Casual Dialogue with Auni

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This page consists of written daily dialogue lines for Auni.


ChapaaChuckle.png This article or following section is likely to contain spoilers! Please proceed with caution.
Once, my dad took me to Bahari to see the Rolling Unicorns play.
It was the best day ever!
If you ever go in [sic] town for a Roundball game, promise to take me, okay?

The Bug Scouts bulletin asked us to catch any Vampire Crabs if we see 'em.
Apparently, they could harm the Bahari ecosystem!
I haven't found one yet, though... even if I know they're bad, I still really want to see at least one!

Let me check if I have anything for you...nope, not today.
But the great thing about tomorrow is that there's always another chance to get mail!

Did you see the lucky leaf on my backpack? Elouisa says the scent scares away monsters and stuff.
Nai'o says the only thing the scent scares away is girls...but I'm actually okay with that.

The firebreathing dragonfly is definitely my favorite bug. Hands down! My mom won't let me keep one though.
On account of the fact it might burn down the house.

I found an old adventurer's guide in the library. It said you can never be too prepared!
Nai'o thinks I took that advice a bit too literally...

I really shouldn't be telling you this, I'm not supposed to break mail deliverer- mail deliveree confidentiality...
BUT Hassian gets romance novels sent to him from the library all the time. Like, the really mushy kind.

The sun is shining. The birds are chirping. What could be better?

After I finish my mail route and my chores, I'm supposed to be studying for my exams.
Every kid in Palia has to take them, but only those who do really, really good get tested for the Order.
So, I want to do really, really good... but I also have a whole year to prepare.
So I usually just spend time catching bugs and collecting shells.

Good morning!
Let me see if I have something for you...

My favorite bard is Zyla the Younger. You probably haven't heard of her though.
She's a Grimalkin. So her sound's kind of...Underground.

Someday I'm gonna climb to the top of those mountains and see the wellspring that's up there.
Nai'o says he's been to the wellspring before, but I think he's lying.
What's a wellspring?
You're joking, right? Well, I guess you are new here.
A wellspring is a tiny tear between our realm and the Dragon's realm.
I hear there are a bunch of really awesome magical plants and animals up there.

Don't tell my parents, but sometimes I send out prank letters.
Like I sent one to Eshe from the "Bahari Home Inspection Board" asking if her stove was working.
When she said it was, the "inspection board" wrote back and told her she should be paying it a fair wage!

Look it! There’s a Common Blue Butterfly. I better catch it for my collection.

What’s your favorite book? Mine is the Epic of Sir Danol the Echo Slayer!
It’s about an epic hero who travels through all three realms of existence to bring peace and harmony to Palia! The fight scenes are amazing!
The fight scenes are amazing![sic, repeat]

I haven't had the time to study today...but I'm sure I'll make time tomorrow.

Think there will be any Shimmerflies out tonight?
The Shimmerfly Migration is my favorite time of year.
Last year I put two Shimmerflies in my orb! ...Don't tell Ashura.

"That boy’s just a page who thinks he a knight. Don’t count on him if you need someone to fight… fight for you babe."
"I’m the knight who’ll fight... for you babe! All through the night, you can count on me, babe!"
What’s that? What was I singing?
It’s not what it looks like! I don’t like Bahari Boyz! Their songs are just really good at getting in your head, okay?

My family runs the farm down the road!
We grow the biggest vegetables!
My mom won blue ribbons at the fair like a million years in a row.

How would you like sharing a room with a snoring ormuu?
That’s what it’s like sharing a room with Nai'o.
It’s why I prefer to camp.

I wish I could talk to Nai'o about my dreams, but he wouldn’t understand.
The only thing he’s wanted to do his whole life is raise ormuus.

I keep trying to explain to my family what I want to do with my life.
And they keep telling me I’m gonna change my mind when I get older.
Well, I’m not!

I’m still mad Nai'o keeps getting the lead in the Midsummer Eclipse pageant.
It’s this awesome play about how the great Human King Mudan sacrificed his life to fight off the evil sorcerer Sadeel!
Last year, Nai'o ruined it by totally stumbling through his performance because he was too busy flirting with Kenyatta.

What do you think you'll call for your Path?
Oh, I kinda forgot Humans don't do the whole "Path Selection" thing.
Well, when a Majiri kid grows up, they pick their Path.
Like what they want to do with their lives. Forever.
My brother Nai'o recently committed to his Path as a farmer, like my parents did.
Don't tell my mom, but...I[sic] don't want to be a farmer. I want to join the Order, so I can learn magic!
Is that dumb? I hope that's not dumb.

I love when Zeki has new things in his shop! Once, he had a toy bird that could really fly!
I'm so jealous of him! Grimalkin grown-ups get to travel all over and collect the coolest things.
But when I grow up, if I pick the same Path as my family...I could never leave the farm.

Have you heard of the Order?! They're only the coolest group of people in the entire world.
They get to learn magic, because their job is to hunt down the bad guys who use magic for nefarious purposes.
Like evil sorcerers or the Grimalkin pirates!

I love my family a lot, but sometimes they can get... well...
They just... they want me to be just like them. And I want to be more like... me. You know?

My family runs the farm down the road!
We grow the biggest vegetables!
Well, I don’t... I’m not really into farming...

Livin' near farm animals can be kind of a mixed bag.
The ormuus are pretty cute, especially when they are babies. But the pekis kinda scare me.
When I was little, I was going to collect the eggs, and one chased me out of the barn.
I thought it was going to peck my eyes out!

I hate farming because it's boring, it's sweaty, and the only thing you get out of it is vegetables. Yuck!

I just love running! Maybe someday I can run away from here to someplace more exciting.
Ha-ha! Just kidding! Mostly...

The biggest Bug Scouts troop is in the capital, but the charter says we can start our own troops anywhere we want!
I asked Najuma to join, but she’s already got so many things to do.

I deliver the mail, sure. But the grown-ups gave me that job.
But I think part of why I like Bug Scouts so much is that it’s something I started on my own.
Putting a Kilima troop together was my idea, and I didn’t need help from my parents or Nai'o!
It’s my way of helping people, and I hope that if the Order comes to visit, they’ll see how responsible I am!

When I grow up, I want to be a famous hero just like Ashura was.
Only I wouldn’t give it all up to run some boring old Inn!

My dream piece of mail would definitely be an acceptance letter from the Order!
But after that it would probably be, like, a cool bug or a really yummy cake or just a nice postcard, I guess!
That's why I love delivering mail. No mail is bad mail!

Did you know some oysters have pearls inside?
They sure do, and they come in all sortsa different colors.
I’m looking for a pink one to give my mom.

I’m saving up money to go on a big trip to the Capital one day.
I just HAVE to see the Order headquarters in person!

I’ve always dreamed of going to the Capital! That’s where the Order Academy is, after all!

If you know any magic tricks, you better show them to me.
I'm gonna be mad if I learn you've been holding out on me.
Got your nose.
...Seriously. That was your magic trick? My dad can do that "magic trick"!
Ugh, I thought you were gonna show me some super cool Human magic.

You should listen to Elouisa more.
Just 'cause the stuff she says is a little wacky, doesn't mean it's not true.

Did you know there's this cave near my house that makes blueberries disappear?
It's true, leave them there and they're like magically gone.
I keep trying to see what kind of critter is eating them, but I can't find it.
I think it might be a ghost.

Stinkbugs are kind of rare, but you can usually find them in the woods.
And if your nose knows as much as mine, you can smell them from a mile away.

Ugh, I can't listen to the Bahari Boyz anymore. Nai'o played their last album nonstop for a month!
If I hear "I Will Find Ewe" every[sic] again, I am going to scream.

If you find shoes in the pond, let me know, okay!
I MIGHT have gotten mad at Nai'o and thrown his boots in the water...maybe.

Auni asks The Player Questions

Do you ever want something so bad that the idea you might not get it makes you hurt all over?!

I knew you would. Everybody says that Humans were like that. Always going after what they want.
Majiri are supposed to just be happy with what we have.
But...I can't help it that I want to go out and see the world...know magic...and be a hero.

Not really.
You're lucky then. It hurts to want things so much. And my family doesn't get it.
They're happy here with the pekis and the ormuus and the carrots.
I'll tell you what, if someday I move somewhere with no carrots...that's[sic] gonna be a great day.

I want to join the Order so bad... even though some days I don’t know why...
I guess I just want to feel special. Don’t you want to feel special?

Of course!
I knew we were the same! It's hard to find anyone else out here who understands me like you do.

I’m fine being normal.
You sound like Nai'o. Maybe he’s right.
Maybe I should just try to accept things how they are, and not try to change them.

Zeki said he would teach me some magic if I deliver some packages to the spooky old well.
Do you think I should do it?

Definitely not.
You're right. The Order would never admit me if they found out I helped out the Grimalkin Underground!
They're like the ultimate bad guys!

What have you got to lose?
That's what I thought. I mean, I am a delivery boy after all. I'd only be doing my job if I helped him.

Missing dialogue response for Water path.
I want to join the Order one day! I think having a little magic could really help people out.
But there’s just so much to study. I don’t know how to keep it all in my head!
Hey, do you have any study tips?

The best way to learn is to teach someone else.
Great idea! Maybe I can talk to Nai'o about my lessons before one of our card games.

Write it down, so you can go back to it.

Write a song to help you memorize!
That sounds really fun! My dad’s old instrument must be around the house somewhere...

Go with the flow. You’ll forget it all if you stress.
Yeah, that's totally how I feel, too! Bug catching, camping... I'm learning stuff every day, aren't I?

Would you wanna play cards with me someday?
I'll teach you my favorites, and you can share any Human ones you remember!

You bet!
Great! Maybe we can even get Hassian to join us!

But I don't remember any...
I know! We can just make up a new one!

Let's make up a game!
Okay! Hmmm... Mmmmm.... Wow, rules are hard to come up with, huh?

Cards are a waste of time.
Aw man, if you don't like cards, you could've just said so...

Missing dialogue response for Fire.
I spend so much time talking about my family, I realize I never got a chance to ask about yours.
Are you and your family close?

Yes, family is important.

I prefer to spend time with friends.
I hear you there. I choose to spend time with you.
My family? That's more of...I don't want to say an obligation...but a bit of an obligation.

Honestly, we have our problems.
So you know what it's like then. Sometimes it's hard to believe my parents and I come from the same planet!
Much less the same bloodline...

Specific Time

Late Evening

I guess I should go home...
But there's so much fun stuff to do at night!

Specific Location

At Daiya Family's House

Nothing like mom's cooking after delivering mail all day.
Her cooking is the best! Everyone asks her for tips, even Reth sometimes!
Nai'o better not have eaten it all. He always says, "If you're not first, you're last!"

Friendship Level 3-4

Level 3 or Higher

Isn't my treehouse really cool? I like to think of it has[sic] an explorer's guild. All non-explorers need to keep out!

Level 4


Higher Friendship With Other Villagers


Quest Related

After Quest Icon.png En Garde (choice of Level 1 Friendship Quest)

When I asked Sifuu to make me a sword earlier, she said she doesn’t make weapons for children.
I tried to explain to her that I’m basically a man, who’s gonna be accepting his Path in the next few years.
But she said "basically" isn’t now. So...yeah. I got totally shut down on the whole sword front.

After Quest Icon.png En Garde (choice of Level 1 Friendship Quest)

I was really enjoying that practice sword you made me. Until my mom took it away...
She said I was "liable to poke someone’s eye out." Whatever!

After Quest Icon.png That Stinks (choice of Level 1 Friendship Quest)

After I gave Nai'o that stinkbug, his shirt was so stinky, he had to have the whole picnic shirtless!
He's lucky Eshe didn't walk by.
If she saw him half naked like that, she'd get him exiled to the swamps for sure.

During or After Friendship Quest Quest Icon.png The Curse

I would never steal...
But if something’s just... sitting around in an archaeological site, does it really belong to anyone?
And can you really steal something that doesn’t belong to anyone?

You know, Jina said the place I found that statue wasn’t a burial ground.
It was some kind of big tall house, where different families lived in different rooms, all on top of each other.
No wonder there are ghosts there...
I’d haunt people too if I had to live like that.

When I took the statue I noticed it had those little magical inscription things on the sides...runes,[sic] I think they're called.
I thought if I could learn them, maybe it would be a step in the right direction towards passing my Order test.
But I was thinking, since you're Human, maybe you could help me study runes instead?
Stop me from stealing crazy statues in the future?

After Receiving Main Quest: Quest Icon.png Fit for a Watcher

Information needed. Dialogue transcript missing paths for Fire and Water.
The Order is coming to town? Do you think they'll do magic?
Oh man, this is my chance! They gotta let me in! This is the coolest moment of my life! Should I show them my Bug Scouts badges?

Totally! It shows initiative.

I don't know...

Honestly, the Bug Scouts seem cooler than the Order.
Nu-un! They'll let anyone can[sic] catch bugs. Only really cool people get to do magic!

The Order doesn't take just anyone.
Oh, yeah? Then how do you know they won't pick me?

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