The Oneness

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The Oneness is a Friendship Quest given by Einar upon reaching Friendship Level 2: Odd Acquaintance.


To better understand Einar, learn more about the "Oneness."


Part 1

  • Catch 5 Fish.
  • Ask around about the Oneness.
  • See the docks in the evening.
↷ Return to Einar


At Quest Completion


  1. Einar is curious if you have a similar Oneness to him.
  2. Try to discover your Oneness!
    • Go fishing! Catch some Fish.
    • See what the villagers have to say about Onenesses.
      • You can skip directly to the end of this by asking Jina, or you can see what everyone else has to say first.
    • Observe the docks at night.
  3. Return to Einar to discuss your Oneness.

Dialogue and Mail


Speak to Einar after reaching friendship level 2.

Information Needed. Missing Water and Air paths.
I have noticed you returning to the Lake many times.
May I ask if that is because you experience the Oneness while fishing as I do?

I like fishing, so probably!
A Oneness is more than just a “like.” How to explain...

I don't think so.

I'm more into the Twoness.

Everyone has a different Oneness.
I once knew a man whose Oneness was to simple to experience beauty. I told him to seek out the docks during sunset. He was there for hours...
Perhaps you should ask others how they experience theirs?
In my experience, Majiri are marginally better than Humans at identifying their Oneness.
Or perhaps... you should just try fishing again.
Just in case...


Upon asking various villagers

What do you know about the Oneness?

The “Oneness”...
I think that’s akin to one’s life purpose.
What we Majiri would call a Path.
But to be honest, I’m not really that clear on the details.
I never claim to be an authority on cultures that are not my own.

Sorry, but I have NO idea what that is... except that ole Einar is always going on about it. Maybe you should ask somebody who knows something about Galdurs. I heard Jina had a Galdur friend. Maybe you could ask her?

Sure do. It’s when you know one girl named Ness. I knew a Ness once. She went by Nessie. Just kidding! I don’t know what the Oneness is. And I’ve never met a Nessie.

I don’t know anything about it, and I don’t care to. There’s enough in the world to be worryin’ over without getting’ into any a’ that Galdur stuff.

The Oneness... oh dear... that is a grave topic. The Oneness refers to the end state of the world when all men, women, children, animals, and objects are compressed together and become One. Like I told you, a grave topic indeed.

I don’t know... Neither do I really care. Please go, so I can focus on IMPORTANT things.

Why in Palia are you asking ME?

Oh... uh... I think a Galdur told me about that once. He said it’s what you feel after a job well done. Or something like that.

Is that a new trend? It must not be that chic if I haven’t heard of it yet.

The Oneness? That sounds like what I feel when I look at... nevermind, forget I said anything.

Is this a math question? I’m not so good at those.

Sounds like it means... something that’s... whole? I’m sorry, but I really don’t know.

The Oneness? Huh... Sorry, but I don’t really know anything about it. That Galdur stuff always goes right over my head.

Oneness? That sounds like some of that Galdur jibberty jabber ...I never know what they’re going on about.

Is that some sort of new elixir? It sounds tantalizing.

Whatever that is, it sounds absolutely lyrical. Let me know when you find out!

Upon asking Hekla

Surely you must know what the Oneness is!
Of course I do, I feel it everytime [sic] I do something to help Jina grow into the wonderful young woman she’s becoming.

Upon asking Jina

What do you know about the Oneness?
I see you’ve been talking to Einar.
The Oneness is... how do I put this?
The feeling that you’re living the life you’re meant to live. That you’re fulfilling your purpose.
You see, unlike Humans and Majiri, Galdurs were built with a particular purpose... or use... in mind.
And fulfilling that use makes them happy.
Between you and me, I think that makes them pretty lucky.
Sometimes I wish I had a Oneness.

Isn’t archaeology your Oneness?
No, archaeology isn't my Oneness. It's my Path. There's a bit of a subtle difference between the two.
A Galdur is made knowing their Oneness. It's a fundamental part of who they are.
Majiri aren't born with their Path. It's a decision we make when we come of age.
And, sure, following a Path does give life a sense of purpose.
But the problem with deciding anything is's always possible to make the WRONG decision.
Sorry to bother you with my existential angst. I know you didn't ask about all that.

Yeah, me too.
I wouldn’t sell yourself short, Human.
You awoke in a sacred ruin fully formed.
If that doesn’t scream “divine purpose,” I don’t know what does...
Of course, the divine has never really ben my area of expertise.
So... I suppose your appearance could just be a product of random chaos.


Upon returning to Einar

Information Needed. Missing Fire and Water paths.
I did what you asked.
Did you experience the Oneness?

I found it talking to people.
We have a common Oneness. How joyous!
To celebrate our common Oneness, you should take these fish I have collected.
If you have trouble of thinking up names for them, might I suggest “Gil?”

I found it fishing.
To celebrate our common Oneness, you should take these fish I have collected.
If you have trouble of thinking up names for them, might I suggest “Gil?”

I didn't find it.
Oh, well...finding the Oneness cannot be rushed.
In my experience, it takes Human beings many years to find their Oneness...
...if they find it at all.
As a consolation, I would like to offer you these fish.
They may not be satisfying as a Oneness, but they are far more delicious.

I found it admiring your lookout.
We have a common Oneness! How joyous!
To celebrate our common Oneness, you should take these fish I have collected.
If you have trouble of thinking up names for them, might I suggest “Gil?”


Update History

Build 0.165:

  • Introduction.