Jina - Dialogue

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Vue d'ensemble


Première interaction

OH. BON SANG DE DRAGON !!! Tu... Tu... viens... juste... d'apparaître de nulle part ?

Honnêtement, je n'en ai aucune idée.
Ce n'est pas étonnant. Tu ne sais probablement pas plus que moi ce que tu fais ici.
C'est juste que... aucun des autres humains n'a pu me le dire non plus. Je suis de retour à la case départ.

Disons plutôt que j'ai émergé d'un tourbillon rose.
Oh, oh ! Dis-m'en plus, tu m'intéresses.
Aucun des autres êtres humains ne se souvient d'où il vient. Alors c'est un sacré mystère.

Rien n'est moins sûr, mais heureusement que je suis là !
J'avais justement entendu dire que des humains apparaissaient de nulle part dans les sites sacrés de Palia.
Mais je ne pensais pas que ça signifiait apparaître LITTÉRALEMENT DE NULLE PART.

Mais je suis là, n'est-ce pas ?
Oh oh ! Tu peux m'en dire plus sur tes origines ?
Aucun des autres êtres humains ne s'en souvient. Alors c'est un sacré mystère.

D'autres humains ?
Oui, tu n'es pas le premier être humain que je croise dans Palia.
C'est la première fois que j'en vois... apparaître dans un gigantesque cocon lumineux

Malheureusement, c'est tout ce que je sais.
Je comprends... On en reparlera plus tard, après ton installation.

Une chose après l'autre. Et si tu prenais cette carte et te rendais au village ? Tu pourrais discuter avec Ashura, l'aubergiste. Il a déjà aidé d'autres gens comme toi à s'installer.
J'aimerais bien t'aider, mais je planche sur quelque chose et je suis à ça d'y voir clair.
J'étais tellement surprise que j'en ai oublié de me présenter et d'expliquer ma présence ici. Je m'appelle Jina. Je suis une chercheuse en formation et j'étudie ces anciennes ruines.
Voici Hekla, mon assistante de recherches. Si tu as des questions, tu peux les lui poser. Il faut que je retourne au travail.

Parler de nouveau à Jina

Tu veux bien revenir me voir quand j'aurai moins la tête qui tourne ?


  • Oh, euh... salut ! Comment vas tu ?
  • Oui ?
  • Bonjour, toi ! Je suis contente de te voir.
  • Qu'y a-t-il ?
  • C'est fascinant... Oh ! Désolée, je fais juste quelques petites observations. Je peux t'aider ?
  • J'étais tellement perdue dans mes recherches que je n'avais pas remarqué ta présence !
  • Je peux t'aider ?
  • Je suis la seule chercheuse à faire sa thèse sur la résurgence humaine. C'est quand même incroyable, tu ne trouves pas ?
  • Je suis désolée de te fixer autant. Ça fait partie de mes recherches...
  • Regarde-toi ! Tu ne sais pas où tu étais pendant tous ces siècles, et ça ne t'empêche pas de profiter de ta nouvelle vie.
  • Quand les êtres humains sont livrés à eux-mêmes, ils cherchent à se lier d'amitié avec les habi... Désolée, j'ai la fâcheuse habitude de parler toute seule.
  • J'espère que tu arrives facilement à t'adapter à ta nouvelle vie.

Dialogue quotidien


Les longues promenades m'aident à mettre de l'ordre dans mes idées.
En plus, je suis contente de faire un peu d'exercice.
Cet endroit est tellement beau. Tu ne trouves pas ?
Même si je n'ai pas choisi l'endroit de mes recherches pour le paysage, je dois bien admettre que ça fait plaisir !
Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante.
I think having you around is going to be good for me.
Seeing you appear out of nowhere really made me rethink most of my assumptions about the world…
Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante.
It’s hard to say if the myths of a creature in the Elderwoods have any validity.
Do I believe that things exist out there that we don’t understand? Yes, I do.
Do I also believe that people tend to exaggerate the danger of what they don’t understand? Yes, I do.
Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante.
I'm not totally sure what the ruins around the village used to be.
But based on the fact that the buildings cluster around a central square...
...the plethora of old books I've found in the subterranean structures...
...and the fact that there's space in the meadow where there are NO RUINS that kinda looks like a sports field...
I would guess some kind of school?
Although, it's possible Human civilization wasn't organized in the same way ours is. So i might be totally off base.
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One benefit of never really feeling like you had a home is not having to feel homesick.
I left my family when I was just a kid to study at the Institute.
And the Institute itself never really felt like home.
So I’m just as comfortable here as anywhere else.
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You're the first non-Hekla friend I've had in awhile.
I keep expecting you to realize I'm weird and leave, and then it doesn't happen. Which is totally a relief.
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Do you ever get lonely?

I'm lonely now.

Not really...
Of course you don't! I mean, you're so awesome to be around.
I bet it's hard for you to even get a second alone! Forget I asked!

Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante.
I'm trying to date these ruins.
Did you know that you can find out how old something is by listening to the Flow left behind in the rock?
Or...you know...you can't...and I can't...but Hekla can. She's a really useful helper.
Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante.
It's good to see you again! I always look forward to seeing your face.
But you know, like a normal amount. Not a creepy inappropriate amount!
I don't, like, have a crush on you or anything.
Oof, did I say that out loud? I'm gonna stop talking now.
Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante.
I'm currently reading a book of theories around the early Human demise.
Evidence shows some sort of "shadow presence" emerged right in this Valley just before the extinction event. Fascinating!
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It's kinda weird sometimes that Hekla see taking care of me as her Oneness.
She was made for the purpose of taking care of Human children.
She saw me and I guess her wires just kind of got crossed.
Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante.
As a scholar, I have to be hard on myself.
Not very many Palians, whether they are Majiri or Grimalkin, have the opportunity or responsibility of exploring these ruins.
If I don't add to our understanding with my research, I'm effectively taking away knowledge the world could have gotten from a more capable Scholar.
Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante.
Have you ever felt like you're letting the whole world down with your failures?
Seems like you're talking about yourself.
Sorry for being self-centered. This whole thing is just very tough on me.
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I have to admit, I'm a little self conscious about you seeing me this early in the morning.
I haven't even had my Sweetleaf tea yet.

Après avoir terminé Mysterious Object

Je me suis fermée comme une huître, j'espère que ça ne t'a pas trop fait flipper.
Je n'avais jamais été témoin d'une vraie réapparition humaine et ça fait... beaucoup à encaisser.
Tu me comprends ?

Ça fait beaucoup pour moi aussi.
Ha ha ! C'est bien vrai.
J'imagine que c'est plus effrayant d'apparaitre de nulle part que de voir quelqu'un d'autre le vivre.

Pourquoi tu t'es fermée comme une huître ?
J'ai pensé que quelqu'un de plus versé dans le domaine de la "réapation de l'humanité" pourrait davantage t'aider.
Ce n'est qu'après mon départ que je me suis rendu compte que j'étais l'experte la plus qualifié en matière de réapparition humaine sur ce site
Euh... oui... Je me suis ratée sur ce coup-là.

Tu es archéologue ?
Dans mes rêves ! Pour l'instant, je ne suis qu'une apprentie. Je prépare une thèse sur la réapparition de l'humanité dans l'espoir de devenir une véritable chercheuse.
Alors, si tu vois des artéfactss intéressants qui valent la peine d'être examinés, envoie-les-moi sans hésiter.
Ils pourraient être la clé me permettant de devenir une vraie spécialiste !
Mais surtout, ils pourraient te permettre de lever le mystère de la disparition de ton peuple.
Ce qui est bien plus important que mon avenir, cela va sans dire. Oublie ce que je t'ai dit en premier, d'accord ?
Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante.
 «  After completion of House, Sweet House  » 
I heard you got a house. Congratulations!
I've been living here a year and I'm still in a tent.
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 «  After completion of Echoes of the Unknown  » 
I can't help but wonder why the Humans would go through all that trouble to create a magic puzzle.
Maybe there's something important hidden behind fully illuminating that constellation mural...Something they didn't want someone...or something...that couldn't solve a puzzle to find...
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 «  After completion of The Acceptance Ceremony  » 
Your acceptance ceremony was just so magical.
I can't stop thinking about it.
My favorite part was the fireworks......or maybe Reth's mushrooms tarts.
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 «  After completion of Open the Door  » 
You can hold on to your copy of the library key if you want.
Hekla figured out how to duplicate the effects, so I can get in anytime.
Besides, it's kind of nice to have someplace that we can just hang out you and me.
Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante.
 «  After completion of Open the Door  » 
I've been scanning all the books in the old library, trying to discover something new about the way ancient Humans thought.
I might be onto something with one I found on the ethics of Galdurics.
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 «  After reading an Ancient Tome in the Temple of Waves  » 
Does Flow mix with other elements?
I read myths about unique types of flow. Outside of that... hmmmm
If Flow is really in the water around here, it would explain a lot.


Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante.
Oh! It's my favorite research partner.
Does that make me an archaeologist too?
You've helped me countless times. Of course you are!

I'm glad I could help.
Trust me, (Player), you're WAY more than just help!

Great, because I am DIGGING you!
Oh! Well, I-I'm digging you too! Digging, that means you like me, right? That's what digging means?
I hope that's what digging means.

Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante.
(Player)! Is it just me, or did the sun just get hotter?

Is that possible?
You know, I'm not sure. I'll have to write to the academy. Maybe Chayne would know? He's got a better idea of astronomy than me.

Are you sure it's the sun?
Well, we also get heat from geothermal vents, but I haven't noticed any volcanic activity...
Wait. Were you flirting with me? That was flirting, right?

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I have to admit that I look forward to work more now that I have a research partner like you around.
Just a research partner?
Oh! Well, I mean... Did you... want to be more? I didn't want to assume...
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Oh! (Player)! There you are. I was just thinking about you...
Can I say that?

Only if I can say it too.

Well, I mean, I wouldn't presume to tell you what you can and can't say!


You can say whatever you want.

Ahaha! If I did that, I might actually shrivel up and die from embarrassment.

You're right. I was thinking about you! In fact, I think about you, like, all the time.
Constantly. But, uhm, not a weird amount of times. A totally normal amount of times.

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Uhm... yes?

Just wanted to see you.
Oh, well, here I am!
...That was awkward, wasn't it? Sorry, I don't know what to do when someone actually wants me around.

If you were an angle, you'd be ACUTE.
O-oh! I wasn't expecting that... heh.

Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante.
As a scholar, I have to be hard on myself.
Not very many Palians, whethery[sic] they are Majiri or Grimalkin, have the opportunity or responsibility of exploring these ruins.
If I don't add to our understanding with my research, I'm effectively taking away knowledge the world could have gotten from a more capable Scholar.

And yours was the first face I saw.
...I never thought about it that way before. I hope I made a good first impression.

That's when I fell for you.
...That's what you meant, right?

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It's nice to get a little alone time. Just you, me...
And Hekla staring at us again. No, don't look, let's just pretend we didn't notice.
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I forgot to sleep last night. Hekla gave me SUCH a talking to!
Should I sleep over to remind you?

Uhm... I mean, I don't think I'd get much sleep that way, either.
Just because I wouldn't be able to relax, not that you make me tense, but-
Just- I'm going to stop talking now.

Oh! Well, if you find yourself out this way, I wouldn't mind the company. Especially if it's yours.

Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante.
Oh, you're back! That's good, I was getting a little worried.
Of course I am.
It's just sometimes I worry that when you leave you'll realize that actually you hate me.
So when you come back, I can relax, because that means you don't hate me, yet!
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What! (Player), I didn't see you there! I wasn't daydreaming about you, I swear.

What! (Player), I didn't see you there! I wasn't daydreaming about you, I swear.
...Okay. I was. A little bit. But just a little.

Dialogue sur les cadeaux


Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante.
 «  Hekla: Briar Daisy Briar Daisy  » 
It’s so hard to get Hekla something she actually likes. Everytime she asks for gifts, she just asks for stuff I like.
But, I’ve caught her staring at Briar Daisies when we’re in the field… so I think she likes those?
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 «  Jina: Brightshroom Brightshroom  » 
I'd be curious to try a Brightshroom. They say ingesting Flow can sometimes have some interesting side effects.
But I'm willing to give it a shot.


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 «  Given Box of Chocolates Box of Chocolates  » 
Candies, for me?
I normally prefer mushrooms over chocolate.
But...since chocolates are often given as a gesture of affection...well, I appreciate them.
And I reciprocate the affection.
Assuming, of course, I didn't misunderstand your intentions.
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 «  Given Heartdrop Lily Heartdrop Lily  » 
Flowers, for me?
You know I never really understood why we kill plants as a sign of romantic affection.
But I'm very flattered by the gesture.


En donnant une Boîte de chocolats Boîte de chocolats ou Heartdrop Lily Heartdrop Lily:

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 «  Friendship Level Below 3  » 
Sorry… but I don't really have time for romance right now.
I need to focus on my thesis.
I hope you understand.
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 «  Friendship Level 3+  » 

Événements spéciaux

Maji Market

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I was going to go to the Maji Market, but when I got to the gate, I froze. I'm embarrassed to admit it, but I panicked when I saw how many people there were.

I know how you feel.
You do? I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels that way.
N-Not that I want you to be worried! I'm just... relieved I'm not the only one.
I've never been great with crowds, so I usually have to mentally prepare myself before dealing with any.
I've been so caught up with my research lately that I didn't get a chance to do that.
I'm bummed I'm going to miss out on the Maji Market, but hopefully there'll be a next time!

There's always next time!
That's what I keep telling myself.
I've never been great with crowds, so I usually have to mentally prepare myself for dealing with any.
I've been so caught up with my research lately that I didn't get a chance to do that.
I'm bummed I'm going to miss out on the Maji Market, but hopefully there'll be a next time!

Parole du doubleur

Les paroles ci-dessous sont en anglais dans le jeu.


Début de Conversation

Niveau 1-2
  • What brings you over to my neck of the ruins?
  • Didn't mean to stare. I-it's part of my process.
  • I like when you're around. [giggling] Oh, I said it.
  • Y-y-you give me butterflies.
  • I always look forward to your visits.
  • I've found some human poetry you might like! For-for research.
  • When I find something cool, I-I just want to show you.
  • You've taught me so much.
  • Tell me more about yourself.

Fin de Conversation

Niveau 1-2
  • Oh, y-you're leaving?
  • Oh, um, that- that's fine. I was busy anyway.
  • Don't be away too long? Un-unless you wanna be.
  • You always know just what to say.
  • Gonna miss you! Oh... was that weird?
  • I'll be thinking about you... even as I translate these ruins.
  • Elevated heart rate? That's a new symptom.
  • Oh, Hekla keeps staring at us.
  • [giggling] You're the best part of my day.
  • See you again soon! Th-that is, i-if you want.