Wine Garnet Stucco Wall

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Wine Garnet Stucco Wall is a Common Wallpaper that can be used to customize the Player's Housing Plot.


Don't let their florid complexion fool you. Both Sifuu and this red, stucco wall radiate confidence and optimism... naturally.

–In-Game Item Description

How to Obtain

Wine Garnet Stucco Wall is gifted to the Player by Sifuu Profile.png Sifuu, at the Player's housing plot, after receiving a gift from the Player for the very first time.


Wine Garnet Stucco Wall is not modifiable.

Bestowal Dialogue

 «  Sifuu  » 
I always strive to be the best at everything, but I haven't been the best at giving gifts lately.
Which is why I brought you this wallpaper. It's the color of garnet...and wine.
Honestly, I can't say which I like more. Garnet is my Starstone, but wine, is well, WINE.


Update History

Build 0.173:

  • Introduced.