Casual Dialogue with Einar.

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This page consists of written daily dialogue lines for Einar.


ChapaaChuckle.png This article or following section is likely to contain spoilers! Please proceed with caution.

I am meditating... in attempts to sense the direction of Flow...
Perhaps you would like to join me?

Okay, follow me.
Meditation is quite easy.
All you must do... is move to find stillness... create pain to relieve pain...

I have spent today pondering the nature of creation.
I was created by my Creator, of course.
Just like you were created by your Creator.
But my Creator was a man, while yours was... something else.
I do not know how to explain the nature of your Creator in words.
Her name can only be pronounced using the song of Flow.

I sometimes wonder what it is like to forget.
I remember everything.

Ancient Humans knew much of Flow, but they did not properly understand it.
They knew just enough to do much harm with it.

Sernuk tend to gather around the grassy plains.
You can often find organic life near its food source.

Tell me, do Humans find dirt aesthetically pleasing?
If not, there is no need to worry.
The dust on your clothes should fall off on its own eventually.

There are many unique uses for beings of Flow.
But I am not an expert in crafting concoctions.
You should perhaps ask Tamala if Flow working is of interest to you.

The Lake Lotuses may look like they are of Flow, but they are not.
Only objects that flow with magenta are of Flow.
Objects that flow of other colors are merely bioluminescent.

Flow is strongest in the Elderwoods.
That is why you will find many creatures of Flow there.

Flow is what fuels me.
Without Flow, I would cease to be.
Without Flow, you would continue.
But you would watch many things in the world around you expire.

Old runeworkings have awakened in the village.
I sense this is just the beginning of such occurrences.

I have been dedicating Flow resources to the groves in my runeworking dedicated to my very first Gil.
I can see the way sunlight refracted from his scales as if it was yesterday.

The Majiri known as "Elouisa" came to see me today.
She seems to believe your kind has been hiding underground for 10,000 annual cycles.
I did not correct her. There didn't seem to be much point.
She seems to find much enjoyment... perhaps even Oneness... in her amusing falsehoods.

Many Palians find Phoenix Falls aesthetically pleasing this time of day.
They say the waterfall looks like fire.
I think it looks like water lit to reflect the portion of the light spectrum you view as "orange".

Missing Earth dialogue.
The divots and cracks in my head are not merely patterns, nor are they due to age.
They are my runeworkings.
Surely, as a Human you must understand the crafting of runes.

Actually, no.

I'm an expert!
This pleases me! If I am in need of future repairs, I will be sure to ask you.

Sometimes I like to go watch the familial unit known as Daiya eat dinner at night.
It is fascinating to witness the process of nutrient ingestion. As well as familial bonding.
It reminds me of evenings with my Creator. I would watch him as he ingested nutrients and used me as an emotional stand in for familial bonding.
...Those were the days.

I have been told I am unique in Galdurs for achieving Oneness through many things.
In some ways, I am fortunate.
But in other ways I am unfortunate.
For while I am fulfilling one Oneness, I am also feeling great longing for the others.

What is sleep like?
Most Humans seemed to enjoy it.
Though I once met a man who did not.
He said he hated the mind pictures he saw during sleep.
Eventually he changed himself so that he never slept.

Your kind called my kind the Galdurs.
We have another name...
...but you wouldn't be able to pronounce it
Its syllables are only understandable in the language of Flow.

Einar asks The Player Questions

I do not understand what Majiri or Humans mean when they discuss the concept of "work."
I do what I do for pleasure and for fulfillment of my Oneness.
Is that not what all beings do?

Unfortunately, not all beings.
I feel badly for beings who must work.
I could not bear to spend so much time away from my Oneness

It's what I do.
Good, I am glad you are not burdened by "work."
Personally, I could not bear to spend so much time away from my Oneness.

Tell me, do you have any interest in learning of Galdurics?
The process by which new Galdurs are made.

Yes, I'd love to make a Galdur.
That is no good.
No good at all.
Power such as that should never be in the hands of someone who desires it.

No way, man!
Then I have no need to explain it to you.

(Player), I am so happy to see you!
Gil 511 is currently expressing gastrointestinal distress due to ingesting too many chocolates.
What should I do?


Excellent Advice! I shall seek out Chayne, as he is a skilled medical practitioner to see if he can help my Gil.
Return tomorrow and I shall update you on Gil's progress.

Follow up conversation

I talked to Tamala about Gil's insomnia.
After she stopped laughing at me for my concern over the sleeping habits of a fish, she told me how to make a potion of rest.
To create the potion, I must catch a fairy mantis. As they are quite elusive, I have recruited Auni for help.
I will keep you updated on our progress.

Follow up conversation

Auni tried to help me catch a fairy mantis yesterday. He located one and failed to catch it 12.5 times. Then I caught it in my first try!
I WAS going to use the Fairy Mantis to make the potion...
But it turned out that spending time with the mantis has made Gil feel better. They have now become inseparable.
And for some reason, he no longer complains of a tummy ache. I wonder what the source of his sudden recovery could possibly be.

Cause you stopped feeding him candy.
That is logical, but I prefer to think he feels better because he made a friend. Just like how you make me feel better.

Maybe he was just lovesick.
You think Gil could have romantic intentions for the mantis? That is interesting. I shall teach him how to give chocolates!

Follow up conversation

If you are curious I wanted to let you know that Gil and his mantis friend are getting along swimmingly.
I even saw her bring him a shiny pebble the other day.
She took it from my shelf and sat it by his tank. Seeing their friendship blossom has created a warm sensation in my chest.

After Hekla's Level 5 Friendship Quest: Quest Icon.png Funeral Potatoes

What did you think of the Expiration Remembrance we had for Hekla's potato?
I am experiencing feelings of longing for the past.

It was nice.

It was productive.
I suppose in a way it was. Now that Hekla has processed her feelings of loss, she will be able to be a more productive partner for "her" Jina.

It made me cry.

It made me hungry.
Ah, yes. I can see how those who ingest nutrients could find the smell of a burning potato appetizing.

After Einar's Level 5 Friendship Quest: Quest Icon.png The King's Voice

I know that you listened to Mudan's vocal files before you sent them to me. Can I ask you, what do you think of my Creator?

He seems like a complex person.
Information needed

I wish I could have met him.
Other Humans attributed many failings to him, and perhaps those failings were correct -- but I enjoyed spending time with him. I think you would have enjoyed it as well.

I think he made some mistakes.
Information needed

He sounded hot. Was he hot?
Information needed

Specific Time

At night

I do not prefer to think of the coming of night as an end like many in Palia.
But rather a beginning...
And also a middle...
And also, I suppose an end...
All time is one time.

Is it night? I hadn't noticed.
Our nights are rarely very dark thanks to our two moons.

It is good to see you, (Player). The glow of the moon reminds me of the first night I spent without my creator.
I am experiencing feelings of longing for the past.

You really miss him, don't you?
I do, but that is not what I was thinking about.

What can I do to make you feel better?

There's no point in looking back.

Curse you, foul moon!
It is not the moon's fault that I am experiencing longing. Besides, my feelings are not bad.

The night my Creator left, I made a new friend. She was a fluffy-tailed treerunt. She brought me a nut.
I told her I cannot ingest nutrients, but I appreciated the gesture.
Later I turned the top of the acorn into a tiny fashionable head covering for Gil 3. It was quite humorous.


Specific Location

  • (TBA)

Friendship Level 3-5

Friendship Level 3

The letter in my cave belongs to an old friend I miss very dearly.
While my memories of him are still etched firmly in my runeworking, sometimes I still find it nice to enhance those memories by admiring old relics from our friendship.

Higher Friendship With Other Villagers

After/during Hekla's quest: Quest Icon.png Funeral Potatoes

Missing Earth, Fire dialogue.
Tell me, do you fear expiration?

It's only logical to fear death.

I don't fear anything!

Yes, it overwhelms me.
In that way you are much like my Creator. I hope he found peace when expiration eventually came.

I fear expired meat.
As you are meat, that must mean you fear your own expiration.

I must admit, I have been thinking of your expiration often. I fear it and the feeling of loneliness that will come after it.
Let us go fishing and distract ourselves from thoughts of your eventual expiration, much as my Creator and I did.
But I suppose that is all the more reason to enjoy our Friendness now.

Quest Related

After Einar's Level 2 Friendship Quest: Quest Icon.png The Oneness

Thank you for listening to me speak of the Oneness earlier.
I find it is a concept that should be shared with all.

Ah, I can tell you have been fishing.
I can sense it on you.
It is our common Oneness after all.

After Einar's Level 3 Friendship Quest: Quest Icon.png The Pebble

Do not fret over the fishing logs in my cave. Chilling as they may be.
They are not mine, rather they belonged to a man who has long since expired.
I chose to keep them around for mostly sentimental reasons.

I like to keep my pebble pile orderly as I go to visit my pebbles regularly.
At least once every two or three years.

During Einar's Level 5 Friendship Quest: Quest Icon.png The King's Voice

If you have trouble finding a vocal recording of my creator, perhaps you should try consulting the Gardener?
He should still be in his Garden, as he has no way of moving.

After Einar's Level 5 Friendship Quest: Quest Icon.png The King's Voice

I want to thank you for getting back the remembrance of my Creator's voice.
Now I can recall how bad he was at singing.
He created songs with his mouth all the time as we listened to the music box... but his melodies were not harmonious.

I have been trying to remember the "Mirror Protocol" mentioned in my Creator's voice files, but I cannot.
I thought at first this was something else I lost when the Gardener reconstructed me, but now I do not think so.
When I search my runeworkings for remembrances, I do not find the information... missing.
Instead I find my mind wandering to other things. As if the information is there, but my runeworkings will not let me focus on it.

After Einar's Level 5 Friendship Quest: Quest Icon.png The King's Voice (action dependent)

Could I ask why you shared my Creator's voice file with the Gardener?

It was an accident.
Information needed

So he could better understand you.
Information needed

To show I got security access.
Information needed

It was funny.
Information needed

After Main Quest: Quest Icon.png House, Sweet House

I have been told celebrations are in order.
Congratulations on the completion of your permanent residence.
Why this is a celebratory moment, I do not know…
But I am nothing if not supportive.

After Main Quest: Quest Icon.png The Acceptance Ceremony

Your acceptance ceremony has cemented itself as a permanent part of my runeworking.
I very much enjoyed watching you consume cake!

After Quest: Quest Icon.png Secret Depths

Being switched on and off again by the Gardener was an odd sensation.
It reminded me that at any time everything I am can just... cease to be.
Humans are lucky you don't have to deal with that.

After Hekla's Level 4 Friendship Quest: Quest Icon.png For the Record

Hekla has informed me of how you aided her emotional wellbeing after she learned the fate of the child Sona.
I thank you. Many organic beings do not consider the emotional wellbeing of Galdurs.
Our emotions may be different from yours, but they are not lesser.

Pin Reactions

Einar's Pin Einar's Pin [Self]

You are wearing my custom adornment.
I think I shall celebrate by going to the Inn and watching others consume nutrients.

Jina's Pin Jina's Pin Jina Profile.png Jina

Hekla has told me that Jina gave you a very special ornament.
I see you are displaying it on your body coverings.It [sic] looks very favorable on you.