A New Year to Remember

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A New Year to Remember is an Event Quest given by Zeki at the Maji Market during the Luna New Year event.


Zeki's been having recurring dreams of exploding stars, boiling lava, and soggy paper. He needs your help figuring out what it all means.


Part 1

According to Zeki, "something fishy is going on". Meet him at the Maji Market to figure out what the big deal is.

  • Talk to Zeki while he's at the Maji Market.

Part 2

Find the meaning of the dream.

  • Find the meaning of the exploding stars.
  • Find the meaning of the boiling lava.
  • Find the meaning of the soggy paper.

↷ Return to Reth.

Part 3

  • Talk to Zeki while he's at the Maji Market.

Part 4

You've deciphered the meaning of Zeki's dream and learned his true feelings about the wish-making tradition and the Luna New Year. It's time to report everything back to Chayne.

  • Talk to Chayne while he's at the Maji Market.

Part 5

Chayne would like to surprise Zeki with a candy box filled with kind messages from the other villagers. Record them in the journal he gave you.

  • 0/7 Collect kind messages about Zeki from villagers at the Maji Market.

↷ Bring the journal back to Chayne while he's at the Maji Market.

Part 6

  • Bring the candy box to Zeki.

Part 7

Zeki has entrusted you with something very special- his Luna New Year's wish for the coming year. He's asked you to bring it to Chayne to hang on the wish tree.

  • Bring Zeki's wish paper to Chayne while he's at the Maji Market.


During Quest

At Quest Completion


Information Needed. Walkthrough missing.

Dialogue and Mail


Hey, pal.
Something real fishy is going on, and I need your help figuring it all out.

Meet me at the market and I'll tell you what the deal is.

- Zeki

Zeki Profile.png Zeki

Speak to Zeki

You wanted to talk?

Did you hear me?

Is everything alright?




You're worrying me...
Oh, am I now?

Are we playing the quiet game?
Well, we were 'til ya broke the silence.

A smile would be nice.
Nothing to smile about in my life, pal.


...Sorry. It ain't like me to be this moody. Guess this cat just woke up on the wrong side of the bed today.
Had a tough time sleeping last night. Kept waking up constantly and having these weird dreams.
*shiver* I can still hear all of that boiling lava if it's quiet for too long.

That sounds unpleasant.
Oh, you have no ideal, pal. The timing couldn't be worse. I'm supposed to be in a festive mood right now!

You must've had some crazy dreams!
Oh, you have no idea, pal. The timing couldn't be worse. I'm supposed to be in a festive mood right now!

Want me to start screaming?
If that'll drown out all that boiling lava, then sure!
Then again, you might wanna hold back on that. If you start hootin' and hollerin', Eshe will be sure to write us both up for causing a public disturbance.

I hear it again. Make it stop, make it stop!

...Man, I sure hope these dreams don't mean I'm in for some bad luck this year.
What was your dream about?
I can't remember it all, but I've got bits and pieces here and there.
Let me tell ya, pal. It was a disaster if I've ever seen one. I was enjoying a nice walk when BAM!!! The stars started exploding!
'Course I started running for my life. Had to jump over boiling lava and claw my way through a buncha thorny vines.
When I finally got to the other side, there was this huge windstorm and papers were flying everywhere and getting stuck in my fur!
To make matters worse, some of 'em were wet! So my fur got all damp too.
You don't have fur, so ya wouldn't know, but it's like wet socks but if those socks were stuck all over your body... including your face. *shiver*

That's my worst nightmare!
It's everybody's, trust me.

Thanks, I totally needed to imagine that.
You're welcome, pal! Any time!

I dunno about you, but whenever I get crazy dreams like that, I'm completely wiped out the next day. Like, deader than the preserved tuna in my pantry.
I keep noddin' off when I'm not supposed to, and every time I close my eyes I keep seeing all of that stuff from my dreams!

It's got to be a sign.
From who, the Chimaera, Dunya? I doubt it.

That must be difficult.
Eh, nothing's worse than the time I got sick and had to eat Delaila's peki soup four two weeks straight.
Don't get me wrong, that stuff was tasty but I missed my daily dose of sushi so much! I just ain't the same cat without it.

Lucky you!
Right?! I'm the luckiest cat out there, that's for sure.

You're overthinking things.
Wish I could say I agree with ya, but I don't think so, pal.

*sigh* Seriously though, these little visions I'm getting are seriously wearin' me out.
I feel like they're trying to tell me something, but I dunno what.
Someone else might.
Yeah, there's gotta be somebody out there who can figure out all this mumbo-jumbo.
I don't mind if ya ask around and see what folks think. Just promise not to tell anyone it's my dream you're talkin' to them about, got it?


Speaking to Villagers about the dream

Could you interpret this dream for me?

Yes, of course. I might not have all the right answers, but I will certainly try my best to offer additional insight.
(Tell him about Zeki's dream)
I see... Well, some believe that dreams are a form of wish fulfillment.
Perhaps there is something lacking in our lives, or simply something that we desire strongly enough to manifest them in our unconscious state.
Many also believe that what we see in our dream state is the reality of an alternate form of ourselves... perhaps one that resides in a parallel world.
Some Majiri even believe that Maji himself occasionally visits us in our sleep, offering guidance when we need it most.
...I realize I have deviated from the matter at hand. I do apologize for that, Phoenix's child.

It's okay. This is interesting stuff!
Indeed. I have always found dreams to be fascinating occurrences.

Apology accepted.
Thank you.

If I recall, Delaila has kept a dream journal in the past, for the purpose of interpreting what she's experienced.
Perhaps she would offer much deeper insight than myself.

Of course, dearie! Back in the day, I used t' keep a dream log for just that reason. It was always a lot o' fun deciphering my dreams.
(Tell her about Zeki's dream)
I see! For starters, the exploding stars could mean repressed feelings or emotions that want to just burst out.
As for the lava, well, same thing. Strong feelings bubblin' up to the surface!
And the soggy paper... That's an odd one. Maybe a feelin' of bein' weighed down by somethin'... maybe old memories?
Forgot how fun it was to interpret dreams like this. Hopefully that was helpful to ya in some way, dearie.

Does it look like I have time for such nonsense? Mind you, the Maji Market won't operate itself.


Uh... Sure, I guess.
(Tell him about Zeki's dream)
Explodin' stars, huh? Sounds like somethin' Najuma would dream of, too.
Dunno 'bout the lava or soggy paper thing, though. Not sure how it all fits together, but it sounds like a sign somethin' big's comin'.

Why, of course! I'm glad you asked!
(Tell him about Zeki's dream)
Oh! Exploding stars? Boiling lava? Soggy paper?! How utterly terrifying! And I thought Eshe was scary when she doesn't have her early-morning tea!
Please heed my warning, (Player). A dream like this only spells DISASTER!
That reminds me of the terrifying ordeal I had the other night! Would you like to hear about it?

Excellent! I was hoping to find someone to talk about it to.
I dreamt that I was wandering through the dark halls of the estate, cold, lonely, and worst of all, hungry for a midnight snack!
As I searched desperately for the way to the kitchen, I realized I was being followed by a lovely little chapaa!
Except it was no ordinary chapaa. It was floating... and it was missing its eyes! Oh, the horror! EEEEEK!!!
I ran away in fright, desperate for a way out. He was close behind me the entire time, taunting me and judging me even though he could not see me.
Before I knew it, I was in my garden, surrounded by everyone from the village. I was so relieved to see their faces... until they all pointed at me and laughed.
That's when I realized I was in my underwear! No wonder it was so breezy...
I woke up on the kitchen floor, covered in sweat but thankful I had pants on!

I'll pass.
A-Ah, I see... I was hoping to find someone to talk about it to...
Oh, I know! I'll simply WISH for a willing ear to listen to my story! I'll head over to the wish tree as soon as I get the chance!

Not like I have anything better to do.
(Tell her about Zeki's dream)
...Huh. Exploding stars, boiling lava, and soggy paper. Sounds like a party gone wrong. Or right.
Whoever had this dream must be thinking about going off and having a good time.
Wish I could do that right now, but I'm running this booth instead. *sigh*

Um... I could try, but I don't know if I'd be any good at it...
(Tell her about Zeki's dream)
W-Well, the first thing I thought of when I heard exploding stars was a star shower.
Oh! Or maybe fireworks! Those look like exploding stars, don't they?
As for lava... Definitely something hot and bubbly. Maybe a hot spring?
Oh! Maybe the dream is about soaking in a hot spring while watching falling stars. Not really sure what soggy paper has to do with anything though...

Sure! Just so you know, I'm an expert at dream interpretations.
(Tell him about Zeki's dream)
Whoa! Exploding stars, boiling lava, and soggy paper? Sounds like a fun time. Thanks for the invite!
Oh, I'm just messing with you. That sounds like a pretty crazy dream.
You know what they say, what you see in your dreams are things you desire. Dunno why anyone would want all of those things, though. Unless...
Things aren't as they seem. Maybe we're looking at things upside down, you know what I mean?
Hmm, let's see... Exploding stars... Oh! Maybe fireworks?
Boiling lava... Uh, a pot of my delicious lettuce soup! Or hotpot?
And soggy paper.. This one's got me stumped, not gonna lie. Maybe you could try asking around about that?

What comes to mind when I say "soggy paper"?

Was my first interpretation not enough for ya, dearie?
Oh, I'm just kiddin'. I'd be glad to give ya another perspective!
Hmm... Soggy paper... If not somethin' metaphorical, maybe it could stand for somethin' more literal.
...Wait a minute. I had my hands on some wet paper that long ago.[sic]
That's right! It was the wish ribbons! Those are the only soggy papers I can think of.

Are you seriously pestering me again with that nonsense?
Unfortunately for you, I will not indulge your silly questions. I have urgent business to take care of.

...Exactly that. Soggy paper.

You still goin' on 'bout that soggy paper, darlin'?
*sigh* Hmm... Let me think.
Only place I can think of where you could get somethin' like that is the wish tree. 'S a dye station for wish ribbons there. That what you're lookin' for?

Disaster on a scale that is unfitting for me to speak of during a joyous celebration such as Luna New Year!!!
I am sorry, (Player), but we must not speak of this again. At least, not until the new year is over!

First of all, gross. Secondly, you're asking me about that again?
...You're lucky you're cute.
I was thinking more about that dream you told me about earlier and I think I have it all figured out.
I'm pretty sure all of those images are metaphors- or at least not what they seem to be.
Exploding stars could be fireworks, can't they? And boiling lava could be soup. Like hotpot.
As for the soggy paper, that's obviously referring to the wish ribbons.
This "dream" was really just a riddle for me to have fun solving, wasn't it? If you were trying to keep me entertained, you were pretty successful at it.

Oh, are you still trying to figure that part of the dream out?
Hmm... Well, I think about paper that's been floating in the water. I find some in the bay once in a while.
Now that I think about it, I dealt with wet paper recently when I was dipping my wish ribbons in the colored dye. They didn't exactly get soggy though, so I don't know if that counts...

Speak to Reth

The soggy paper represents wish ribbons.
Oh, wish ribbons! Well, that makes a ton of sense.
So we've got fireworks, hotpot, and wish ribbons. Looks like this dream was about the Luna New Year!

Yeah, I think you're right.

Actually, you're wrong.
Huh. You sure about that?
Well, what's your take on the dream then?


I'm still figuring it out.

I've got a few theories.

I'm not telling you.

...Sooooo basically you've got nothing.
Look, I'm pretty confident I nailed my interpretation, so let's just roll with my answer.

Man, I'm a genius! Maybe I should consider a career change and become a dream interpreter. I'll do my readings over a pot of lettuce soup!

Speak to Zeki

I deciphered the meaning of what you saw in your dream.
Really? That was quick.
So, what're the exploding stars all about?

Fireworks, eh? Guess that adds up.

Disaster waiting to strike!
That's what I thought! I knew somethin' was fishy.

Star shower!
Oh, a star shower! Always wanted to see me one o' those!

Party time!
Party time? Well, I guess there's always someone who finds fun in anything.

Moving on, then. What about all that boiling lava? What's the big deal with that?

It's hotpot!
Oh, hotpot! It's hot and bubbly, just like lava. That explains why I smelled somethin' good in my dream.

It's a hot spring!
A hot spring? I could use a dip in one.

It's a sign of impending doom!
Well, that tracks. Lava would make mush outta even the toughest cat.

It's your feelings, bubbling up to the surface!
Are you tryin' to say I bottle up my emotions until they're ready to boil over? 'Cause I sure do!

Guess we know what the lava means. Last but not least, what's the soggy paper mean?

They're wish papers!
Eh? But wish papers ain't wet!
...Oh, wait. Technically they are, when you dip 'em in that super colorful dye.

Disaster, destruction, and doom.
Sheesh, talk about being a pocketful of doom and gloom. That's a real dark interpretation of everything, pal.

Old memories weighing you down.
Ya don't say... Can't argue with that.

You've painted a pretty big picture for me. I'm finally seein' how it all fits together.

...Just kidding. I'm even more confused than I was before!

Bad things are comin' for ol' Zeki. Good thing is, I'm a veteran at wrangling with misfortune. We're basically childhood friends at this point, and I know all her tricks.
...Just kidding. I'm even more confused than I was before! You sure you deciphered my dream and not some other unlucky chap's?
Just uh... Give me a second to think things over.

(Tell Zeki the true interpretation of his dream)
Fireworks, hotpot, and wish paper... Sounds familiar but I can't quite put my claw on it...

Take a look around you!
...Oh! Well, whaddaya know. Looks like we got all of that here.

It sounds like Luna New Year, right?
Oh! You're right.

Hmm... neither can I...
Hey, don't go off-script! Here's where you're supposed to say, "You dreamed about Luna New Year, Zeki!"

Don't play dumb.
You can be a real party pooper when ya wanna be, pal.

Guess I've been spendin' so much time caught up in Luna New Year that it showed up in my dreams, too.
Is everything alright?
Yeah. It's just that this Luna New Year stuff really brings me back to the good ol' days. Things were simpler when I was a kitten.

Kids have it so easy!
You can say that again! Meanwhile, us hard-working grown ups got things to worry about. Like debt and what to eat for dinner every night.

How so?
It was nice not having to worry about things, ya know? Like debt and what to eat for dinner every night.

I miss being a baby...
Don't we all. You're technically still a baby in this world, though, ain't ya? Considerin' you showed up not that long ago and everything.

Ignorance is bliss.
Sure is, pal.

When we're kids, our parents usually take care of all the hard and boring stuff for us. Then we get old and we're off on our own.
Not gonna lie, I miss my ma. My pops, too. And the rest of my stinkin' littermates, even that toy hogger Zarah.
Haven't seen them in a looooong time.

You should reach out to them!
I could, but... dunno if any of them would respond.

They don't visit you?
Haven't seen them in a looooong time.

It ain't 'cause we got bad blood between us or anything, but we Grimalkin aren't exactly known to be close to our families.
Once we're weaned offa our mothers, we get shipped off to start workin' for the cartel to fight for our fiscal freedom. Basically, to free ourselves from debt. Most of us spend our whole lives to pay it all off.
We're taught to be self-sufficient from a young age, so we learn not to rely on anybody but ourselves. Not our parents, our littermates, and certainly not the Chimaera, Dunya.

Who's Dunya?
Dunya business! Get it? None o' ya business? Ah, I crack myself up sometimes.
If the player asked previously: Worked better the first time I said it, huh?
Dunya's like our Dragon. She's a lot more of the "tough love" type, though. Kind of like my ma.
I'd be lyin' if I said I didn't wonder how they're all doing. My... uh, family, I mean. 'Specially my old man, if he's still alive and kickin'.

That sounds tough.
I'd be lyin' if I said I didn't wonder how they're all doing. My... uh, family, I mean. 'Specially my old man, if he's still alive and kickin'.

Outta the two of 'em, my pops was definitely the one to spoil us. He'd take us out all the time and sneak us little presents when my ma wasn't lookin'.
There was this one time he brought us out late at night to look at the moon. Luna, to be exact.
Boy, was it a sight to behold. She was shining real bright, like a giant lucky coin in the sky.
I climbed up on my pa's shoulders and tried to grab it. Almost had it in my paws 'til that jerk Zarah pushed me off so she could get a better view.

What a meanie!
Right?! She always picked on the rest of us just 'cause she was the first one our ma popped out. Thought everything she touched was hers and only hers, including our parents!

Did you land on your feet?
This is kinda embarrassing, but no.

That wasn't very nice of her.
Right?! She always picked on the rest of us just 'cause she was the first one our ma popped out. Thought everything she touched was hers and only hers, including our parents!

You deserved that.
Hey! Watch it, pal. I ain't gonna let you bully me like Zarah did.

I was young and clumsy, so I fell right onto my butt. Man, did it hurt! I, uh, may have shed a couple o' tears.
My pa couldn't get me to stop wailin', so he brought us all to a Luna New Year festival that was going on nearby.
And that's where I saw it. One of the pretties things I've ever laid eyes on- a wish tree, filled with colorful little lanterns and wish ribbons.
The waterfall immediately stopped flowing from my eyes, and I asked to sit on my old man's shoulders to get a closer look.
He told me what the tradition was all about. How people make wishes in hopes Maji or someone else will fulfill 'em.
But like I told ya before, we Grimalkin don't believe in making wishes... 'cept for my pa. He was never the type to follow rules.

Ooh, what a troublemaker!
He was a classic bad boy. No wonder my ma fell for him!

Like you?
Hey! I'm plenty good at following the rules! ...When I want to.

Being the rebellious cat that he was, my old man let us make wishes, as long as we promised not to tell our ma.
So I made one, and I dipped it in colorful dye and everything. Got all over my paws, but it was worth it!
What'd you wish for?
To experience the Luna New Year with my family again. Well, that never happened, so I guess Maji didn't see my wish.

Never say never!

Maybe the time isn't right yet.

It'd be a miracle if a wish like that ever came true.
It's alright, though. It's not like we left that festival empty-handed.
Our old man bought a candy box for us all to share. I'll tell ya, pal, those sweets were outta this world.
They were so good that my ma forgave him for taking us out without askin' her first.
We all sat around the table and ate 'em together. Like family.
*sigh* ...Hope they're all doing better out there than I am.

I'm sure they're doing great!
...Yeah, probably. 'Specially that greedy bully Zarah. Bet she's rollin' in riches right now!

They're probably thinking about you, too
Well, I am pretty unforgettable. Can't blame anybody for havin' me on their mind.

You aren't doing too bad yourself.
Can't tell if you're pokin' fun at me or just tryin' to cheer me up, but thanks anyway!

I hope so, too.
Thanks. Means a lot to ol' Zeki that you said that.

Maybe all of 'em are celebratin' Luna New Year too, somewhere out there...
Anyway, tell Chayne I said hi. He keeps checkin' in on me, and I'd hate to worry him.
Feel free to tell him everything I told you while you're at it, too. I ain't got anythin' to hide.

Speak to Chayne

Zeki said hi.
Did he now? Please send him my warmest regards.
(Tell Chayne what happened with Zeki)
It doesn't surprise me that Zeki shared all of that with you.

I had a feeling he would open up eventually.

Not only is he your Shepp, but he also trusts you deeply like one would a close friend. It is heart-warming to see.

Tell me, Phoenix's child. How did Zeki appear to be feeling at the conclusion of your conversation?





Zeki may wear a playful and lighthearted coutenance[sic] most of the time, but I worry that it is sometimes simply a disguise for his true feelings.
He has never been one to wear his heart on his sleeve, especially when it comes to matters that are dear to him.
Is there something we can do for him.
You have done more than enough for Zeki, Phoenix's child. It is time for the rest of us to remind him that he is as valued a member of our community as you and I.
He cherishes the memory of enjoying a candy box with his family... Perhaps we can gift him one, and fill it with kind messages from everyone here at the Maji Market.
I just so happen to have one here that I have yet to open. All that is missing are kind messages from everyone here at the Maji Market.
Would you do the honors of collecting those, Phoenix's child?
Leave it to me!
Your kindness continues to warm my heart.
Record all messages here in this journal. Bring it back to me when you are finished, and I will handle the rest.
Needless to say, please do not tell Zeki about this. Some gifts are better meant as surprises.

Speak to Villagers about Zeki

(Tell Delaila about Zeki's surprise gift)
Oh, how sweet! I'd love to help you and Chayne with yer little surprise, dearie.
Not a lot of people know this, but Zeki is a real sweetheart. Why, just the other day, he helped me carry all of me groceries home from the General Store!
Once in a while, he even gives me somethin' fun to surprise Auni with.
...There. Done! Was hard writin' a short message, considerin' there are so many good things I can say about Zeki. Hope it makes him smile!

(Tell Eshe about Zeki's surprise gift)
And you want me to contribute to this little surprise of yours? Can't you see I'm busy?
...*sigh* Well, I suppose Zeki does contribute something of value to this village. Without him, Kilima's economy would be-
Ahem! Hand me that notebook already, won't you? I can't afford to waste any more time chit-chatting with you.
...There, I've written something. Now if you'll excuse me, I have business to get back to.

(Tell Hodari about Zeki's surprise gift)
He ain't bad company. Bails me out when Kenli and Badruu start talkin' my ear off at the Inn, and he's nice to Najuma.
Guess I can write somethin' nice for him.

(Tell Kenli about Zeki's surprise gift)
Oh, I am quite fond of surprises! And I am quite fond of Zeki as well! I would be delighted to write a kind message for him.
Let's see... Where should I start?
Yes, perhaps with "Dear Zeki"!
Er, that does sound a bit stiff... Hmm...
(Kenli takes his sweet time writing a message for Zeki, mumbling to himself all the while.)
This'll do! I, er, hope he can read my handwriting! Writing was never my strong suit...

(Tell Kenyatta about Zeki's surprise gift)
Zeki's cool, and he gets on my mom's nerves. That's a plus in my books.
...Alright, I did my part.

(Tell Najuma about Zeki's surprise gift)
Zeki's a really good friend of mine, and he always has something nice to say about the inventions I make. He sends me cool gifts all the time, too!
The least I could do is write a nice message thanking him for everything.

(Tell Reth about Zeki's surprise gift)
There's a lot I could complain about when it comes to Zeki, but I guess none of it is really his fault at the end of the day...
He actually treats me well, considering the business we're in together. He doesn't just care about saving his own skin.
Don't tell him I said this, but he's pretty funny when he wants to be, too. I hate to admit it, but sometimes he makes my bad days a little less bad.
...There. I wrote something. Hopefully that works?

Speak to Chayne

I collected a lot of nice messages for Zeki.
So you did. Thank you kindly for your contributions, Phoenix's child.
May I have the journal?
(Give Chayne the journal)
(Chayne briefly skims over the messages, then begins to neatly tear them out of the journal. He folds each message and tucks them into the candy box.)
...Oh! I mustn't forget to include the message I wrote for him, too.
...There. Now the candy box is ready to be gifted to him.
Would you like to do the honors of giving him this surprise, Phoenix's child?

I thought you'd never ask!

It'd be my pleasure.

Who else could do it but me?

I always finish what I start.

There is no better time than the present to show Zeki how much we appreciate him.
I will be watching from afar. I cannot wait to see how he reacts.

Speak to Zeki

Huh? For me?
(Give Zeki the candy box)
Ooh, a candy box! Just like the one I had with my family. Thanks, pal.
Open it up!
Right now? Uh, okay.
...Sure is a bunch of candy! Oh, what's this?
(Zeki unfolds one of the messages.)
"Happy Luna New Year, Zeki. Thanks for always giving my mom a hard time. -Kenyatta"
HAH! You're welcome, Kenyatta. Any time, any time.
Read another one!
There's more? Okay, lemme see... What about this one?
"Zeki, I hope the Luna New Year's treating you as well as you treat me and my family. I can't thank you enough for all of our fun chats at the General Store. You always brighten up my day! Love, Delaila"
Aww, shucks. Didn't know ya felt that way about me, Delaila.
Read another one!
...Alright, but this is the last one. If ya want me to keep readin' for ya, you're gonna need to rent out the library for a reading day.
"Dear Zeki, I cannot begin to thank you enough for all the joy you bring to our village. Every conversation we have, no matter how fleeting, brings a smile to my face."
"You make Kilima feel like home. It is a blessing to have you here. -Chayne"
Oh, man. Here comes the waterfall...

I need a tissue!
I'm the one who should be saying that! Don't you dare cry, or you're gonna have to be my snot rag!

It's okay to cry.
Who's cryin'? 'Cause I sure ain't! I just, uh, got somethin' in my eye is all!

Let the tears fall!
No way! What if I end up flooding the whole place?

Need a minute?
I'm fine! Just- just gimme a second!

*sniffle* Ya really got me with this, pal. This was all your doing?
Chayne and I worked together on this.
Should've figured Chayne had a hand in this.
I didn't expect everyone would come together like this just for ol' me. Guess I really am part of the Kilima family, huh?
You always are.
You're right. I've been so wrapped up in old memories, that I didn't realize I was already makin' new ones... with my family here in Kilima.
Back then, I wished to celebrate the Luna New Year again with family. I guess it really did come true after all, huh?
...Say. Can I ask you for a favor, pal?
I want you to give this to Chayne to hang on the wish tree for me. It's my wish for this comin' year. I'd hang it up myself, but I've got a stall to run.
My old man once told me that wishes are really promises you make to yourself, and y'know what? It's okay to make those once in a while.
And thank you and Chayne for everything, pal. Happy Luna New Year!


Speak to Chayne

Zeki wanted you to help him put his wish on the tree.
Oh, wonderful. It would be an honor for me to hang it up on his behalf.
How did he react to the gift?
He was really touched by it.
It brings me immense joy to hear how strongly he felt about the surprise. I hope he enjoys reading through the rest of the messages everyone left for him.
What about you, Phoenix's child? How are you feeling right now?

I feel the same exact way. My heart feels lighter, somehow.

I feel the same exact way. My heart feels lighter, somehow.

A little sad.
That is to be expected. It has been a whirlwind of emotions over the past few days.

I'm feeling a lot of things.
That is to be expected. It has been a whirlwind of emotions over the past few days.

These feelings of joy, gratitude, nostalgia... They are all a part of what makes the Luna New Year such a special occasion.
At the end of the day, what the holiday truly is, is a celebration of us- the connections we have built with one another, and our hopes for the future.
Ah... It feels like the sun is setting on a long day- or that we are reaching the end of an eventful journey.
But the conclusion of one story is only the beginning of another.
It has been wonderful experiencing the Luna New Year with you thus far, Phoenix's child. I cannot even begin to express my gratitude towards you.
Please take this as a token of my appreciation.
I wish you a happy Luna New Year and good fortune in the coming year.



Update History

Build 0.176:

  • Introduced.