Casual Dialogue with Zeki

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This page consists of written daily dialogue lines for Zeki.


ChapaaChuckle.png This article or following section is likely to contain spoilers! Please proceed with caution.
If you ever find any old Human junk while you're explorin' the mines, bring it to me.
I'd be happy to take a little looksee at it. Probably can give ya a decent price too.

If you want anything from any part of Palia, we Grimalkin have a secret way of shipping stuff from here to there just like that.
I can't tell you exactly how we do it, but it involves the aid of short range teleportation technology.

Don't tell Reth I told ya this, but I'm startin' to actually like the kid.
He reminds me of a younger, less handsome me.

Did I ever tell you about the time I worked with... wait for it.. The Order!
Player (Air)
Not even a little.
That's okay. You don't have to be smart when you got charm.
Anyway... that scam worked for about the last fifteen years, but one of the Watchers recently figured out what old thorny Zornie was up to.
And I'm wonderin', should I try to help him out of this mess or should I turn him in to protect myself? I want to help him... but I don't want to end up dead... or worse.

Help him!
Good thinkin'. If you can't stick your neck out for a friend, who can you stick it out for?

Save yourself.
Good thinkin'. Zorn knew what he was doing when he tried to trick the Order. It's not my fault he was stupid enough to get caught. Poor fella...

Missing dialogue path for Air.
You're never gonna believe what happened. I agreed to testify against Zorn.
I'm gonna go talk to the Order rep in Bahari tomorrow, can ya believe it?

You'll do great.
I know I will. Nobody performs like Zeki. Not even Order magic can see through my true intentions.

Nope, you're lyin'.

Missing dialogue for Water and Air.
I'm not in the mood for idle chit chat.
When I got to Bahari to talk to the Order, I found out they'd convinced [sic] Zorn before I even got there! Poor bastard didn't even have a trial!

No trial? That's outrageous!
Yeah, that's how the Order does things. If they even think you did something wrong, you're spending the rest of your life in a prison under the Umbraa mountains.
And they call us the bad guys? You gotta be kiddin' me!
Take it from me, kid, real life ain't like the fairy tales. It ain't the scoundrel in the back alley you gotta watch out for, it's the knight on the white horse.

No trial?

Why am I not surprised?

Zeki asks The Player Questions

Missing dialogue for One.
I just bought this trinket off a traveling salesman. Guy said it could sense exactly how every living being is gonna die.
Wanna help me test it out?
Just close your eyes and think of a number between one and three.


Two...the number of water. This means you'll drown...either in the ocean or in a sea of your own mistakes.

Three...the number of earth. This means you'll be buried. Possibly alive. Or possibly just in debt.

Follow up conversation

Missing path for Fire dialogue.
You want in a[sic] little secret?
You know that whole fire, wind, earth, air..."I can tell the way you're gonna die" mumbo jumbo?
It's all Ormuu dookie....ya do know it's all Ormuu dookie right?

...I knew, but I decided to play along.

You had me fooled.
Wow, so you really ARE that much of a rube then.
I've got to hand it to you. That is impressive. That sorta gullibility takes some serious skill.

How's that adder oil workin' out for you?

It's great!
Oh, it actually works? I'll hafta order some more.
My ma was the one who sold it to me.
Nice to know she's still look'[sic] out for little ole me.

I'm not using your snake oil.
I'll have you know my ma sold me that snake oil, and if it's good enough for her, it's good enough for you.

Missing path for Fire, Air dialogue.
If you could have just one wish what would it be?

If it's health you want, I think I got some premium adder oil in the back if you want to take a look.
It'll cure whatever's ailin' ya.

Good for you, kid!
But if you really want to succeed you're gonna have to work for it. Like your old mentor Zeki over here.

Information needed

A really good sandwich
information needed

Follow up to Air response

You ever get that really good sandwich?

Everything's awesome!
Oh, man. Now you're makin' me hungry.
I love tuna... and halibut... and salmon...

Uh... that was a joke.
Yeah...I know, but I was just tryin' to engage ya in a little harmless banter.
Geez, Louise. Who took your funny bone?

There's my favorite young entrepreneur.
How's business going?

It's booming!

It could be better.
Couldn't it always?
If you want to go for the big bucks, I hear you need to travel to Bahari.
The antlers on them Proudhorned Sernuks can go for a pretty penny.

I'm thinkin' about investin' a little more in the Underground, makin' it a swingin' nightlife spot.
Whaddya think I should add?

More food options.
Yeah, I guess you can never poor underestimatin' how much Humans like to eat. I'll talk to Reth about options

A dance floor!
Now that's what I'm talkin' about.
Swing by for our low-low prices, stay for the swing dancin'.

Maybe some books?
Books! Whaddya think this is? A library.
Whewee kid. You really crack me up.

More Ormuubell.
So, uh, a bard ain't a bad idea, but I ain't really a fan of ormuubell music. So...uh...I'm gonna hafta pass.

Follow up to Earth response

So I think mentionin' new food options in the Underground to Reth may have been a mistake.
He's workin' on somethin' now he calls a "lettuce souffle".
It's... uh... about as appetizing as it sounds.

Follow up to Fire response

I tried to contact some of the Underground's contractors about that dance floor you mentioned.
And you'll never believe the kind of permits they wanted to charge me for. Like apparently, I need something called "boogey insurance." What the Dunya is that?
Eshe should take lessons from the Underground on bureaucracy, let me tell ya.

Follow up to Water response

After I stopped laughin' about your books idea, I got ta thinkin', maybe we could add a little readin' material to the Underground.
I got a subscription to Crime Times and Luna Signs Daily and we've upped our appeal to the woo-woo demographic by at least 50%.
Now we gotta do somethin' for everybody else. Maybe a few books on Ancient Humans? I hear male Majiri think about the Ancient Human Empire at least nine times a day.

Follow up to Air response

I had some auditions for bards to play at the Underground.
Unfortunately, only Nai'o showed up. And his instrument guessed it, ormuubell.
I guess my customers are just gonna have to make peace with the sound a' silence.

Specific Time

In the morning

*yawn* ...Man, I could use a cup o' bean juice. Should've accepted Hodari's offer this mornin'.

In the evening

Hey, kid, don't mind me. I'm just lookin' up at the stars wonderin' which one of those planets is the Grimalkin homeworld.
We've been down here a couple hundred years, and sadly, the location of our home was lost to time. I'm not even sure if our culture has anything to do with the old world culture.
Like do those cats up there got cartels and debt? Or is that just for us folks down here?
Eh...I suppose it don't matter one way or another. Ain't no way I'm ever goin' up there.

At night

If you tell me Reth's sent you here to deliver somethin', tell him he better bring it on his own.
Or else I won't be responsible for what happens to his precious soup.

Specific Location

In the General Store

See Delaila over there? She's in here almost every day picking up stuff to make dinner.
I tried to tell her it's time for Badruu to start picking up the slack, and she told me in no uncertain terms I better shut my fuzzy little mug.
Apparently, making shopping for groceries is one of her favorite parts of her day and she has no intention of letting Badruu in on the fun!

Higher Bug Catching skill

Auni tells me you've been catching bugs faster than a hungry Shadvaraak.
If you ever need help with procuring bug balls, know I sell 'em right here at Zeki's.

Higher Cooking skill

Reth says your cooking's so good that you may have him looking for a job soon.
If you ever need ingredients, I sell a wide variety of cooking supplies here, including things like flour and milk that you can't get anywhere else.

Higher Fishing skill

Einar told me that something fishy is going on with you...
But then he clarified that it meant you like fishing.
I'll have you know that I provide a fine selection of worms for any perspective fisherperson.

Higher Gardening skill

I've heard from Badruu you've got a green thumb.
With his sense of humor, I'm surprised he wasn't being literal.
Anyway, if you've got any veggies you'd like to sell, I'd be happy to take 'em off your hands.

Higher Hunting skill

I heard from Sifuu who heard from Hassian that you're quite the hunter.
If you ever seen [sic] a few extra arrows while you're out, I've got you covered.

Missing Air dialogue path.
I miss when I had my shop in Bahari. That place was hoppin' 24 cycles a day.

Why'd you leave?
Well, ya know, I, uh, had to keep things fair for other shopkeepers.
I was runnin' everybody else outta business, and movin' was really the only charitable thing to do.

You got scared outta town?

In the Tavern

Please try to distract Sifuu for me!
She keeps wanting to arm wrestle and my paws can't take it anymore.

Have a seat and stay awhile, kid.
The conversation's so good, it'll take your mind off Reth's cookin'.

I've been trying to keep all four of my ears to the ground, and I found out an interestin' little secret.
Rumor has it that the boss of the Adders is actually a Majiri. One high up in the government at that.
I always knew those aristocratic pricks were talkin' out of both sides of their mouth.
Heck, they probably only outlawed magic so they could control the supply and sell it for more.

Ya know, most of my associates in the big city think I'm an idiot for endin' up in this no Riffroc town in the first place.
But, I don't know, I kinda like it. I like comin' to the Inn and knowin' who's gonna be here and have them know me.
You tell anybody I said that, and you're a goner, pal.

Sorry if trust doesn't come easy for me.
Last time I trusted somebody, I got played like a sucker. Lost out on my chance at Fiscal Freedom for it.

What's fiscal freedom?
That's the moment in a 'Malki's life when he's completely free of debt, ready to be his own cat that don't belong to nobody.
I bet big on winnin' mine once and lost. That's how I wound up here.

That's a bummer.
Yeah, it really is.
Maybe I'll tell ya the whole story at some point.

I've just been sittin' here dreamin' of my fiscal freedom.

What'll you do if you have it?
Oh, I'll keep runnin' the shop, but it'll be MY shop.
...and that'll make all the difference.

Dreaming is a waste of time.
You're right...fantasy is a weakness.
But one I sometimes let myself indulge in.

How can you dream if you're awake?
Are you sure you're feeling alright kid?
Maybe you should go to Chayne's place and get yourself checked out.

After Friendship Level 3

Let's play a little game.
I'm gonna tell you three things about myself, two are a lie and the other one is the truth.
You gotta guess which one is true. Okay?
First thing, I once stole the crown jewels of Akwindu using nottin' but a paperclip and a negligee.
Two, I once participated in the Vault Raid of a Grand Arbiter and discovered a scepter from the Grimalkin Old World.
Three, I can make a diamond outta nothin' but air. Which is da truth?

The first story
Wrong! You think I stole the crown jewels with just a paperclip and a negligee? Ha! I also used a toothpick.

The second story
Whoa! You clearly know nothin' about 'Malki culture.
A Grand Arbiter would NEVER use something as gaudy as a scepter.
I, of course; won his six foot solid gold crown.

The third story
Nah, I can't make a diamond with just one ingredients.[sic]
Everybody knows diamonds are composed of at least six alchemical components.

What brings you out tonight, kid?

I was feeling lonely.
Lonely? You gotta get thicker skin if you want to make it in this world, kid.
Take it from me, sometimes you gotta learn to be your own best friend.

I want to have fun!
That's the spirit. Let's have so much fun that by tomorrow we don't even remember our own last names.
Wait a minute...I'm[sic] already there.
I don't even have a last name.

I'm here to see a man about an ormuu.
Is that a joke, kid?
If so, I can't say I get it.

In The Underground

If you think this place is nice, you oughta check out the Underground in Bahari City.
That place is a party 24 cycles a day.

Do you ever wonder how much you could accomplish in life if you didn't have to run a front business?
No? I guess that's just me then.

Workin' nights can be lonely sometimes.
Almost everybody else in Palia's in their bed asleep or out partyin' at the tavern.
But it's when we get a chance to make the best deals. If you wanna keep workin' with me, ya best remember that.

In Zeki's House

So, uh, kid, now that you know about my mom, I think it's only fair you tell me somethin' about your kin.
You guys close?

Friendship Level 3-4

Friendship Level 3 or Higher

Friendship Level 4

Higher Friendship With Other Villagers

With Reth Profile.png Reth

Have you seen Reth around? That boy owes me a delivery... or three.

I found out from a little birdie that you found out about the hold I got on Reth and his sister.
Look, I've got my reasons for not lettin' 'em go, okay?
If it wasn't me runnin' the show, I'd[sic] be somebody a lot worse.
Not that I care what you think, but you oughta know, I'm really doing them both a big favor.

Ya know, sometimes I feel like I did wrong by Reth gettin' him mixed up in alla this. I should find a way to make it up to him.

You could pay off his debts.
Yeah, right! I said I felt guilty, not stupid.

You could apologize.
And what are words gonna do, huh? They're not gonna change his situation.

You could song.
I'm gonna pretend you didn't say that.

I'm sure he'll forgive you.
Yeah, and I'm sure a parade is about to come marchin' down the streets naming me as the heir to Akwinduu.

Quest Related

After Main Quest Quest Icon.png Echoes of the Unknown

I hear you and Jina opened up a new area behind the Phoenix Shrine.
Pretty impressive... If you happen to find any glowy rocks in there let me know.

Cause they could fetch a good price, that's why!

Rocks in the shape of constellations?
Yeah, exactly like that.

You see, those things are called Flow stones.
They’re made from the fossils of dead magical plants and animals.
Ancient Humans used 'em to power their cities. They’re extremely powerful, and extremely valuable.

During/After Quest Icon.png Spread the Word

You know at first I wasn't so sure about you givin' a flyer to the mayor's daughter, but it turned out better than expected.
She bought out half my secret stock to get under her ma's skin!

After Quest Icon.png Mystery Cargo

You know I signed my debt with the Adders when I was only a kitten?
I thought I was gettin' a chance to come up in the world...but no, turns out I was sellin' my life and my freedom away when I was barely weaned.
Sometimes I blame my ma for that, but eh, there's no point in gettin' upset with her.
She was only doing what she thought was for the best.

After Friendship Level 3 Quest Quest Icon.png Magical Mystery Machine

I really owe you one for helpin' me out with that douplifier.
The world's gonna change for the better cause of what you and me did, kid.
You'll see.

After Friendship Level 4 Quest Quest Icon.png Bugs Everywhere!

I TOLD Auni not to mess with the douplifier, but he did it anyway.
I guess that's just how kids are though, ya tell them one thing, they do the other.
Next time I should tell him the thing's a toy.
Then he'll stare at it for a few seconds, get bored with it, and never play with it again.

During Quest Icon.png Catch a Falling Star

I bribed Reth to sneak me into Tish's room to get the fallin' star fragment.
I didn't find nothin'... except some fashion magazines and her diary.
I read it, of course, just in case it mentioned where she hide it. [sic] It did not, but I now know more than I ever needed to about her crush.
Who's that?
That's private! I wouldn't dare disclose that kind of information.
I may be a crook, but at least I got principles.

I got the douplifier workin' again. It's great. A modern miracle!
I would give ya one, but uh, unfortunately there's a limited supply since every one requires a bit of a fallin' star. I gotta make sure they only to the Underground's best customers.
Why can't you douplify the star?
Whaddya know... it turns out that's the one thing it can't douplify!
Tish thinks it's got somethin' to do with it bein' from a different planet or somethin', but to me it feels like the gods just want a convenient reason why there's can't be more douplifiers everywhere.

I wonder what ma would think about the fact I'm tryin' to take down the Underground.
On one hand, she worked so hard to get to the top, I feel bad I might be messin' it up for her.
On the other hand, she breaks the rules to write me letters, so she can't respect 'em too much, ya know?

After Found Item Quest Quest Icon.png Masthead

So I haven't heard back yet from old Zeddie about whether tradin' those artifacts for my fiscal freedom is on the tablet yet.
But soon, you might be lookin' at someone who can call his own shots for once.
I wonder what I'm gonna do with all that freedom...I'm not sure yet.

After Najuma's Friendship Level 3 Quest Quest Icon.png Airtight Plan

Najuma's been sendin' me letters about her new inventions.
She reminds me of her ma more an' more every day.
And the ideas ain't bad either. I might have a business partner in my future if she keeps this up.

Me and Najuma's mom used to work together.
...Maybe I should drop by the Remembrance Garden some time, catch her up on things.

After Subira's friendship quest Quest Icon.png Underground Affairs

So I did some diggin' and I found out that Watcher of yours never turned in that nightlight.
Keep an eye on her, kid. I think she might be someone we can work with.

So, uh, how come you never come by the shop for side jobs anymore? Is it somethin' I said?

I was actually just spying on you for Subira.

Actually, I was just about to ask for another task.
Really in that case, why don't you go down to the Underground? The facilities could use a little cleanin' if you know what I mean.

Turns out working for the Underground isn't for me.
I can't blame ya for that. I'd get outta this dump too if I was you.

It's Reth's feet...they stink.
What did I tell that boy about not takin' his shoes off at work? I guess I'm gonna have to tell him again.

Pin Reactions

Einar's Pin Einar's Pin.png

That pin you got on looks like it's made of old fishin' junk.
Let me guess, it's Einar's romance pin?
It is!
Well...uh...far be it from me to stand in the way of your happiness.

Kenyatta's Pin Kenyatta's Pin.png

Kenyatta's pin?
I thought I saw the farm boy wearin' that just the other know what, that's none of my business.
I guess if there's one way to make Eshe madder than a herd of ormuu it's to date a Human.

Reth's Pin Reth's Pin.png

You’ve got Reth’s pin on I see. You know... he shouldn’t really be offerin’ a life with anybody.
His life don’t belong to him no more.
Ah... don’t look at me like that. I don’t make the rules. I just follow ‘em.