Magical Mystery Machine

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Magical Mystery Machine is a Friendship Quest given by Zeki at Friendship level 3: Willing Accomplice.


Help Zeki gather goods for ...whatever it is he's making.


Part 1

  • Figure out the right type of metal bar.

Part 2

Now that you know that Zeki needs iron, give him 5 bars of iron so that he can make...whatever it is he's making.

↷ Return to Zeki

Part 3

Wait to hear back from Zeki on the progress of his invention.

  • Wait to hear back.

Part 4

Find a source of magic for Zeki's mysterious invention.

  • Find a glowing bug or fish.
↷ Return to Zeki

Part 5

It's finally time to find out what Zeki is working on.

  • Talk to Zeki in his room.

Part 6

Find out what the mysterious machine does.

  • Use the douplifier.
↷ Return to Zeki


During Quest

At Quest Completion


  1. Turns out you may have done a little too good of a job drumming up business for Zeki, and now he needs your help, again.
  2. To complete his new machine, bring Zeki samples of different types of metal bars.
    • You need to give him an Iron Bar to complete the step. After that he will ask you to bring more iron.
  3. The machine now needs a source of energy. Bring Zeki a Fish or Bugs that "glows".
  4. It's finally time for testing the machine! Meet Zeki in his room and try it out!

Dialogue and Mail


Upon speaking to Zeki

So, thanks to your help my side business boomin'. [sic]
It's so boomin' in fact I need a little help rampin' up supply.
Supply of what?
That's for me to know, and you, to...uh, not know.
You see, not only is your friend Zeki this village's top supplier of marginally legal magic merchandise, but I ALSO happen to be its number one INVENTOR of said merchandise.
And I have a new invention that's gonna knock everyone's figurative socks off...just as soon as I can find the right metal to contain its very literal life threaten' side effects.
What? I'm a criminal, not a freakin' maniac.
Safety is my number two priority.


Upon bringing Zeki metal bars


Upon bringing Zeki the iron bars

Here's the iron.
Thanks, pal. I'll write ya in the mornin' to let you know how it worked.

Upon receiving a letter from Zeki with the next mail delivery.

Dear (Player),
Eureka! Your pal Zeki has pulled through with a miracle. All the dangerous magical rays are now contained to one teeny, tiny...not so deadly...radius. Unless you're a bug. Then, uh, you better hold on to your pinchers, buddy.

I got the invention workin' but I'm still missin' a steady source a' fuel. You hadn't seen any magic fish or bugs around, have ya? If you don't know how to spot magic, well, you can tell by the way it sorta glows.

Bring somethin' glowy by the shop and we'll talk. Oh, and don't try to bring me one of them glow worms either. Those things don't got enough magic to pack a real punch. I'm gonna need something higher up the food chain.

Zeki Profile.png Zeki

Upon bringing Zeki a "glowing bug or fish"

Is this magical?
This looks perfect!
I just need one more favor to make this beauty tick. I need to test it out.
Why don't ya come by my house in the mornin' and we can test it out together?
Oh, I almost forgot, you're gonna need my key.

Upon speaking to Zeki in his room

So glad you made time to stop by. I want to present to you...the one...the only...Zeki's douplifier. It makes one things into two things!
And since you help me out, I wanted you to be the first one to try it out.
Just place this seed into the compartment and watch it become two seeds.


Upon speaking to Zeki after using the "douplifier"

Pretty amazin', aint it?
The next step is gonna be to take this prototype to Badruu.
Once he starts producin' double, then folks at neighboring farms will start askin' around.
All he's gotta do is tell them where he got douplifier, then all the farmers will be comin' to me for their own little beauty.


  • Bars of metal shown to Zeki are not consumed.

Update History

Build 0.165:

  • Introduced.