Dialogue with Einar about Gifts

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This page consists of written gift dialogue lines for Einar.

After First Gift

  • Einar is a Galdur and does not have a Luna Sign. He will not give a wallpaper.


  • Einar is not interested in Starstones and will not accept them.


ChapaaChuckle.png This article or following section is likely to contain spoilers! Please proceed with caution.

Requesting Any Fish

Hmmm...I have been looking for a particularly wry (Fish) to act as a companion.
Let me know if you spot one!

Requesting Glow Worm Glow Worm, Worm Worm

Hmm...I could make use of worms if you have any to spare on your person.

Requesting Vampire Crab Vampire Crab

Hmmm...I have been looking for a particularly energetic Vampire Crab to act as a companion.
Let me know if you spot one!

Requesting Flow-Infused Plank Flow-Infused Plank

While I enjoy fishing by the lake, I miss the hum of Flow that radiates through the deep wood.
Alas! If only trees of flow were portal, all my problems would be solved!

Requesting Fisherman's Brew Fisherman's Brew

I enjoy very much when villagers make my special brew.
It's fascinating to see how each and every being who makes it add something just a little different.
In fact, I have a collection of brew variants in my cave if you'd like to take a look some time.


General Acceptance

This has a pleasing shape. Thank you!


General Rejection

...No thank you!

Duplicate Weekly Gift

Oh dear, I'm afraid my cave is already filled with such items [sic]
To avoid clutter, I'm afraid I must decline this thoughtful gesture.

Specific Rejection

Rejecting Stone Stone

While I do enjoy shiny pebbles, I have no particular feelings of affinity towards this rock.
It lacks the appropriate luster of a truly shiny pebble.

Specific Responses

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Given Any Fish

What a delightful little creature...
I think I shall name him Gil.

Given Glow Worm Glow Worm, Worm Worm

Many thanks for the fish nutrients.
I shall use this to lure in many beautiful Gils.

Given Flow-Infused Plank Flow-Infused Plank

A portal plank of flow-infused wood. I had not dared to hope I could acquire such a bounty!
Many thanks, I shall listen to it's songs as I fish upon the Lake.
This shall bring me much delight!

Given Fisherman's Brew Fisherman's Brew

I shall treasure this gift forever!
That is... until it expires.
After that, I shall likely forget all about it.

Heartdrop Lily does not start a romance with Einar, he accepts it as a regular gift.

Given Heartdrop Lily Heartdrop Lily

This flower is not of Flow... but I do appreciate its vibrant colors.

Shiny Pebbles

Missing dialogues for Orange Shiny Pebble and Smooth Shiny Pebble.

Given Yellow Shiny Pebble Yellow Shiny Pebble

This pebble is the color of a Sundrop Lily.
That flower was the favorite plant reproductive organ of Ashura's wife.

Given Green Shiny Pebble Green Shiny Pebble

I believe this pebble can produce energy using the light of the sun.
I do wonder what a pebble uses energy for.

Given Purple Shiny Pebble Purple Shiny Pebble

I believe there to be a coral organism in this shiny pebble. I hope the pebble and the coral are happy together!

Given Red Shiny Pebble Red Shiny Pebble

This pebble is the color of a very spicy pepper...or Human blood. Fascinating!

Given Lumpy Shiny Pebble Lumpy Shiny Pebble

The lack of symmetry of this pebble is quite amusing.
I believe it would not roll very well, even on the smoothest surface.

Given Small Shiny Pebble Small Shiny Pebble

This pebble is quite petite. I believe it to resemble an immature offspring of a larger pebble.
What an amusing thought!

Given Large Shiny Pebble Large Shiny Pebble

This pebble is so large it barely qualifies as a pebble at all. But never fear, I shall cherish it just the same.

Given Blue Shiny Pebble Blue Shiny Pebble

The color of this pebble is very calming. I find myself slipping into a meditative state just staring at it.

Given Orange Shiny Pebble Orange Shiny Pebble


Given Smooth Shiny Pebble Smooth Shiny Pebble
