Dialogue with Zeki about Gifts

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This page consists of written gift dialogue lines for Zeki.

After First Gift

  • Zeki is a Grimalkin and does not follow the same Majiri customs, but he will accept a Citrine.


Given Citrine Citrine

You coulda sold this for a pretty penny, and you just... gave it to me instead?
That's suspiciously altruistic of ya.
But I won't say no! No take backs, y'hear?


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Requesting Bouillabaisse Bouillabaisse

I'm feelin' fancy today, an' that calls for a feast.
I could use a pipin' fresh bowl a' Bouillabaisse.

Requesting Copper Ore Copper Ore, Iron Ore Iron Ore, Palium Ore Palium Ore, Silver Ore Silver Ore

Heard you don't mind gettin' your hands dirty.
Literally. With dirt. You find any (ore) while minin', do me a favor and send it my way, kid.

Requesting Copper Bar Copper Bar, Iron Bar Iron Bar, Palium Bar Palium Bar, Gold Bar Gold Bar

Know what's better than (ore)?
A whole bar of the stuff! Freshly minted. Wrapped in a little present box with my name on it.
In fact, you can forget the gift box, long as you got the gift.

Requesting Coral Coral

You can make some real fancy lookin' things with coral.
Plus, they look nice on the shelf.

Requesting Crab Gumbo Crab Gumbo

You want what I'm craving right now?
Crab gumbo! What's not to love about a big bowl of fish?

Requesting Dari Cloves Dari Cloves

My stock a' Dari Cloves is running a little low.
I wouldn't complain if you threw some my way.

Requesting Golden Glory Bee Golden Glory Bee

You ever heard of the Golden Glory Bee?
Rumor has it the honey goes for big money. If I could just get my paws on one of 'em.

Requesting Green Pearl Green Pearl

Let's just say this... some people talk about receiving pearls a' wisdom.
I don't care about that hooey.
I want actual pearls.
The rarer... the better.

Requesting Lucky Braised Fish Lucky Braised Fish

The only thing better than fish is fish that's cooked just right.
And by cooked right, I mean braised to perfection!
Great. Now I want a plate of lucky braised fish.

Requesting Platinum Chad Platinum Chad

I hear there's a fish in these waters who's worth his weight in gold.
Bring me back such a fish and you'll be rewarded...
...with gratitude!

Requesting Poke Bowl Poke Bowl

You want to know the thing I love most about Maji Market?
The poke! What's not to long about a big bowl of fish?

Requesting Proudhorned Sernuk Antlers Proudhorned Sernuk Antlers

Heard there's a real rare Sernuk that shows up in the Bay sometimes.
Wonder how much those horns'd go for...

Requesting Silk Silk

I'm runnin' a little low on silk lately.
Jel keeps clearin' me out. Who's he clothin', the whole Akwindu royal family?

Requesting Silk Thread Silk Thread

Could use some silk thread, if you get your hands on any.
Just don't get 'em tangled, huh?

Requesting Unopened Oyster Unopened Oyster

I'm feelin' fancy today, an' that calls for a feast.
Some fresh oysters'd go down real smooth.

Requests For Other Villagers

Requesting Potato Potato, Rice Rice, Wheat Wheat

Past few days, Subira's been pokin' around my shop, eyeballin' the (Crop) seeds I got for sale. Think she's craving some (Crop)?


General Acceptance

I will gladly accept your humble offerin'.



You tryin' to impress me?
Well, ya gotta try a lot harder than this if ya want me to be impressed.

Duplicate Weekly Gift

Look, kid. It's all about supply an' demand, right?
Well, I already got the supply. But thanks for tryin'.

Specific Rejection


Specific Responses

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Given Fish, Seafood-based Dishes

What, you think just 'cuz I'm a Grimalkin I gotta love seafood?
Well... yer right. Thanks, kid, I was starvin'.

Given Gold/Silver Ore, Proudhorned Sernuk Antlers Proudhorned Sernuk Antlers, Silk Silk, Silver Bar Silver Bar

Oh, this is nice. I bet I could make a pretty gold piece offa this. Thanks, pal!

Given Green Pearl Green Pearl, Golden Glory Bee Golden Glory Bee

Wow! This is...you really knocked my socks off with this one kid.
I like it so much, I MIGHT not even sell it!

Given Gold Bar Gold Bar

Wow! This is... you really knocked my socks off with this one kid.
I'll remember this. Generosity comes back around, yanno?