Dialogue with Auni about Gifts

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This page consists of written gift dialogue lines for Auni.

After First Gift

At the Player's Housing Plot

I really loved the gift you got me, (Player). So I wanted to give you something really nice.
I talked to Tish and she suggested getting you a wallpaper in your favorite color. I didn't know your favorite color, so I got you one in mine. Yellow!
It's also the color of my Starstone, which is citrine! I don't know much about how Starstones,[sic] work but I like citrine cause[sic] it's bright and happy like the sun and the beach!

+ Sandy Citrine Stucco Wall Sandy Citrine Stucco Wall


Given Citrine Citrine

Woah is this a citrine?
Oh man, thanks! I've never been able to find one myself! This is AWESOME!


ChapaaChuckle.png This article or following section is likely to contain spoilers! Please proceed with caution.

Requesting Bahari Bee Bahari Bee, Brushtail Dragonfly Brushtail Dragonfly, Common Blue Butterfly Common Blue Butterfly, Duskwing Butterfly Duskwing Butterfly

I've been trying to get a (bee/butterfly/dragonfly).
But they keep flying away!

Requesting Garden Mantis Garden Mantis, Hairy Millipede Hairy Millipede

I've been trying to get a (Garden Mantis/Hairy Millipede).
But they keep getting away!

Requesting Garden Millipede Garden Millipede, Scintillating Centipede Scintillating Centipede

I've been trying to get a (Garden Millipede/Scintillating Centipede).
But they keep wiggling away!

Requesting Garden Snail Garden Snail or Stripeshell Snail Stripeshell Snail

I've been trying to get a (snail).
But I can't find any!

Requesting Spotted Stinkbug Spotted Stinkbug

I've been trying to get a stink bug.
But they keep crawling away!

Requesting Ship Fragments Ship Fragments

If you fish up any ship fragments, let me know okay?
I'm redoing my treehouse with a "sunken treasure" theme.

Requesting Unopened Oyster Unopened Oyster

I'm looking for an oyster to surprise my mom with. Why? 'Cause sometimes oysters have pearls inside of 'em!
If you could bring me one, that'd be great!

Requests For Other Villagers

Requesting Bugs

Guess what? I finally convinced Subira to go bug catching with me! Now I get to say I've hung out with someone from the Order!
Right now, she's super focused on trying to find a (bug), but we haven't had luck finding any. She'd be suuuuper happy if you got her one.

Requesting Any Pickle Any Pickle

Subira stopped by the house the other day, and I saw her looking at the pickle jars we have.
I always thought people from the Order would only like super fancy stuff, but maybe Subira's different. I bet she's got a craving for pickles right now!

Requesting Spicy Pepper Spicy Pepper

Subira passed by the farm the other day and was checking out the peppers my dad's been growing. I bet she'd like it if you brought her one!


Missing dialogue for Specific Rejection.

General Acceptance

Awesome! I've been running all over trying to find one of these.
I guess I'll have to get my exercise elsewhere from now on.


General Rejection

Oh wow! A gift! But, uhm. No thanks.

Duplicate Weekly Gift

Thanks, but I already have a tooooon of these lying around right now!

Specific Rejection
Given ?


Specific Responses

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Given Apple Apple, Blueberry Blueberry

Thanks! There's nothing that keeps me going all day like a piece of fruit!

Given Apple Pie Apple Pie, Blueberry Pie Blueberry Pie, Celebration Cake Celebration Cake

Oh man, I love dessert. It's like food, but better!
I'm totally gonna eat this whole thing right now.
Don't tell my mom!

Given Any Bug

I’ve been tryin’ to catch one of these little fellas all day!
How'd ya know?

Given Waterlogged Boot Waterlogged Boot

Gross old boots, huh...
What an awesome gift!
I'm gonna switch these with Nai'o's work shoes and see if he notices...hehe.