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Communities are a mechanic in Palia.

Being a part of a community has multiple benefits, like consistent group communication with the same people on a daily basis, additional support in times of need, and an increased sense of belonging.

The Player can be a part of only one community, so choosing the right group and/or creating a community with the right information is key.

Features of a Community

Community Member List

Friends Menu with the Community List open. There is a special Community section on the friend menu, showing which community members are actively online. You do not need to be friends with the community members to see them appear in this section of the friends list.

Community Chat

Community Chat.png There is a Community text channel where you can exclusively communicate with all Community members, regardless of which server they are on.

Community Requests

Community Requests.png There is a specific dropdown on the Requests tab that shows all open requests from members of your community.

Note: If you are friends with a community member, their requests will ONLY show up in the "From Friends" section, NOT the "From Community" section.

Joining a Community

To join a Community, an Officer from said community will have to send you a Community Invite. Your Community Invites are visible via the Social Panel.

Community Invite.png

Creating a Community

To create a Community, you must not already be a member of an existing community. To create your own Community, navigate to the Community tab in the Player Menu. Here, you will be able to add a Name, Motto, and Description.

Create A Community.png

User Interface

Community Member Menu

The numbers match the labeled items on the image to the right.

Community Member User Interface.png

1 - Leave Community

Clicking this button means that you will leave your community.

2 - Community Name

The name of the community.

3 - Community Description

The community description.

4 - Community Motto

The community motto.

5 - Members

The Members tab. Here you can view all Officers and all Members.

6 - Invites

The Invites tab. Here you can view all outgoing community invites. Only Officers can send community invite requests.

7 - Officers

The Officers dropdown shows all community members who either an owner or an admin, denoted by two symbols:
  • Crown: Owner
  • Star: Admin / Officer
The Add Friend.png Add Friend button will send the player a friend request.

8 - Members

The Members dropdown shows all community members who are not owners or admins.
The Add Friend.png Add Friend button will send the player a friend request.

Community Owner Menu

The numbers match the labeled items on the image to the right.

Community User Interface.png

1 - Leave Community

Clicking this button means that you will leave your community. If you are the only Officer in the community, the community will be permanently deleted.
Leave Community.png

2 - Community Name

The name of the community.

3 - Community Description

The community description.

4 - Community Motto

The community motto.

5 - Members

The Members tab. Here you can view all Officers and all Members.

6 - Invites

Rescind Invite.png
The Invites tab. Here you can view all outgoing community invites. Additionally, Officers can manage and rescind invites as well as invite players to the community.
Only players who have not accepted a community invite will be able to have their invites removed by clicking the Rescind button.
Invite To Community.png
Clicking the Manage Invites button will allow Community owners to search for players and invite them to the community.
Note: You will not be able to invite players who are already part of another community.

7 - Officers

The Officers dropdown shows all community members who are either an owner or an admin, denoted by two symbols:
  • Crown: Owner
  • Star: Admin / Officer
The Demote Player From Officer.png Demote Player from Officer button next to Officers other than the community owner will allow for Officers to have their admin status revoked and moved to the Members section of the community.
The Kick Player From Community.png Kick Player from the Community button will remove the officer from the community. They will be able to be sent a new community invite later if desired.
Clicking the Triple Dots.png triple dots next to an Officer will allow you to then Transfer Ownership of the community to them, removing you as the owner and making you an Officer instead.

8 - Members

The Members dropdown shows all community members who are not owners or admins.
The Promote Player To Officer.png Promote Player to Officer button will move an existing member from the Members section of the community to the Officers section, granting them admin privileges.
The Kick Player From Community.png Kick Player from the Community button will remove the player from the community. They will be able to be sent a new community invite later if desired.
The Add Friend.png Add Friend button will send the player a friend request.


  • At the moment, the current number of community members that can be in a community is capped at 25. This is likely to match the server limit with the same number.

Update History