ou Heartdrop Lily Heartdrop Lily:

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 «  Friendship Level Below 3  » 
Oh geez...
You know I really like you…
…but not "that" way.
I hope we can still be friends!
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 «  Friendship Level 3+  » 

Événements spéciaux

Maji Market

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  • The Maji Market is just magical. I could stay here all night!
I heard that this is the first Maji Market that Kilima’s held in ages.
It’s nice to see the village come together like this, even if not everybody could make it.
I made sure my evenings were free ahead of time just for the market. I plan on enjoying every second of it!
The only thing that would make the Maji Market even better is a live performance from the Bahari Boyz. I’d do anything to be in the front row if they did.
I wonder if there’s a way we could invite them to perform in Kilima sometime.
I bought so many fireworks from Hodari and Najuma. I’m saving all of them for the last day of the market.
I’m going to set them all off at the same time right before I leave. It’s going to be amazing!
I couldn’t stop petting the chapaas on my way into the market. They’re so sweet and full of love!
And oh my Dragon, their adorable little hats!!! Whoever put those on them knew what they were doing!
I’ve been trying to get Jel to try some of the food from Reth’s cart, but he refuses to get anywhere near my brother. He won’t even say hi to him!

Do they not like each other?
I don't think that's it. They're both the types to make it obvious if they don't like somebody.

Maybe Jel’s just shy?

Ooh, sounds like drama.
Right?! I don’t know what happened between them, but something had to.

He probably hates Reth’s cooking.
I thought that too, until I saw Jel eyeballing what my brother was cooking earlier.

Either way, Jel’s coming with me to Reth’s cart later, whether he likes it or not! I just know he’ll love what he’s selling!

Parole du doubleur

Les paroles ci-dessous sont en anglais dans le jeu.


Début de Conversation

  • Welcome to the valley.
  • Glad to see you out and about.
  • Good to see you.
  • Always nice to see you around.
  • I just got the cutest armoire.
  • Don’t you just love the wind in the valley?
  • Didn’t see you there, I was lost in thought.
  • Nice to see a new face.
  • Such a great day, isn’t it?
  • I’ve got some new stuff in the shop.
  • How are you liking Kilima?
  • Welcome back.
  • I’m glad you came to the valley.
  • I have a good feeling about today.
  • Oh, it’s really good to see you.
  • I can’t wait to show you what I’m working on.
  • *laugh* I have so much to tell you!
  • Oh my Dragon, you’re here!

Fin de Conversation

  • Nice chatting with you.
  • Bye!
  • Toodles!
  • Like Jel would say, ta-ta!
  • Go out and chase those rainbows.
  • Next time, let’s talk tables!
  • Hope you have a wonderful day.
  • Have a good day.
  • Stop by again soon.
  • Let’s get together again soon.
  • Come by any time.
  • If you can dream it, you can achieve it.
  • Every day you stop by is a great day.
  • Come by any time.
  • Shine on, superstar.
  • Can’t wait to chat again.


Début de Conversation

Niveau 3-4
  • My heart's fluttering like a bluebird.
