Special Dialogues with Zeki

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This page consists of written dialogue lines during special events for Zeki.

Special Events

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Maji Market 2023

  • Sorry, pal. I ain’t sellin’ anything tonight. Bummer, I know.

I gotta say, it’s nice having the Maji Market to look forward to every night.
Nothing better than being surrounded by good deals on stuff ya can’t find anywhere else... just like the General Store!

If you want anything from any part of Palia, we Grimalkin have a secret way of shipping stuff from here to there just like that.
I can't tell you exactly how we do it, but it involves the aid of short range teleportation technology.

Happy Maji Market, pal!

Happy Maji Market!
Thanks! Now ya owe me 100 coins.
Why? ‘Cause I got that phrase patented before I got here!

I’m not giving you a penny.
Information Needed

I can’t believe I fell for that!
I can’t believe ya did either, pal!
But hey, since you’re a good sport about it, I’ll let you off the hook.

Is that the actual phrase?
Nah, I just made it up. I’m trying to get it popular enough so I can start charging ‘em 100 coins every time they say it.

Ain’t every day ya see the ol’ miner and his daughter mingling with the other villagers.
I gotta say, those explosives they’re selling are somethin’ else.
I set a couple off on top of that hill just to see what they were made of, and man did they let out a big boom! Just about scared the pants right offa Eshe!

I’ve just about had it with the magistrate! I did everything she asked for when applying for a booth.
I filled out all of the paperwork, paid the fees, and even penned a friendly little letter askin’ for her consideration... only to be rejected!

Did you slip some extra coins into the envelope?
Sure did, pal. She sent every single penny back to me. Guess I oughta give her credit for doing that.

She saw right through your tricks.
What tricks? All I did was tell her what a flop the market would be without my business.
I might’ve slipped in a few extra coins to make my point, too, but that’s beside the point.
What matters is that she STILL said no to me. Can you believe it, pal?!

There’s always next time.
Information Needed

Want me to talk to her?
Information Needed

Have I ever mentioned how awesome Delaila is? ‘Cause she’s a great Palian if I’ve ever seen one.
After she found out I couldn’t get a booth, she took pity on me and gave me some of her treats.
Let me tell ya, pal, those desserts are outta this world!

After Event Quest Maji Market Mayhem

I saw what you did for Delaila, kiddo. I had no clue you were such an upstanding citizen.
Thanks to you, everyone can enjoy the new goodies she added to her menu. By everyone, I mean me!

Luna New Year Maji Market

  • Well, well, well, look who it is. Happy Luna New Year, pal!
  • ...Oh, it's you. Hey, pal. Happy- *yawn* Luna New Year...

It's business as usual in the day, but once the sun starts to set, I'll be strollin' over to the fairgrounds.
Don't be surprised if you also see me managing my side business at the same time. My teleporter is real handy for busy nights like this.

I applied to be a vendor at last year's Maji Market but the magistrate flat out REJECTED me.
I was down on my luck then, but the tables have turned- and just in time for Luna New Year!
Not only am I sellin' some neat stuff, but I've also got this cool prize wheel for people to spin. The rewards are pretty sweet, if ya ask me.
Why don't you try your luck at winnin' big? C'mon. Y'know you want to! I promise it ain't rigged!

Have I ever mentioned how great Delaila is? She's the greatest Palian I know.
While we were setting up our booths for the day, she swung by with a box full of Luna New Years sweets, just for me!
Obviously, I gobbled 'em right up and sent her off with a bag of goodies from my booth, too.
Make sure to stop by her booth and buy her stuff, alright? She deserves all the best!

Holidays like Luna New Year are always great.
Not only are they lots of fun, but you can also make loads of cash from 'em if ya play your cards right.
I'm hoping I'll get real lucky this year and make a fortune from being a vendor here.
Take a look at what I've got for sale. You'll definitely find somethin' ya like!
And if ya don't, well, either way you'll be sorry about missin' out on these limited-time deals!

Ugh... Make it stop, make it stop!
O-Oh, hey pal! Just uh, rehearsin' lines for a Luna New Year's play Auni's been workin' on. Yeah!

I've gotta say, out of all the booths in the market, mine is the one with the most primo location... And I didn't even have to bribe Eshe for it!
People notice my booth as they walk in, and most people come by on their way out.
It also helps that I'm right across from the ol' wish tree. After folks are done there, they usually waltz right up to me.

Every once in a while, I'll glance over at Chapaa Hut just to see what Kenyatta's scowlin' about.
Sometimes, she'll be frownin' at her mom as she walks by, and other times I'll catch her makin' a face at her own reflection.
Needless to say, she can't stand the sight of herself in that chapaa onesie. I think it's cute, though. Think Jel would tailor me one if I asked?

How would that even work?
Don't sweat all the tiny details, pal. That's the tailor's job.
It'd crack me up if we all showed up in chapaa onesies one of these days.

We should get matching ones!
We should! Then you can get your friends to wear the onesies too, and they'll get their friends to, and then we'll take the Maji Market by storm!

Wouldn't that be a sight to behold?

After event dialogue with Sifuu

Sifuu refused to give up on winning the grand prize on my prize wheel, no matter how many times she walked away empty-handed.
I felt bad for her after her tenth defeat in a row, so I activated what I like to call my pity system.
She left with the grand prize and a big ol' smile on her face.

After Event Quest A New Year to Remember

I keep replayin' everything that's happened over the past few nights and man, has it been a Luna New Year to remember!
Thanks again for listenin' to me blab on about my days as a kitten, and for bringing me that surprise gift.
I dunno what's sweeter- the candy, or the messages everyone wrote me. I'm definitely ending Luna New Year with a cavity or two!
The next business I open should be a dental office!

September Maji Market 2024