Tranquil Waves Wallpaper

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Tranquil Waves Wallpaper is an Uncommon Wallpaper that can be used to customize the Player's Housing Plot.


Stare at this tranquil wallpaper long enough, and you'll begin to hear the crashing of waves along the shore and taste the sea on your lips.

–In-Game Item Description

How to Obtain

Tranquil Waves Wallpaper is available for purchase at Zeki's Lucky Catch for Maji Market Ticket.png 2,000 Maji Market Tickets. This store is only available during the Maji Market, located at the Fairgrounds in Kilima Valley.


Tranquil Waves Wallpaper is not modifiable.


Purchasing the Tranquil Waves Wallpaper counts towards the Big Ticket Spender stamp card.


Tranquil Waves Wallpaper was also a part of the limited time stock at Zeki's Lucky Catch during the Luna New Year event. When available, you could purchase it for the cost of Lucky Envelope.png 2,000 Lucky Envelopes.


Update History

Build 0.184:

  • Added to the monthly Maji Market.

Build 0.176:

  • Introduced.