Flow-Infused Wood

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Flow-Infused Wood is a Common crafting material in Palia.


Flow-infused, sapwood lumber cut right from a tree.

–In-Game Item Description

How to Obtain


Flow-Infused Wood can be obtained when chopping down Flow-infused Trees, which have a chance of spawning throughout Kilima Valley and Bahari Bay. Flow-infused trees also appear in Flow Tree Groves, which spawn once per Palian day in Bahari Bay at 12:00 AM.

Another way to obtain Flow-Infused Wood is by planting a Flow Tree Seed on the Player's Housing Plot and watering it until the tree has the desired size for chopping.


Flow-infused trees grant varying amounts of Flow-Infused Wood, as well as a varying amount of Sapwood Sapwood or Heartwood Heartwood, depending on the type of tree.

How to obtain a Flow-tree seed: Seeds are a chance reward from the Ancient Galdur Statue, a reward for completing all Vault of the Roots bundles.


Flow-Infused Wood can be rewarded as a chance prize in the following ways:


Current weekly wants of Flow-Infused Wood for January 20, 2025 - January 26, 2025
  • Nobody

Villagers who like Flow-Infused Wood:

  • No villagers like to receive this as a general gift.


Flow-Infused Wood is used in the following Quests:




Flow-Infused Wood is not used in any Bundles.


  • The Flow-infused tree will appear to be a normal tree for the area, but with a magical purple glow swirling up the base. The Axe tool is needed to chop it.
    • These trees have the same requirements to chop as any other type of tree (e.g. a Fine Axe is required to chop large trees). However, the Flow-infused trees will rapidly regenerate health when hit. This means that it is not typically possible to chop down a flow-infused tree alone; such a task will often require at least two Players. But you are able to chop small and medium ones alone with an Exquisite Axe.
  • Players can help spawn flow-infused trees by chopping all other trees in a given area.

Experience from gathering Flow-Infused Wood counts towards the following Accomplishments:

Similar Items


Update History

Build 0.180:

  • All Flow-Infused Wood drops have been increased.
    • Generally speaking, the amount of Flow-Infused Wood obtained will scale better based on the size of the tree.
  • Value changed: