Casual Dialogue with Eshe

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This page consists of written daily dialogue lines for Eshe.


ChapaaChuckle.png This article or following section is likely to contain spoilers! Please proceed with caution.
Lady Kenyara Bahari, Kenli's foul sister, is the Duchess of the Bahari province..
Kenli was the rightful Duke of Bahari, but somehow Kenyara managed to snatch the title out from under him.
...and out from under me as well.

I've been in a constant state of war with the Duchess for as long as I can remember.
One that started well before I married her idiot of a brother...

Kilima may be a small village, but it comes with no shortage of responsibilities.
Every day, I thank the Dragon that I am the magistrate.
Let's just say the village would look very, very different if my husband were the one in charge.

Possibly only during evenings.
Kenyatta always complains that it’s too chilly for evening walks.
I keep telling her she needs to bring a sweater.
But she never listens.

I feel quite ready to proceed with checking off all the boxes on my to-do list.
I got my required four hours of rest, as I do every night.
That’s the first check right there!

There’s so much to take care of today, and so little time to take care of it.
Delaila’s late on her tax payments for the farm again.
Hassian wants the sernuk hunting season extended.
And I’m neck deep in paperwork.

I’ve received numerous complaints about my daughter’s attitude.
Could you go to the front desk and remind her our family reputation is on the line?

I have to get through this paperwork in time to give my daughter her afternoon etiquette lessons.
Feel free to join in if you like, it seems like you could use all the help you could get in that area…

I stopped by your house on my rounds and I must say it is coming together nicely.
You must have me over for tea sometime.
Then I’ll get a chance to see if the interior is as well-appointed as the exterior.

It feels like just yesterday, the first Humans arrived in our village.
Now, they’re quite literally everywhere, from the farmost corners of our valley to the most improper of places.
Why, the other morning, I woke up to the sound of thundering footsteps on my roof!
How your kind manages to reach the most impossible places both alludes and infuriates me!

Don't be deceived by the enormous size of the delivery boy's backpack. Most of that space is filled with letters.
I wake up to heaps and heaps of them letters ever[sic] morning. Most of them are formal documents and reports, but occasionally, I do receive a few... unusual messages.

Hate mail?
You could call it that.
Needless to say, the prattle of hooligans doesn’t faze me.
If they want to pick a bone with me, they have plenty of opportunities to do so face-to-face.

Love mail?
Wh-- No, of course not!
That isn't to say I've never received letters from secret admirers. I've gotten plenty in my time, just so you know!

Prank mail?
Do not even get me STARTED with the amount of prank mail I receive.
Just the other day, I received one disguised as a request from the Capital for 75,000 coins in overdue fees.
If the Capital needed that amount of money from me, they would have sent someone to solicit me ages ago.

I just want Kenyatta to make the life for herself that I never got to.
Following a childish love over your own best interests only ends in pain.
Trust me. I know.

I have to admit...interacting with you Humans has been quite the challenge.
But, it turns out, I like being challenged. So it’s all worked out.

I haven't told you this, because I didn't want it to get to your head, but I see your practical ambitious nature and I applaud it.
You remind me of me at your age. And yes, you're welcome for the high praise.

High(er) Cooking Level

Word has it that you’ve become quite the cook.
It just so happens that my household is in need of a chef. Just something to think about.

High(er) Hunting Level

I’ve seen how masterfully you wield your bow. Whatever Hassian has been teaching you is starting to pay off.
Perhaps the two of you together can do something about the chapaa infestation my husband caused.

High(er) Gardening Level

I hear you’re making quite the earnings off your farm. Keep it up, and you might just put the Daiyas out of business.
...Don’t give me that look. I’m merely pulling your leg.
I have nothing but respect for the Daiyas. They’ve been members of our community for a long time.

I tripped on several bug-catching smoke bombs on my way up to the estate last night.
Tell your fellow Humans to exercise more care when throwing those things around.
Yes, they are biodegradable, and yes, the chapaas pick them up for us, but they're a safety hazard for anyone with high-heeled shoes!

My husband asked me why I spend so much time patrolling the village.
If I don't keep trouble out of our community, who will? Surely not him!

Cut him some slack.
If I were to cut him any more slack, he would simply fall and bring me down with him!
What would become of our village then? Without a capable leader at its helm, it’ll surely fade into obscurity!

You're doing great.
Hmph! Of course I am. What do you take me for?
My parents were two of the greatest lawyers Bahari has ever seen. If there's anyone more suited for governing this village, it is I!

Missing multiple dialogue responses.

Are you okay?

Yoohoo, Palia to Eshe?
Information Needed

Information Needed

Information Needed

I'll give you a moment.
Information Needed

Okay, you're scaring me now...
Oh. It's you.
Don't you know when to leave a woman alone with her thoughts?
Go on. Shoo. Run off and continue doing whatever it is you Humans do.
Not leaving, are you? If I weren't so generous, I would have fined you for disturbing my peace.
I was... ruminating over the decisions I made in my youth.
Had I made different choices, my life might have turned out very differently.
I would be doing something else, someplace else, with someone else... and that is what plagues me late in the night.

As a magistrate, it's my job to oversee all permits, legislation, laws, bylaws, and ordinances...
I also maintain order by making sure those laws are properly enforced.
Better to ask what I DON'T do if you want a brief answer.

My husband is supposed to help me manage the village as Mayor.
But unfortunately he’s too busy kissing babies and complimenting the neighbor’s shrubbery to do any real governance.

If you look into the distance, you can see the glow of Bahari City to the northeast and Harvest Meadows to the south.
Straight north is one of the most ancient sites in the region... the Elderwoods.
The Elderwoods?
You may have heard a few things about it by now. Namely, rumors of a creature that stalks the woods.
Poppycock, if you ask me!

Most of my knowledge about governance came from my parents. The rest I gleaned through experience.
I want to pass that wisdom onto my daughter, who has been less than receptive to my tutelage.
It's for that reason I've entrusted the librarian with teaching her.
I've realized that even if she won't listen to me, she will listen to someone else.

I just came back from my nephew Eshelon's birthday ball.
It went abysmally.
He chose a path in governance and intends to follow in his mother's footsteps as Duke.
If only Kenyatta had chosen better, it could have been her ruling in his place.
She's much more capable than that pompous little oaf!

Eshe asks The Player Questions


Specific Time


Specific Location

At the Mayor's Estate at Night

You're in my home past nightfall and I haven't arrested you yet.
...I guess that says something about how much I value you.
Do me a favor and don't let the praise go to your head.

Friendship Level 3-4

Friendship Level 3 or Higher

Friendship Level 3

As a young woman, I had no shortage of suitors, all from families as distinguished as my own.
There were a select few who even managed to win my parents' favor. None were able to earn mine, however.
Yes, until Kenyar-- I mean, Kenli-- Ugh!
You just had to go and sour my mood, didn't you?

Would you believe it if I told you the Duchess and I were actually best friends once upon a time?
We were. But her parents never liked her spending so much time with a mere lawyer's daughter.
She convinced me to marry Kenli so I could be one of them.
But then she got the title and shipped me off here.
She says she didn't know her father intended to pass her brother over for his birthright, but I don't believe it.
I think she just set the whole thing up to make a fool of me.

Look, you know I’ve started to grow fond of you. So, I’m saying this for your own good.
You need to learn to take yourself more seriously. If you don’t, nobody will.

Friendship Level 4


Higher Friendship With Other Villagers

With Kenyatta Profile.png Kenyatta

I've been noticing that you and my daughter have been huddled in the corner, whispering about something lately.
And I have just two words to say about that.

With Reth Profile.png Reth

You know that cook is not as clever as he thinks he is.
Between you and me, I'm letting him get away with his little "extracurricular pursuit" for the time being.
It's Zeki I'm really interested in. Imagine the clout I'd receive if I was able to take down a Grimalkin cartel.

Quest Related

After Friendship quest Quest Icon.png A Perfect Pearl

Tell me, do you know how Kenyatta lost the pearl?
Think before you speak. I have ways to tell if someone is lying...

She sold it.
Why would she do a thing like that? I bet that stable boy convinced her!
Oh, her dalliance with that farmboy is going to be the death of me, I swear it!

It was stolen.
By that farmboy no doubt!
I noticed he recently got himself a nice new riffroc!
I'll make sure that hooligan gets what’s coming to him.

I don't know.
I get the sense you're lying to me...but sadly I can not prove it.

After Eshe's Friendship Level 3 Quest: Quest Icon.png The Duchess

You didn't happen to read that letter in my room, did you?

What letter?
...Good. I had a feeling you wouldn't be brazen enough to.
I see that curious gleam in your eyes. Don't get any ideas, or I'll have you banned from my property!

I may have snuck a peek...
So it was you! I thought it was in a slightly different position from the way I left it.
At first I suspected it was my husband's doing, but he wouldn't dare sift through my belongings.
That left either you or Kenyatta as the culprit.
If my daughter was snooping in my room, she wouldn't leave any trace behind. That meant it had to be you.

It won't happen again.
I'll let your insolence just this once. I won't be so nice next time!

You should lock your door next time.
If you have the key to my room, it makes no difference if I lock it or keep the door wide open.

After Eshe's Friendship Level 4 Quest: Quest Icon.png Feast of Fancy

After you prepared those dishes for my dinner with the Duchess, I scrambled like a headless peki to plate everything.
I finished just before she arrived, and the meeting went without a hitch.
Thank you again for your help. Without you, the night could have ended much, much worse.

Pin Reactions

Jel's Pin Jel's Pin

I see that you and the Omiata boy are an item.
I have nothing but respect for his mother, Barinka. Do give her my regards if you happen to encounter her.

Kenyatta's Pin Kenyatta's Pin

That's my daughter's pin. Since when have you two been seeing each other?! And why wasn't I informed?!
In my days, courtship was handled the proper way -- through the approval of the parents of both parties!

Reth's Pin Reth's Pin

If I’m not mistaken, that pin belongs to the cook.
I would question your choice in partner, but it really isn’t my business.