Zeki - Dialogue

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Vue d'ensemble


Première interaction

Bienvenue dans mon bazar, chamarade.
En fait, on dirait bien que tu viens d'émerger des ruines, alors je devrais plutôt te souhaiter la bienvenue dans le monde des vivants !
Zeki, pour te servir. Cette belle échoppe m'appartient.
Reviens quand tu auras de l'oseille et on pourra faire affaire. Je vends des légumes, des graines, de l'engrais...
Y'a même un truc pointu par là-bas qui ressemble à un râteau
En gros, tout le bric-à-brac nécessaire au jardinage de pro.

Parler à nouveau à Zeki

Quoi, tu cherche Ashura ? Il est en face, à l'auberge. Y'a un gros tonneau juste devant l'entrée, tu peux pas la manquer.


Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante.
  • The more you spend, the more you get back. Trust me. That’s just how the world works.
  • My prices are out of this world.
  • Can’t ya see I’m a little busy over here?
  • You’ll find only the finest of goods at my shop.
  • It’s all about the ABBs: Always Be Buyin’. Rememba’ that.
  • Any good parties happen’ soon?
  • Today’s the day, pal. Not just any day, but your day.
  • I carry only top-notch goods.
  • Only the bestest at my store.
  • What’s the good word, pal?
  • Whaddya want?
  • Got anythin’ interesting to tell me?
  • How’s it goin’, kiddo?

Dialogue quotidien

Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante.
See Delaila over there? She's in here almost every day picking up stuff to make dinner.
I tried to tell her it's time for Badruu to start picking up the slack, and she told me in no uncertain terms I better shut my fuzzy little mug.
Apparently, making shopping for groceries is one of her favorite parts of her day and she has no intention of letting Badruu in on the fun!
Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante.
Einar told me that something fishy is going on with you...
But then he clarified that it meant you like fishing.
I'll have you know that I provide a fine selection of worms for any perspective fisherperson.
Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante.
Auni tells me you've been catching bugs faster than a hungry Shadvaraak.
If you ever need help with procuring bug balls, know I sell 'em right here at Zeki's.
Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante.
If you think this place is nice, you oughta check out the Underground in Bahari City.
That place is a party 24 cycles a day.
Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante.
You want in a[sic] little secret?
You know that whole fire, wind, earth, air..."I can tell the way you're gonna die" mumbo jumbo?
It's all Ormuu dookie....ya do know it's all Ormuu dookie right?

...I knew, but I decided to play along.

You had me fooled.
Wow, so you really ARE that much of a rube then.
I've got to hand it to you. That is impressive. That sorta gullibility takes some serious skill.

Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante.
How's that adder oil workin' out for you?

It's great!
Oh, it actually works? I'll hafta order some more.
My ma was the one who sold it to me.
Nice to know she's still look'[sic] out for little ole me.

I'm not using your snake oil.

Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante.
Sorry if trust doesn't come easy for me.
Last time I trusted somebody, I got played like a sucker. Lost out on my chance at Fiscal Freedom for it.

What's fiscal freedom?

That's a bummer.
Yeah, it really is.
Maybe I'll tell ya the whole story at some point.

Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante.
 «  After Unlocking the Temple of the Waves  » 
I hear you and Jina opened up a new area behind the Phoenix Shrine.
Pretty impressive… If you happen to find any glowy rocks in there let me know.

Cause they could fetch a good price, that's why!

Rocks in the shape of constellations?
Yeah, exactly like that.

You see, those things are called Flow stones.
They’re made from the fossils of dead magical plants and animals.
Ancient Humans used ‘em to power their cities. They’re extremely powerful, and extremely valuable.
Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante.
 «  Einar's Pin  » 
That pin you got on looks like it's made of old fishin' junk.
Let me guess, it's Einar's romance pin?
It is!
Well...uh...far be it from me to stand in the way of your happiness.
Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante.
 «  Reth's Pin  » 
You’ve got Reth’s pin on I see. You know... he shouldn’t really be offerin’ a life with anybody.
His life don’t belong to him no more.
Ah... don’t look at me like that. I don’t make the rules. I just follow ‘em.
Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante.
 «  After [?]  » 
You know I signed my debt with the Adders when I was only a kitten?
I thought I was gettin' a chance to come up in the world...but no, turns out I was sellin' my life and my freedom away when i was barely weaned.
Sometimes I blame my ma for that, but eh, there's no point in gettin' upset with her.
She was only doing what she thought was for the best.
Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante.
 «  After Bugs Everywhere!  » 
I TOLD Auni not to mess with the douplifier, but he did it anyway.
I guess that's just how kids are though, ya tell them one thing, they do the other.
Next time I should tell him the thing's a toy.
Then he'll stare at it for a few seconds, get bored with it, and never play with it again.
Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante.
 «  After Airtight Plan(?)  » 
Najuma's been sendin' me letter about her new inventions.
She reminds me of her ma more an' more every day.
And the ideas ain't bad either. I might have a business partner in my future if she keeps this up.

Dialogue sur les cadeaux


Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante.
 «  Given Citrine Citrine  » 
You coulda sold this for a pretty penny, and you just... gave it to me instead?
That's suspiciously altruistic of ya.
But I won't say no! No take backs, y'hear?

Événements spéciaux

Maji Market

Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante.
  • Sorry, pal. I ain’t sellin’ anything tonight. Bummer, I know.
I gotta say, it’s nice having the Maji Market to look forward to every night.
Nothing better than being surrounded by good deals on stuff ya can’t find anywhere else... just like the General Store!
Happy Maji Market, pal!

Happy Maji Market!
Thanks! Now ya owe me 100 coins.
Why? ‘Cause I got that phrase patented before I got here!

I’m not giving you a penny.

I can’t believe I fell for that!
I can’t believe ya did either, pal!
But hey, since you’re a good sport about it, I’ll let you off the hook.

Is that the actual phrase?
Nah, I just made it up. I’m trying to get it popular enough so I can start charging ‘em 100 coins every time they say it.

Ain’t every day ya see the ol’ miner and his daughter mingling with the other villagers.
I gotta say, those explosives they’re selling are somethin’ else.
I set a couple off on top of that hill just to see what they were made of, and man did they let out a big boom! Just about scared the pants right offa Eshe!
I’ve just about had it with the magistrate! I did everything she asked for when applying for a booth.
I filled out all of the paperwork, paid the fees, and even penned a friendly little letter askin’ for her consideration... only to be rejected!

Did you slip some extra coins into the envelope?
Sure did, pal. She sent every single penny back to me. Guess I oughta give her credit for doing that.

She saw right through your tricks.
What tricks? All I did was tell her what a flop the market would be without my business.
I might’ve slipped in a few extra coins to make my point, too, but that’s beside the point.
What matters is that she STILL said no to me. Can you believe it, pal?!

There’s always next time.

Want me to talk to her?

Have I ever mentioned how awesome Delaila is? ‘Cause she’s a great Palian if I’ve ever seen one.
After she found out I couldn’t get a booth, she took pity on me and gave me some of her treats.
Let me tell ya, pal, those desserts are outta this world!
 «  After Maji Market Mayhem  » 
I saw what you did for Delaila, kiddo. I had no clue you were such an upstanding citizen.
Thanks to you, everyone can enjoy the new goodies she added to her menu. By everyone, I mean me!

Parole du doubleur

Les paroles ci-dessous sont en anglais dans le jeu.

Début de Conversation

  • What’s happenin’?
  • Try not to break stuff.
  • You want somethin’?
  • I’m not gettin’ any younger here.
  • Time’s money!
  • Got any new goods for me?
  • Oh! If it isn’t Kilima’s newest entrepreneur!
  • It’s been a sec, ol’ pal.
  • What’s hoppin’?
  • You’re growin’ on me, pal.
  • I’m not gettin’ any younger here.
  • Workin’ hard, or hardly workin’?
  • Any time with Zeki is party time.
  • Whatcha buyin’?
  • Ah, there’s more to life than working!

Fin de Conversation

  • Gotta get back to my planning...
  • Ah, that’s enough dilly dallying!
  • Blrgh. Sorry. Furball.
  • Got some stuffs I need to take care of.
  • Remember, Zeki’s prices can’t be beat.
  • I’ll see you soon, alright?
  • I love our chats. But I gotta get going.
  • Talk to ya later!
  • Ah, you’ll be back.
  • See y’around.
  • Goodbye.
  • Let’s circle back soon.
  • That’s enough jabber for now.
  • Come back for some good deals, pal.
  • I’ll see ya soon, alright?
  • Go out and cause some havoc.
  • Gotta get back to my... things.
  • Say hi to Eshe for me.
  • Thanks for the visit, pal.