Mystery Cargo

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Mystery Cargo is a Discovery Quest given by Reth after completing the quest Quest Icon.png Piece of Cake.


Find out what's in the mysterious box. Reth said Zeki threw the key "where no man can survive."


Part 1

↷ Return to Reth

Part 2

You opened the mysterious box and found a letter.

  • Read the letter.

Part 3

Ask Zeki about the letter.


At Quest Completion


  1. Now that you know Reth's secret, you can ask him about the mysterious box on the table in his storeroom.
    • Reth will tell you the key is hidden "where no man can survive".
  2. Find the key to satisfy your curiosity!
    • Hint: The small key can be found by randomly fishing in any body of water within Kilima Village with or without bait, however, it's recommended to fish in the river behind the tavern to increase your chances of finding it sooner rather than later.
  3. After obtaining the key, go back to Reth's Storeroom and open the chest. Read the letter inside.
  4. Go talk to Zeki about the letter.

Dialogue and Mail


Upon speaking with Reth

What's in that locked box?
I don't know and I don't want to know.
Zeki told me if I tried to pick the lock, I'd have to figure out how to do my job one handed.
As it turns out I'm kind of attached to both of my hands, so...yeah, I've left it alone.

Doesn't sound worth it.
Glad we're on the same page here. I wouldn't want you going to look for the key...

I'm not scared of Zeki!
Well, if you want to look for the key, it might be a challenge.

Who needs hands? I'd rather know what's in the box.
Well, if you want to look for the key, it might be a challenge.

I heard he hid it where "no man can survive"...whatever that means.

Letters found in the locked chest

My dear Zeki-kins,

I know it's out of the ordinary for me to be writing you like this, but I just wanted to say I've been watching you from a distance and I'm proud of the Grimalkin you have become. Don't let that mess with Zed keep you down, I know you'll earn your fiscal freedom in no time.

- Ma
 ‹  1 / 3  › 

Thank you so much for writing me back. Again, I understand how unusual this relationship is, but it means the world to me. I've included some of the fishcakes you used to like as a kitten. Eat up, I know your journey to the valley will be a tough one. - Ma

 ‹  2 / 3  › 

This will be the last time I write to you. I am afraid my superiors are growing suspicious that I may still be attached to you. I suggest you burn our previous correspondences. I wouldn't want the Adders to think you aren't the self-made Grimalkin I know you are. - Ma

 ‹  3 / 3  › 


Upon speaking to Zeki

Why did you hide those letters from your mom?
Shhh! Don't say that so loud.
Grimalkins aren't supposed to keep talkin' to their parents after we're weaned.

That's messed up!
Maybe by your cultural standards...but not by ours. The separation is meant to prove we're independent.

So you're dependant [sic] on your cartel then?
Watch it...I'm not dependant on the Adders. I OWE the Adders. Everything they've given me, I'm payin' 'em back.
With interest.

I couldn't do that. I'd miss my family too much.
Yeah, well you're a Human. That kind of mushiness is to be expected.

But you couldn't stay away from the fish cakes...
My ma's fish cakes are pretty tasty...but it was never about that.
Between you and me, my mom's one impressive lady.
She's second in command of Mantis cartel. How could I not want to know her better?

I shoulda burned the letters like my ma said. But, I don't know, I liked the reminder she was proud of me.
Maybe I am weak. I don't know...
Here's some money to keep quiet. If this gets out, it would hurt my street cred.


  • The box may reappear in the storeroom but can not be opened again.


Update History

Build 0.165:

  • Introduction.