Einar - Dialogue

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Vue d'ensemble


Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante.
  • Oh... I didn’t see you there. I would say I feel startled, but that would be a lie.
  • You look as though you have something you’d like to ask.
  • I find that even the briefest of conversations with you bring me closer to the Oneness.
  • The Oneness is in all, just as all are of the Oneness.
  • I would say that it is a pleasure to see you, but I know not pleasure... only Oneness.
  • Salutations.
  • How can I be of service?
  • It stands to reason we would cross paths.
  • Humans are both ancient and new at the same time. Fascinating!
  • Salutations!

Dialogue quotidien


Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante
I am meditating... in attempts to sense the direction of Flow...
Perhaps you would like to join me?
Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante
Okay, follow me.
Meditation is quite easy.
All you must do... is move to find stillness... create pain to relieve pain...
Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante
I have spent today pondering the nature of creation.
I was created by my Creator, of course.
Just like you were created by your Creator.
But my Creator was a man, while yours was... something else.
I do not know how to explain the nature of your Creator in words.
Her name can only be pronounced using the song of Flow.
Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante
Ancient Humans knew much of Flow, but they did not properly understand it.
They knew just enough to do much harm with it.
Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante
Sernuk tend to gather around the grassy plains.
You can often find organic life near its food source.
Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante
Tell me, do Humans find dirt aesthetically pleasing?
If not, there is no need to worry.
The dust on your clothes should fall off on its own eventually.
Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante
There are many unique uses for beings of Flow.
But I am not an expert in crafting concoctions.
You should perhaps ask Tamala if Flow working is of interest to you.
Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante
The Lake Lotuses may look like they are of Flow, but they are not.
Only objects that flow with magenta are of Flow.
Objects that flow of other colors are merely bioluminescent.
Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante
I do not understand what Majiri or Humans mean when they discuss the concept of "work."
I do what I do for pleasure and for fulfillment of my Oneness.
Is that not what all beings do?

Unfortunately, not all beings.
I feel badly for beings who must work.
I could not bear to spend so much time away from my Oneness

It's what I do.

Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante
Flow is what fuels me.
Without Flow, I would cease to be.
Without Flow, you would continue.
But you would watch many things in the world around you expire.
Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante
Is it night? I hadn't noticed.
Our nights are rarely very dark thanks to our two moons.
Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante
Old runeworkings have awakened in the village.
I sense this is just the beginning of such occurrences.
Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante
 «  After completion of House, Sweet House  » 
I have been told celebrations are in order.
Congratulations on the completion of your permanent residence.
Why this is a celebratory moment, I do not know…
But I am nothing if not supportive.
Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante
 «  After completion of The Oneness  » 
Ah, I can tell you have been fishing.
I can sense it on you.
It is our common Oneness after all.
Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante
 «  After completion of The Pebble  » 
Do not fret over the fishing logs in my cave. Chilling as they may be.
They are not mine, rather they belonged to a man who has long since expired.
I chose to keep them around for mostly sentimental reasons.
Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante
 «  After completion of The Pebble  » 
I like to keep my pebble pile orderly as I go to visit my pebbles regularly.
At least once every two or three years.
Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante
 «  After completion of The Pebble  » 
The letter in my cave belong to an old friend I miss very dearly.
While my memories of him are still etched firmly in my runeworking, sometimes I still find it nice to enhance those memories by admiring old relics from our friendship.
Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante
 «  After completion of The Pebble(?)  » 
Your acceptance ceremony has cemented itself as a permanent part of my runeworking.
I very much enjoyed watching you consume cake!


Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante
I was just contemplating my Oneness.
My oneness is you.
Me? I... do not know what you mean. If you mean spending time with me is your Oneness, I would hate to keep you from it. You may watch me fish if you'd like.
Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante
It is good to see you again, (Player). These daily chats of ours bring me much peace.
I like them too, Einar.

Please continue to come by. I would miss it if they stopped.

They help me experience our Togetherness. I hope you feel the same.

Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante
Yes, (Player)?
You're really tall.

Yes, I find it very agreeable when trying to reach things in tall places. Would you like my assistance in your vertical challenges?

Oh! This is a compliment! Yes, I enjoy how compact you are. It is useful to fit in small spaces, like buildings, and beds.

Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante
Today is a good day for fishing, is it not?
You're the real catch.

That would be very difficult, as I am not a fish, and while I find worms delightful, I do not find them irresistible.

I see! In this instance, you have taken the topic of fishing, and transformed it into a flirtation.
By calling me a 'catch', you are implying it is pleasing to have me as your romantic partner!
You are a 'catch' as well, (Player)!

Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante
Hello, (Player), I am ready to commence in the flirtations.

Great, I’ve got like fifty new ones.
I await with anticipation and delight. Speaking with you is always an enjoyable diversion.

Do you... like it when we flirt?
I enjoy all our conversations. I have learned much since meeting you, (Player).

Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante
You have been coming to visit me a lot, is there a reason beyond a common love for fishing?

Yes, flirting.
I see. In that case, a very happy flirting back to you! I hope this flirting experience was enjoyable!

Oh, stop being coy!
I am afraid I do not know what it means to be ‘koi.’ I am not a koi, I am only Einar.

Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante
Hello, (Player)!

Was your maker a boxer? Because you’re a knockout.

My creator was a very special man... but I do not believe boxing was in his list of skills.

I would not dare to knock you out, (Player)! Are you feeling faint? I will position myself so that I may catch you.

Hello, Einar.
What a pleasant exchange of greetings.

Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante
Do you need something?

If I could rearrange the alphabet, I’d put U and I together.
Yes, it would be much more efficient if all the vowels were located together!
But then we would not know where to put Y, so perhaps it is for the best. I would not want to leave Y out.

Just your company.
You already have that, (Player).

Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante
I was just contemplating engaging in the act of fishing.

We can always fish together.
I would very much enjoy that. I will make room for you by my side!

That’s a coincidence, because you’ve got ME hooked!
Oh no! Do not move, (Player), I will endeavor to remove it as painlessly as possible!

Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante

Are your legs tired?
As a being powered by Flow, I do not feel ‘tired’. My legs are in perfect functional order!

Weird, because you’ve been running through my mind all day.

I do not understand. I have been right here all day, as I always am.
Have you perhaps mistaken me for Hekla, or another bipedal construct?

Oh! This is one of those 'flirtings' Hekla informed me about.
Yes, hello! I have not been running through your mind, but you are looking very symmetrical today!

Your adornments look super cute.

They are aesthetically pleasing, aren’t they?
I was thinking of Gil #127 when I picked them out.

That pleases me to hear. I was considering how much I enjoy our time together when I was selecting them!

Dialogue sur les cadeaux


Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante
 «  Given Yellow Shiny Pebble 1 Yellow Shiny Pebble  » 
This pebble is the color of a Sundrop Lily.
That flower was the favorite plant reproductive organ of Ashura's wife.
Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante
 «  Given Green Shiny Pebble 1 Green Shiny Pebble  » 
I believe this pebble can produce energy using the light of the sun.
I do wonder what a pebble uses energy for.
Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante
 «  Given Purple Shiny Pebble 1 Purple Shiny Pebble  » 
I believe there to be a coral organism in this shiny pebble. I hope the pebble and the coral are happy together!
Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante
 «  Given Red Shiny Pebble 1 Red Shiny Pebble  » 
This pebble is the color of a very spicy pepper...or Human blood. Fascinating!
Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante
 «  Given Lumpy Shiny Pebble 1 Lumpy Shiny Pebble  » 
The lack of symmetry of this pebble is quite amusing.
I believe it would not roll very well, even on the smoothest surface.
Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante
 «  Given Small Shiny Pebble 1 Small Shiny Pebble  » 
This pebble is quite petite. I believe it to resemble an immature offspring of a larger pebble.
What an amusing thought!
Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante
 «  Given Large Shiny Pebble 1 Large Shiny Pebble  » 
This pebble is so large it barely qualifies as a pebble at all. But never fear, I shall cherish it just the same.
Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante
 «  Given Blue Shiny Pebble 1 Blue Shiny Pebble  » 
The color of this pebble is very calming. I find myself slipping into a meditative state just staring at it.
Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante
 «  Given Box of Chocolates 1 Box of Chocolates  » 
Oh! This box is very red, and very strangely shaped.

It's a heart.
I see. This is a very strange heart. Where is the aorta? The vena cava? It has a shocking lack of fluid and veins.

You don't like it?
A strange shape is not a bad shape. Many strange shapes are very enjoyable. I am partial to the squircle.

I shall place this box with my pebbles and other beloved gifts from companions.
Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante
 «  Given Heartdrop Lily 1 Heartdrop Lily  » 
This flower is not of Flow... but I do appreciate its vibrant colors.


En donnant une Boîte de chocolats Boîte de chocolats ou Heartdrop Lily Heartdrop Lily:

Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante
 «  Dialogue Transcript (Friendship Level Below 3)  » 
...I do not know why you think I would have need of this.

Plusieurs villageois réagiront si vous portez la Broche d'Einar

Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante
 «  Zeki  » 
That pin you got on looks like it's made of old fishin' junk.
Let me guess, it's Einar's romance pin?
It is!
Well...uh...far be it from me to stand in the way of your happiness.
Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante
 «  Einar  » 
You are wearing my custom adornment.
I think I shall celebrate by going to the Inn and watching others consume nutrients.


Transcription de la première lettre


Jina m'a prévenu que tu as émergé entièrement formé du brouillard tourbillonnant. C'est merveilleux ! Bonne naissance par brouillard à toi.

Les autres humains m'appelle Einar, et j'aimerais partager avec toi le bonheur qu'est la pêche. Prends possession de cette canne à pêche et retrouve-moi quand tu le veux. Je serais sur le ponton pendant quelques milliers d'années.

Einar Profile.png Einar

Pièce jointe:


En commençant la conversation après avoir atteint le stade de l'amitié 2, Einar entamera le dialogue suivant :

Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante
How are you feeling?
I am very curious to learn more about your emotions.
Learning of emotions is one of my many Onenessess.

I'm doing pretty good.

I've actually had a rough day...

My "Oneness" is being left alone.

I am sorry to hear that.
I hope that your future days will be smoother.

Vous recevrez une lettre d'Einar, à laquelle est joint un Galet brillant plaçable.

Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante

Dear (Player)(Water).
I am sorry to hear your day was going "roughly." Here's a little something that I hope may make it smoother.

Einar Profile.png Einar

Événements spéciaux

Maji Market

Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante
I received an invitation to the Maji Market. The moons have gone through many cycles since the valley last witnessed one.
Shall I tell you more about Maji Markets?

Yes, please!
The market’s name derives from Maji, the Dragon god of the Majiri.
It is said that Maji observes the celebrations from the comfort of his own realm.
Some even believe he assumes different physical forms to partake in the events himself to bless them with good fortune.
That is why it is common for Maji Markets to carry items bearing his semblance. Perhaps seeing himself reflected in festive objects fills him with much Oneness.
I, too, would be filled with Oneness seeing tiny Einars on display at a market.

Not right now.
Very well. Perhaps I can share with you another time.


Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante
Want to light a candle with me?

I see you have brought me a wax stick. I believe it is customary to express one's desires for the following annual cycle while lighting such a wax stick.
Let us see... I desire to continue our Fishing!!! And for you to enjoy this beautiful adornment!

I see you have brought me a wax stick. I believe it is customary to express one's desires for the following annual cycle while lighting such a wax stick.
Let us see... I desire to continue our Togetherness!!! And for you to enjoy this beautiful adornment!

Parole du doubleur

Les paroles ci-dessous sont en anglais dans le jeu.


Début de Conversation

Niveau 1-2
  • Welcome.
  • Welcome. (Clears throat) Yawn.
  • Welcome. ...Hm.
  • Welcome. (Happy noise)
  • I have been practicing my greeting rituals. How are you?
  • Your lip movements are directed at me?
  • Humans called me Einar.
  • Do you wish to engage in conversation?
  • Someone is speaking at me.
  • Do you wish to engage in fishing?
  • You look as though you have something you want.
  • Salutations.
  • Greetings.
  • Oh, I did not see you there.
Niveau 3-4
  • Are you here to see the froggy bucket?
  • Many congratulations on your continued pursuit of Oneness.
  • Feel free to stay and converse.
  • Today is a good day for engaging in the Oneness.
  • Your company is pleasing.
  • I have caught many fish today... and have named them all Gil.
  • Let us engage in the act of luring in fish together.
  • I assume fishing is also your Oneness.

Fin de Conversation

Niveau 1-2
  • Good. Bye. Is that not how Humans close conversations?
  • Go and seek your Oneness.
  • This conversation has now ended. Goodbye.
  • I am not practiced in conversation closing rituals.
  • I must focus on my Oneness.
  • Farewell.
  • Are you waiting to engage in a conversation closing ritual?
  • Please return another time.
Niveau 3-4
  • I must be going. I have many Gils to feed.
  • I sense there are many more fish who wish to be caught.
  • Back to my meditiations.
  • Stop by my cave anytime. My pebbles like you.
  • I anticipate experiencing joy next time we converse.
  • I shall regale you with my fishing exploits.
  • Flow is strong today.
  • I shall store this conversation in my runeworkings.
  • This chat was pleasing.
  • We must repeat this experience in the near future.
  • I shall regale you with my fishing exploits.


Début de Conversation

Niveau 1-2
  • I enjoy how you have two hands, and ten fingers.
  • You are looking very alive today.
  • Your teeth are like a pile of shiny pebbles.
  • Shall we commence our bonding ritual?
  • Have you come bearing..."chocolate"?
  • Your face is looking highly symmetrical today.
  • It is customary to compliment one's partner. I am waiting.
  • The way your face flaps move... captivates me.
  • Your eyes remind me of a gillyfin's.
  • Are you here for your validation of emotions?
Niveau 3-4
  • I look forward to conversing.
  • Gil 527 has been looking forward to your visit.
  • Would you enjoy going fishing?
  • It is time to enjoy emotional bonding.
  • I am experiencing new sensations due to your presence.
  • Would you like to touch your hand to my hand?
  • I have been Longing for our Togetherness.
  • Your skin is as smooth as my favorite pebble.
  • Your presence helps postpone unwanted sensations.
  • Seeing you is akin to catching a new fish.

Fin de Conversation

Niveau 1-2
  • I shall inform my pebbles of this conversation.
  • Return when you need validation of the emotional kind.
  • Return when you are feeling Aloneness.
  • I hope you have received what you require.
  • Am I required to miss you until your return?
  • Please continue living until our next conversation.
  • That was enjoyable. Thank you.
  • Our friendship is woven deep into my runeworkings.
  • I am anticipating your next delivery of high-calorie goods.
  • We may now meditate in silence, together.
Niveau 3-4
  • Until we can experience Togetherness again.
  • My emotions are transformed into a river of joy.
  • Your absence compounds my Aloneness.
  • Please return in a timely manner.
  • I shall experience a sensation akin to emotional turmoil.
  • I shall become saddened when you expire.
  • You are woven deep into my runeworkings.
  • Is this... Longing?
  • I feel suboptimal without you.
  • I shall likely still be here when you return.