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Cette page est une version traduite de la page Furniture et la traduction est terminée à 3 %.
Catalogue des objets
Catalogue des ensembles
Catalogue de fabrication
Catalogue de modifications
Catalogue par lieu de placement

Furniture, also called decor, is a word used to describe Personnalisation items in the game of Palia.

Customization items are used to personalize The Player's Parcelle résidentielle.

Buying Your Furniture

In Vallée de Kilima there are two main locations to purchase furniture:

Seasonally there are limited-time shops and events:

  • Maji Market
  • Spooky Moon Store
  • Winterlights Store

Crafting Your Furniture

To build your own furniture, you will need to work on your Menuiserie Menuiserie skill.

To get started, speak with Tish Profile.png Tish of the Guilde des Menuisiers.

Other Ways To Get Furniture

Modifying Your Furniture

Modification Bench.png

Every piece of decor that you own has a default set of colors, these colors and textures say a lot about the style of the furniture set itself, but maybe not about you. To make things more personal, you can perform Modifications to many of your customization items, if the option is available at the Établi de modification.

Visit the bench today to see if any pieces in your inventory, or in your storage, can be modified!

Pour plus d'informations, voir Furniture Modification Catalog.

Placing Your Furniture

There are three methods for placing furniture in your housing plot:

  • Using the menu.
  • By entering into the view to add, remove, and/or move furniture pieces in the available space.
  • By clicking after pressing the number ( - ) associated with the item in the inventory toolbar.

* Based on default game shortcuts.

When decorating and building your home, there is a maximum of 3 000 placed customization items, and 30 Modules de Maison.

Pour plus d'informations, voir Personnalisation.

Storing Your Furniture

Insert the text of the quote here, without quotation marks.

Storage of Customization items is unlimited in the storage chests because these items cannot be sold. The unlimited storage specifically relates to those decor items with the Customization designation on their tooltip, wallpapers and flooring.

Find Out More About Furniture

Show Off Your Furniture

Each individual item has its own respective gallery, so get exploring those catalogs! But for some inspiration, have a look at these beauties: